"A successful and great program of the master class. Big praise to the developer(s)!!!"
reviewed by
Michael Dichte
February 11, 2025
"Hands down the best solution for cataloging CDs, USB Dives and Hard Drives. Plus the developers are very open to feature requests to improve their software."
reviewed by
Dan FitzGerald
February 10, 2025
"Fantastic porgram. Well designed and works every time. THank you"
reviewed by
Lester Anderson
February 10, 2025
"Excellent program.
I basically use it for having all my HDD, USB Drive and SD card contents cataloged so I don´t need to look for them nor insert them in my PC to know what I have inside them"
reviewed by
February 08, 2025
"The best program. Very convenient.
What I would like to see is a duplicate search since files are scattered across different disks and are not always saved in their proper place.
Thank you"
reviewed by
February 05, 2025
"WinCat is everything you could want in a disk catalog program.
reviewed by
James Hammer
January 30, 2025
"Very usefull in forensic work where you have plenty of documents on many hard drives and need to make links, relationships, connections and identify relevance."
reviewed by
January 29, 2025
"Very good"
("Nagyon jó")
reviewed by
Tamás István Ujvári
January 29, 2025
"Great program! If it was alittle faster that would be good."
reviewed by
Dale Wiley
January 15, 2025
"very good program, my favorite….God bless you"
("muy bueno el programa, mi favorito....Dios les bendiga")
reviewed by
January 15, 2025
reviewed by
January 11, 2025
reviewed by
January 08, 2025
"include a import filter to parse descript.ion files (and similar) and assign comments to individual files"
reviewed by
Shannon Hall
January 08, 2025
"A completely brilliant and indispensable program."
("Helt genialt og uundværligt program")
reviewed by
Karsten Beck Andersen
January 01, 2025
"A great program, I enjoy working with it."
("Ein tolles Programm, ich arbeite gern damit.")
reviewed by
Elmar Nolte
December 25, 2024
"Great program at all! If I could place some wishes, my first one would be to link entries from different databases together for searching, having multiple files with smaller size which are better to handle. The second one in combination with the first one would be to export disks to another file for managing the content. The third one: I just would like some more editing of all the fields which were collected (also the read only marked fields). The collecting function is working properly, but sometimes, I would like to have different values in the filelds. And the fourth and last would be to have an export (or report) wizard, where I can select the content based on the available fields of the database. As having said, these are only my personal wishes (well, they might even more improve the functionality). The program ist working great!!! Thank you!!"
reviewed by
December 23, 2024
"Hi Michael,
I wish you the best for christmas and new year ;)"
reviewed by
December 23, 2024
"Wonderful program!"
reviewed by
December 21, 2024
"WinCatalog is currently the best disk cataloging application."
reviewed by
December 20, 2024
"I really like the 'searchability' feature, but the resultant file is very large!"
reviewed by
Kern Newton
December 19, 2024
"The program is awesome.
("Das Programm ist super
reviewed by
Ronald Werner
December 19, 2024
"Gosh, I can't remember when I started using this Data Base Software, but I can truly say, "Thanks," for all the labor that has gone into making this the best Data Base I've ever had or used. My Database of work I've done for customers has reached 1010 Blu-Ray discs. And oh how glad I've been for them myriads of times that older customers asked if I still had their work and labor at writing and producing songs and videos.
Thanks a MILLION for this awesome and great software."
reviewed by
Steven Scheffler
December 18, 2024
"I had some key photos I took over four years ago and by using the filters, I actually found them on one of my archived DVDs without having to go through years of photos!
So glad I purchased WinCatalog – it’s helped me with my research into my freshwater work, and family history – both of which I have done for many years and as a consequences, documents have been stored on various media!"
reviewed by
Steve Pullan
December 12, 2024
"WINCATALOG is an extremely powerful and superb search program. When "fast and reliable" looking up files on your disks and drives is a concern, don't look further ... THIS IS THE SOLUTION, you will love it!
Many programs and apps on the web are good in promessing but not delivering, WINCATALOG absolutely does not belong in that category.
Worth every cent !
I installed WINCATALOG and could use it immediately. Once the index was created (it took 2 hours to index over 220,000 video files) the search & find for "anything" was immediate .... wonderful, isn't it.
Not only that, but the following happened: ... WINTALOG couldn't find the characters ♦ and ♣ in my file names, at first, which was a bummer. I contacted WINCATALOG to see if there was a solution possible (Michael) and got an answer within a day (mind the time difference). After a brief conversation with Michael, the topic was perfectly solved not even 1 day later. Fast + correct and with perfect instructions.
Amazing isn't it ?
Finally a company and product of the 21st century !
Wish I had purchased + installed + used this program years earlier.
Success and keep up the excellent work"
reviewed by
Eric K.
December 12, 2024
"Helps me keep track of our backups, and when I need to find a specific file, I can do that
without connecting the external hard drive."
("Hilft mir bei unseren Sicherungen den Überblick zu behalten, und wenn ich mal eine spezielle Datei suche kann ich das ohne die externe Festplatte anzuschließen.")
reviewed by
Bewegte Bilder Medien GmbH
November 28, 2024
"Perfect for my collection"
reviewed by
November 27, 2024
"Very helpful app that catalogs all files on a disk. Finds duplicate files across all cataloged disk volumes with the search feature. This can be used to reduce space usage once the duplicates are deleted. Once a disk volume is added to the catalog, no need to mount disk.The cataloged disk will not need to be mounted again unless additional files are added to it. Selecting a cataloged disk will show the files contained without needing to mount the disk again to see what it contains."
reviewed by
Roger Crase
November 24, 2024
"wonderful program"
reviewed by
November 24, 2024
"WinCatalog is a great program, but first - what is more important to me, the support is outstanding. I have had programs or apps that I would like to use, but have discarded because their support is terrible or non-existent. But support for WinCatalog, not often needed, is always immediate and thorough. Recently I knocked over a vertical external HDD, causing Windows to vomit and say USB device failed.
WinCatalog had been creating a catalog of that disk for 12 hours and was almost done. Well, it turns out WinCatalog is designed to never lose more than 3 minutes of scanning work.
When Windows lost the HDD, WinCatalog could not close up and had to be closed with task manager, but sure enough, following instructions (after verifying the HDD was OK with chkdsk), WinCatalog was able to pick up from where the failure occurred - integrating the rest of the disk catalog into the over 10 GB of catalog it had already created.
The reason the program is so valuable is that with multiple computers and laptops, and multiple external HDD’s and SDD’s I can have a catalog of all of them on my main computer. The catalog has thumbnails of all photos and videos, shows me the contents of zip files, and gives me lots of information on pdf files, Office documents, and even E-books.
Highly recommended."
reviewed by
Mark Gredler
November 21, 2024
"I have only had it for 24 hours but it is great and easy to use. I no longer have to plug in over 20 drives to find a file."
reviewed by
Richard Greene
November 18, 2024
"An excellent application, I’ve been using it for a few years and I’m delighted with how it works."
("Una excelente aplicación llevo unos años con ella y estoy encantado con su funcionamiento.")
reviewed by
November 15, 2024
"Great program, could use a few usability tweaks to make it easier to do things like update your catalogs but this isn't major. Will definitely buy when my trial ends"
reviewed by
November 14, 2024
"For me, the best tool to manage your files. Thanks to the developers!"
("Für mich das beste Toll, um seine Dateien zu verwalten. Danke an die Programierer!")
reviewed by
November 14, 2024
"I had some key photos I took over four years ago and by using the filters, I actually found them on one of my archived DVDs without having to go through years of photos!
So glad I purchased WinCatalog – it’s helped me with my research into my freshwater work, and family history – both of which I have done for many years and as a consequences, documents have been stored on various media!"
reviewed by
Steve Pullan
November 07, 2024
A great replacement for the ‘old’ program WhereIsIt, which has become inadequate and outdated."
("Génial !
Remplace avantageusement le "vieux" programme WhereIsIt devenu insuffisant et obsolète.")
reviewed by
Georges COUPE
November 05, 2024
"Great tool, I can have all my data organized and find them with a simple search."
reviewed by
November 03, 2024
reviewed by
November 01, 2024
"Have 'digitised' 30-40yrs or more of audio tapes/Cd's and entire DVD collection. DVD's now in slim plastic folders, and labels in an A4 folders.
All too crunch space for storage and moving house atretirement.
ALL of these are stored now on individual USB Drives [1-2tb each, with duplicates]
All have individual 'Libraries', which are duplicated
in each Drive.
An absolute life saver for a retired 70 plus-er !
Did use early on another 'library' programme, but importing these [data DVD's and Video DVD's] into your prog. not an option.
So just got on with it. Now have an organsed personal Library, expanding to my Book Collection at the moment. Thanks again."
reviewed by
Leon Tarnowski
November 01, 2024
"Fantastic program! In the old days, I used WhereIsIt, and while looking for something similar, I came across this program. After just a few minutes of using it, I can say that it’s a MUST HAVE! :)"
("Fantastyczy program! W dawnych czasach żywałem WhereIsIt i szukając czegoś podobnego natknąłem się na ten program. Po paru minutach użytkowania stwierdzam, że to jest MUST HAVE! :)")
reviewed by
October 29, 2024
reviewed by
October 29, 2024
reviewed by
October 23, 2024
"love the updates, can't wait till you release the update with a set number of image files per folder.i know your busy, just a friendly reminder."
reviewed by
John Libby
October 23, 2024
"The best cataloging software there is, and I’ve tried maaaany."
("Die beste Katalogisierungssoftware die es gibt, und ich habe viiiiele ausprobiert.")
reviewed by
Thomas Voß
October 20, 2024
"Awesome! Can’t live without it! Keep it up!"
("Geweldig! Kan niet meer zonder!
Zo doorgaan!")
reviewed by
Ludo Petri
October 16, 2024
"Brilliant, it lacks nothing, a great project ;)"
("Genail, no le falta de nada, un gran proyecto ;)")
reviewed by
October 14, 2024
"WinCatalog is a great help with archives management.
MD5 is calculated for each file and store in WinCatalog database.
Duplicates which are found in the system are calculated for MD5 and if there is a matching MD5 and file size, the duplicate files can be removed.
A mismatch may indicate bitrot and signal further actions.
Currently MD5 is not using much CPU resources. Even my U3 NVMe SSD that normally reads at 3,000MB/sec is only reading at max 200MB/sec when MD5 calculations are turned on. It will be great if MD5 calculations can take advantage of 16-core 5955WX and U.3 NVMe SSDs' full bandwidth.
Is there anything limiting the MD5 calculation speed so far?"
reviewed by
October 03, 2024
"This is a great app. Love it, Love it, Love it!!"
reviewed by
Richard Nay
September 30, 2024
"I’m just getting started, but I find it very intuitive."
("Estoy iniciandome, pero la encuentro muy intuitiva")
reviewed by
September 27, 2024
"The option to see the thumbnails without the file description for the files (not directories etc.) would be nice.
Thank you very much for a really fine working database!"
reviewed by
Ton Verhesen
September 12, 2024
"Hello Michael!!! Hope all is well my friend!! Been a crazy and busy time here. I'll expalin more later. Just wanted to say AGAIN how much I LOVE WinCatalog and how important it is to my everyday workflow.
As you knkow, I am a multimedia producer and I have to deal with a massive amount of data that is housed in almost 50 external HDD/SSD drives and the volume is ever growing.
If not for this program I WOULD BE LOST IN THE WEEDS to have access and knowledge of all my assets for my production projects.
It has been an ongoing pleasure to have dialog and such personal attention from you over the years. And every iteration of WinCatalog is amazing. In both my professional and non-professional circles I constantly extoll the virtues of this program. I am DEFINITELY a WinCatalog Ambassador, and i appreciate your dedication to constantly bring forth an ever evolving and essential utility that, to me, has no equal!!
reviewed by
Lamont Battle
September 10, 2024
"I don't know how long this feature has been on WinCatalog, but the cttl F is the best, I hate using the mouse so much I try to figure out what hot keys I can use while at work, and now I can do it on my WinCatalog, thank you!!!"
reviewed by
Marcelino Velez
September 09, 2024
"Exceptionally useful program for finding files."
("Bijzonder nuttig programma voor het terugvinden van bestanden")
reviewed by
h kals
September 09, 2024
"God Program"
reviewed by
September 07, 2024
"Great Program, very useful"
reviewed by
Tom Przybylski
September 05, 2024
reviewed by
Alberto Kowalski
August 30, 2024
"Excellent software for cataloging your disks. So good would love to see more capability to automation other items to catalog here. Anything from web links t hobby items or any cellections you have like knives, coins etc."
reviewed by
Tony R
August 25, 2024
"A pleasure to find stored data on spare hdd's."
reviewed by
R.J. van Heren
August 21, 2024
"software I was waiting for to replace my old one, which was no longer working"
("logiciel que j'attendais pour emplacer mon ancien qui ne fonctionnait plus")
reviewed by
August 21, 2024
"Excellent program for quickly cataloging your files"
reviewed by
Mel Sillmon
August 20, 2024
"So far so good."
reviewed by
David Cox
August 19, 2024
"Probably the biggest and most useful addition for us would be the ability to schedule and queue scans and updates.
Reply from the WinCatalog.com Team: Basic catalog tasks like scans and updates may be automated using the Command-Line interface and Task Scheduler."
reviewed by
General Atomics
August 15, 2024
"I've tried many catalogue programs for managing my digital media and hands down WinCatalog is the best. It does everything I want and more. It's easy to use and the more complex tasks are very well explained in the user manual. My favourite feature is the thumbnail images it creates for photos and videos. It's also great value for money."
reviewed by
Catherine McKenzie
August 12, 2024
reviewed by
Javi Boix
August 08, 2024
"A1 for a very long time :)
reviewed by
Luke Cunningham
August 01, 2024
"The truth is it has helped me a lot, it works very well, and I haven't had any issues."
("La verdad me ha ayudado mucho, funciona muy bien y no he tenido fallas")
reviewed by
July 19, 2024
reviewed by
July 18, 2024
"I am vvery happy with the ease of which this works."
reviewed by
Walt Anderson
July 09, 2024
"As a media producer of 36 years, this is a great way to track and locate my files and projects. The only thing that could be better is some sort of tagging or labelling system."
reviewed by
Robert Petersen
July 01, 2024
"I have had this software for what seems like forever, but it's truly a lifesaver when it comes to keep track of my files, thank you and keep up the good work as always, :)"
reviewed by
Marcelino Velez
June 30, 2024
"I think it is an excellent program, since I can organize my disks in an extraordinary way, and I can locate them easily."
("Me parece un excelente programa, ya que puedo organizar mis discos de una manera extraordinaria, y asi puedo ubicarlos facilmente.")
reviewed by
June 11, 2024
"I have used WinCatalog for a few years now, and love the program. It is full-featured and thorough for a database-like program, but at the same time it is simple to use."
reviewed by
Marc Fraser
June 08, 2024
"WC2024 is easy to use & VERY easy to maintain - love it!"
reviewed by
June 08, 2024
"Absolutely fabulus being able to see the content of numerous drives, DVDs and CDs accumulated over a number of years, all in one place, all searchable; a sort of bliss :-)"
reviewed by
Paul Dearden
June 06, 2024
"Absolutely invaluable!"
reviewed by
June 06, 2024
"Personal disk management
SUPER program!"
("Gestion perso de mes disques
programme SUPER !")
reviewed by
robert schoofs
June 02, 2024
"I love it, the more I use it the better it gets"
reviewed by
Ray Madej
May 24, 2024
"It does a pretty good job i really like it"
reviewed by
Serge B.
May 23, 2024
"Nice job..."
reviewed by
May 23, 2024
"I must tell you I am both surpised and impressed on your programming work. I was used to a catalog software that only collected the file name, date, type and size. Yours is absolutely amazing.I look forward to looking more into it and how I can use it best.
Thank You very much"
reviewed by
Les Anderson
May 22, 2024
"does the job ok"
reviewed by
Al Fink
May 22, 2024
"WinCatalog is in my opinion the best file cataloguer available. The interface is pleasant to use, the program is intuitive, the manual is excellent. It also offers multiple scanning and storage possibilities. My congratulations to the developers! One small remark: It would be nice to have a Mac version. I use it with Parallels and it works very well, but it would be nice to have a native Mac version."
reviewed by
Olaia Fontal
May 16, 2024
"Great program for keeping track of all my disks."
reviewed by
Ted Wade
May 13, 2024
"I love this program I have many portable drives and this helps me keep them organized. Support was very helpful also when I needed to switch versions."
reviewed by
Brenda Srour
May 12, 2024
reviewed by
May 10, 2024
reviewed by
May 01, 2024
"I was looking for a software to replace Where is it! I just found yours...great! I'm testing it for a few days and I'll probably buy it soon..."
("Je cherchais un logiciel en remplacement de Where is it! Je viens de trouver le votre...super! Je teste pendant quelques jours et je vais surement l'acheter d'ici peu...")
reviewed by
April 22, 2024
"Looking for faster creation of disk contents. Maybe it is available already?
Is it at all possible to not show the file pictures during the catalog creation for each disk being added?
However, it is great to know where a disk file is located, rather than hunting a pecking amoung all my disk. Also helps in locating disk duplicates, these are the major 2 reasons I chose the program."
reviewed by
Roger Craase
April 09, 2024
"Great helpful application... I've been a WhereIsIt user for many years... it's the same but with a more modern, intuitive, and pleasant interface, but of course, it's paid. They could add a shortcut to duplicates and the possibility to move files, saving their new location directly without having to update every new change. Thank you."
("Aplicacion de Gran Ayuda...usuario de WhereIsIt hace muchos años....es lo mismo pero con una InterFaz mas actual, mas intuitiva y mas agradable pero de pago, claro, podrian añadir un acceso directo a duplicados y la posibilidad de mover ficheros guardando su nueva ubicación directamente sin tener que actualizar cada nuevo cambio. Gracias.")
reviewed by
March 27, 2024
"I have been using this program since there was a freeware version and it has become faster and better since I started using a paid version. Cannot live without it. Keep up the good work."
reviewed by
David Hodges
March 18, 2024
"It's the best of all, I've been using it since it came out. I would like the text to have bold options. Thank you."
("Es el mejor de todos llevo con el desde que salio Me gustaria que el texto tuviera negritas en opciones gracias")
reviewed by
Rafael Olalla
March 18, 2024
"Personal use with many disks."
("Utilisation perso avec beaucoup de disk")
reviewed by
robert schoofs
March 17, 2024
"Exceptional application."
("Applicazzione eccezzionale")
reviewed by
March 15, 2024
"Needing to curate and archive several thousand digital music files, I needed a fast and simple catalogue system: WinCatalog fits the bill perfectly."
reviewed by
John Millar
March 14, 2024
"Fantastico !!!"
reviewed by
March 14, 2024
"This has consistently been one of the best tools I've ever bought - simple and intuitive interface but really powerful and has never ever had the slightest glitch. If you manage any amount of media in archives for example, this has to be one of the best ways to manage it in a completely searchable way. Highly recommended."
reviewed by
David Kaplowitz
March 04, 2024
"Complete satisfaction, an invaluable program for lightning-fast searching across multiple storage locations."
("naprostá spokojenost, neocenitelný program pro bleskové prohledání více úložiš")
reviewed by
March 03, 2024
"Clear and user friendly interface
Flexible searching - clear - options
speedy update process
Relaiable and stable
And Above all realy FAST"
reviewed by
Arye Tishbee
March 03, 2024
"The best program I have to keep track of all possible files, very good."
("Det bästa program jag har för att hålla ordning på alla möjliga filer, mycket bra.")
reviewed by
March 01, 2024
"I want to thank you for a great product, every version has worked well for me personally and at work (its only on my station).
As we expand I will be back for more licenses!
Thank you!"
reviewed by
Jeff Williams
IT Infrastructure Manager
Lion Brand Yarn Company
March 01, 2024
"Quite fast in 'reading in'... Finally have the complete overview of my external media! Many functions!"
("Recht schnell im "Einlesen"... Habe endlich den kompletten Überblick über meine externen Medien! Viele Funktionen!")
reviewed by
February 25, 2024
"Works well for my needs!"
reviewed by
Ken Rajah
February 21, 2024
"Great program, I am very satisfied."
reviewed by
February 18, 2024
"A few years ago, I have started moving my data from my old CDs and DVDs to BD, and I needed a way to make sure I don't have too many copies of the same thing, scattered acorss multiple disks, and WinCatalog helps me keep track of what is where, so that I can consistently consolidate my data, while also discarding old disks that, in time, become unreadable."
reviewed by
Robin Molnar
February 17, 2024
"I would say it's an excellent application. I mainly need it to know where my already delivered works are, the folders therefore, and I do not need to know exactly the content of the same, as they are delivered works. And in this way the scan is very fast and in a few minutes (or less), I know where I have placed the works on all my HDDs. Excellent excellent excellent application."
("Direi che è una ottima applicazione. A me serve, principalmente per sapere dove sono mesi i lavori già consegnati, le cartelle quindi e non necessito di sapere esattamente il conteneuto delle stesse, in quanto sono lavori consegnati. Ed in questo modo la scansione è velocissima e in pochi minuti(o meno), so dove ho collacoti i lavori in tutti i miei hdd. Ottima ottima ottima applicazione")
reviewed by
February 07, 2024
"WinCatalog is the only file cataloguing software I've found that offers such a comprehensive list of features along with ease of use. As a bonus the after sales service and support is exceptional."
reviewed by
John Millar
February 07, 2024
"The best catalog program for Movies, TV Show, OTR, Music, Photos etc.I never regreted buying this software, and if you need help, there support is right there."
reviewed by
Charles Holz
February 02, 2024
"This software is perfect for all users with large collections: music, videos, ebooks, and software. No more errors or long and hazardous searches, the software does it for you. It has many options and adapts to your requirements and it can even be portable on a key or an external disk. Moreover, its creator listens to his customers. I recommend this software without reservation and am always impatient to discover its new improvements."
("Ce logiciel est parfait pour tous les utilisateurs ayant de grosses collections: musique, vidéos, ebooks, et logiciels. Plus d'erreurs ou de recherches longues et hasardeuses, le logiciel le fait pour vous. Il possède de très nombreuses options et s'adapte à vos exigences et il peut même être portable sur une clé ou un disque externe. De plus, son créateur est à l'écoute de ses clients. Je recommande sans réserve ce logiciel et suis toujours impatient de découvrir ses nouvelles améliorations.")
reviewed by
Jacques B. France
February 01, 2024
"WinCatalog is the best cataloging program for Windows, Period."
reviewed by
Computer Works
January 29, 2024
"It is an excellent program and it is something I looked for a very long time since the first time I purchased it from you. I tell whoever has the need about the program.
reviewed by
Peter Harry Fuhrman
January 25, 2024
"Very Good!"
reviewed by
Kirchmayer Ferenc
January 23, 2024
"Excellent program. It can handle several large (18 TB) external disks. The ability to manage RAM where it is abundant (I have 128 GB of RAM) should be improved. Kudos to those who work on this fine program.
A remark from WinCatalog.com: The current version of WinCatalog tries to utilize as low RAM as possible, Vito suggested to use RAM more extessively."
("Ottimo programma. Riesce a gestire numerosi dischi esterni di grandi dimensioni (18 TB). Andrebbe migliorata la possibilità di gestire la RAM dove questa sia abbondante (ho 128 GB di RAM). Complimenti a coloro che lavorano su questo bel programma")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
January 23, 2024
"Wonderful programme! I use it all the time! I recommend it to everyone!"
reviewed by
January 23, 2024
"The Program is great for invertoring drives.
I can't wait till the 2025 version comes out to handle MP3 tags a lot better"
reviewed by
Al Broussard
January 23, 2024
"I use WinCatalog all the time. It is a great and wonderful program.
I tell others about WinCatalog and what a great program it is and how it makes my life much easier.
Thank you for creating WinCatalog. I really appreciate all of the time you put into making it a great cataloging program. It is the best cataloging program available.
I wish you great success."
reviewed by
Henry Ehle from Computer Works
January 22, 2024
"I have created catalogues for movies, books, pm3 & software with ease using Wincatalog & love that I can export to Excel so easily. Thanks for a simple but efficient product"
reviewed by
January 16, 2024
"Easy to use. Great for searching."
reviewed by
Brian DuBridge
January 15, 2024
"WinCatalog is a great tool for searching my extensive collection of over 40TB of data across various hard drives."
reviewed by
Jacob F.
January 11, 2024
"Simply the best."
reviewed by
January 06, 2024
"Excellent program with a fast and accurate search.
I am delighted with it, highly recommended."
("Excelente programa con una búsqueda rápida y precisa.
Estoy encantado con él, muy recomendable.")
reviewed by
Aladino García González
December 28, 2023
"I have finally found a program that meets almost all my requirements.
Only the fact that you can't simply add individual attributes such as hashes or EXIF to files that have already been captured is a bit annoying. If you want to capture the attributes, you also have to process unchanged files when updating, which takes considerably longer."
("Endlich habe ich ein Programm gefunden, was fast alle meine Ansprüche erfüllt.
Lediglich die Tatsache, dass man nachträglich nicht einfach für bereits erfasste Dateien zusätzlich einzelne Attribute wie hashes oder EXIF erfassen kann, stört etwas. Wenn man die Merkmale erfassen möchte, muss man beim Aktualisieren auch unveränderte Dateien verarbeiten lassen, was deutlich länger dauert.")
reviewed by
Marian L
December 20, 2023
"It's awesome! Fast. Indespesible."
reviewed by
Brian West
December 14, 2023
"The app works awesome, really appreciate your hard work on it - couldn't do without it!"
reviewed by
James Frank
December 02, 2023
"I hope you keep on with wincatalog, it’s a very good product. I’ve got all my data from usb keys and hard disk enregistred in wincatalog since severals years now"
reviewed by
December 01, 2023
"thump up"
reviewed by
November 30, 2023
reviewed by
DJ. DEE (Mini)
November 29, 2023
"I'm a new user and I like it very much."
("Sou um novo usuário de gostei muito.")
reviewed by
November 27, 2023
"Very helpfull program for indexing all removable media."
reviewed by
R.J. van Heeren
November 27, 2023
"Fine, satisfied"
("Prima , er tevreden")
reviewed by
David Katsman
November 27, 2023
"The best cataloger I know"
("Der beste Katalogisierer den ich kenne")
reviewed by
Ralf Kerkhoff
November 27, 2023
"I think this is going to be almost if not perfect, Iv'e only been trialing it for a couple of days and logged four hard drives so far; a few more to go and numerous DVDs. I'm so impressed Iv'e just bought a licence! :-)"
reviewed by
Paul Dearden
November 25, 2023
"Top !"
reviewed by
Laurent Delaforge
November 23, 2023
"I would not think you could make this program any better, but you guys and gals keep doing it!"
reviewed by
James McDowell
November 18, 2023
"I’ve currently got 387 disks in the catalog, and many of them have hundreds of photos on each one, so basically I’ve got thousands of photos listed. Since I worked many years as a professional photographer most of my photos now are on CDs, so your program is the ONLY way I can keep track of where things are now. It was certainly much different when everything was on film, and could be catalogued on paper – I had a box full of index cards listing all the photos by job names."
reviewed by
Ted Wade
November 17, 2023
"Incredibly usefull. I used to use CD Cataloguer back in the day and this is streets ahead. A joy to use, thank you!"
reviewed by
Kenneth Smith
November 17, 2023
"The best archiving tool ever!!!"
("Bestes Archivierungstool ever!!!")
reviewed by
November 07, 2023
"Brilliant software. Saves us hours! Keep up the good work."
reviewed by
AA Forensics Limited
November 07, 2023
"Excellent value for money."
reviewed by
Alan Prudhoe
November 06, 2023
"I have had several cataloging programs, and I stay with this one, this is the best, very configurable to your needs, even as a photo cataloger, very fast searches, I have uninstalled several programs to do these jobs, and I stay only with WinCatalog for everything, very good program, and very good technical support, professional and very competent, responds to everything you need, and in Spanish, if you need new options are added to WinCatalog, Thanks."
("He tenido varios programas catalogadores, y me quedo con este, este es el mejor, muy configurable a tus necesidades, incluso como catalogador de fotos, búsquedas muy rápidas, he desinstalo varios programas para hacer esos trabajos, y me quedo solo con WinCatalog para todo, muy buen programa, y muy bueno el soporte técnico, profesional y muy competente, responde a todo lo que necesites, y en español, si necesitas nuevas opciones se las añaden a WinCatalog, Gracias.")
reviewed by
Juan P. D.
November 05, 2023
"Fast open, thorough and accute search"
reviewed by
November 01, 2023
"This program is the best cataloging solution out there, I love it!!!"
reviewed by
Karen Newman
October 25, 2023
"WinCatalog is a very effective tool when you work with a very large number of documents. It performs very fast searches based on specific words in file names, as well as in comments. It is a real booster of productivity. Thank you so much, WinCatalog team, for developing this software!"
reviewed by
Mikhail Ioffe
October 25, 2023
"Outstanding software!"
("Software eccezzionale!")
reviewed by
Maurizio Barberio
October 23, 2023
"Fast, reliable, efficient, effective, accurate. Meets all expectations and more."
reviewed by
Normand Decelles
October 21, 2023
"I love that software, It is shame there is no version for Apple platform. I would love it more :)"
reviewed by
Ing. Jan Buriánek
October 19, 2023
"A wonderful app!"
reviewed by
George Durman
October 19, 2023
"Love your software. I can't wait to upgrade once I can afford it , :)"
reviewed by
Marcelino Velez
October 09, 2023
"The best file cataloging program available on the market. Particularly fast for data storage, even on 22 TB external hard drives. Extremely easy to use and very convenient for searching files, especially if you own multiple external hard drives."
("Il miglior programma di catalogazione dei file esistente sul mercato. Particolarmente celere per la memorizzazione dei dati anche su hard disk esterni di 22 TB.
Facilissimo da usare e comodissimo per la ricerca dei file, specie se si possiedono parecchi hard disk esterni.")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
October 06, 2023
"A very complete program that serves me well for collecting all types of files."
("Un programa muy completo que me sirve para coleccionar todo tipo de archivos.")
reviewed by
October 05, 2023
"A good program, useful and solid."
("Un buen porograma, util y solido.")
reviewed by
October 01, 2023
"Unbeatable in hard drive management."
("Unschlagbar bei der Festplattenverwaltung")
reviewed by
Michael Knull
September 27, 2023
"THis one does it all. I have big cataloging needs. I have over 100TB online and twice that again in individual drives that I need cataloged. Nothing I have run into can begin to handle this excpet WInCatalog. Not only does it do it with ease, but it has a great many addional features that I contunue to discover that are great. Good job people!"
reviewed by
Michael Donovan
September 26, 2023
"A better search."
("Eine bessere Suche")
reviewed by
Swen Hohlfeld
September 24, 2023
"Perfect catalog for movie which we have been waiting for 20 years.
reviewed by
Catalin Neagu
September 23, 2023
"Great product.
It's working stable and without crashes.
It creates a small database comparing with other products.
It's fast and easy to use. Scanning images is very helpful."
reviewed by
September 22, 2023
"Love my experience, I can't wait to upgrade next week, Love you guys, and I hope you add that Multi-file-Rename option....other than that, thank you for the cool software, Definitely worth my LAST DOLLAR, don't care, Love you folks. AND you respond back, which is just AWESOME SAUCE!!!!"
reviewed by
Marcelino Velez
September 21, 2023
"Could not imagine my work life without WinCatalog!"
reviewed by
Dan Dricoll
September 21, 2023
"It's a program that adapts to multiple scenarios, a single management system with multiple databases. I have solved most of my problems due to the ease and immediacy of operations through a very intuitive interface. I am extremely satisfied; if I could, I would give it 10 stars. Thank you."
("E' un programma che si adatta a molteplici scenari, un unico gestionale e tanti database. Ho risolto gran parte dei miei problemi per la facilità e l'immediatezza delle operazioni attraverso un'interfaccia molto intuitiva. Sono soddisfattissimo, se potessi dare 10 stelle. Grazie")
reviewed by
Michele Lo Prete
September 20, 2023
"It was always very dificult to get files when you can not remember well the file name or wher it was saved. Thanks to WinCatalog I do not have such problem anymore. This is my most used utility. Thank you very much !!!"
reviewed by
Roberto Jimenez
September 17, 2023
"The searh capabilities alone are worth every penny of your investment! It's not expensive, so it is definitely a fantastic deal that will leave you wondering how you managed without it! Very please and happy with WinCatalog 2024!"
reviewed by
Mike Kahler
September 15, 2023
"Super PRogramm"
reviewed by
September 14, 2023
"I'm glad I purchased this app, as I had many CDs, DVDs, thumbdrives etc with lots of information and backups of work files and family history documents! I was assiduous about backing up documents, but forgot to backup files from a crappy catalogue I used. So, locating documents was a real pain. Now, it is a breeze!
There seems to be some non-fatal issues with the catalogue display when adding new stuff, but it is only temporary."
reviewed by
Steve Pullan
September 01, 2023
"I love that it handles humonous collections."
reviewed by
Robin Molnar
August 31, 2023
"Very helpful program. I work with many different media. Which information should be searchable can be set finely and individually for each data carrier (media).
WinCatalog helps me to quickly find the desired files. The support is also great. I can only recommend it."
("Sehr hilfreiches Programm. Ich arbeite mit vielen verschiedenen Datenträgern. Welche Informationnen recherchierbar sein sollen, lässt sich fein und individuell für jeden Datenträger seperat einstellen.
WinCatalog hilf mir, schnell die gewünschten Dateien zu finden. Der Support ist ebenfalls prima. Kann ich nur empfehlen.")
reviewed by
Erwin Hüttl
August 29, 2023
"This software is really useful when you have networked drives so you can easily see what software is on drives that are offline. The search functions are so useful and quick as long as you update the cataologs sufficiently frequently which can be automated to help this requirement. The author has been most helpful and quick to respond with any qury I have had."
reviewed by
Ross Jury
August 29, 2023
"Good morning
When you do a search on Noel and you name the file Noël with the umlaut, it doesn't come up in the search results. Accents should be disregarded. THANKS
The reply from the WinCatalog team: the diacritic-insensitive (accent-insensitive) search was implemented in WinCatalog 2024.2. Now if you search for Noel, the search will find both Noel and Noël. This works for most of the languages and also understands ss as ß (and vice versa). You can find the details here: WinCatalog 2024.2 Release."
Lorsqu'on effectue une recherche sur Noel et qu'on a appeler le fichel Noël avec le tréma ça ne sort pas dans les résultats de la recherche. Il faudrait ne pas tenir compte des accents. Merci")
reviewed by
August 23, 2023
"Quite a great program. I have been looking for something like this for a long time. Great class, keep it up !!!"
("Ganz tolles Programm. So etwas habe ich schon lange gesucht. Grosse Klasse, macht weiter so !!!")
reviewed by
Klaus Drobnak
August 18, 2023
"Very fast and very useful. The search funtion allows me to find archived items much more quickly than swapping external drives or trawling though my disorganised backup NAS. A very useful tool."
reviewed by
Philip Spooner
August 16, 2023
"Brilliant piece of software-Helps me locate files on mu hard drives! A"
reviewed by
August 15, 2023
"Great program"
("Geweldig programma")
reviewed by
August 15, 2023
"Honestly the program
WInCATALOG is at the top of the software"
("Szczerze mówiąc program
WInCATALOG jest w czpówce softw")
reviewed by
August 14, 2023
"Simply top"
("Einfach Spitze")
reviewed by
August 05, 2023
"Just what you need to sort HDD. Simple but with very complete functions."
("Justo lo que necesitas para clasificar HDD. Simple pero con funciones muy completas.")
reviewed by
Jaime Gómez Lindo
August 04, 2023
"I needed help and received it with very detailed instructions."
("He necesitado ayuda y la estoy recibiendo muy atentamente")
reviewed by
July 26, 2023
"i used WhereIsIt, I like Wincatalog, very fast"
reviewed by
Luis Valera
July 20, 2023
"Fantastic program !
I love this software !"
reviewed by
Francesco Paolo La Gamba
July 18, 2023
"I have been looking for something like this for a long time. But this program surpassed all requests! I use it with pleasure."
reviewed by
July 17, 2023
"This Program is a life saver if you have lots of data!"
reviewed by
Rick Tucker
July 16, 2023
"Very practical, with everything at your fingertips.
What's more, the search is very fast, even in large databases ;)"
("Trés pratique , on a tout sous la main directement.
De plus la recherche et trés rapide , meme dans de grosses bases de disques ;)")
reviewed by
Muller Fabrice
July 15, 2023
"Best Catalog Program for my needs"
reviewed by
Karen Newman
June 26, 2023
"I'm very satisfied with your program, keep it up.
From me one ??"
("Bin mit euern Programm sehr zufrieden, weiter so.
Von mir ein ??")
reviewed by
Jens Hartig
June 24, 2023
"Life saver. Nuff said."
reviewed by
June 24, 2023
"Excellent software, a true life and time saver. Great support.
only change I would request is some more flexibility in defining which fields are included in printout.
Thankn you,
reviewed by
Mike Bajc
June 22, 2023
"Thanks guys. WinCat saves us considerable time logging disk contents. It is excellent!"
reviewed by
AA Forensics Limited
June 19, 2023
"this is the best program i love it"
reviewed by
Serge Bernard
June 16, 2023
"catalog more than 20 (dd and ssd)
I installed WinCatalog on 2 PCs (home and office)
thank you for this great program!"
("cataloguer plus de 20 (dd et ssd)
j'ai installe WinCatalog sur 2 PC (maison et bureau)
merci pour cet excellent programme !")
reviewed by
robert schoofs
June 15, 2023
"The best program for cataloging files. It manages to manage numerous external HARD DISKS up to 20 TB very quickly. The cataloging is complete. Very useful for those who have to manage numerous HARD DISKS or SSDs both internal and external.
I advise"
("Il miglior programma per la catalogazione dei file. Riesce a gestire numerosi HARD DISK esterni amche di 20 TB molto velocemente. La catalogazione è completa. Utilissimo per quanti hanno da gestire numerosi HARD DISK o SSD sia interni che esterni.
Lo consiglio")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
June 13, 2023
"I was looking for a replacement for the DiscLib program (last update 2005).
I haven't used all of the program's functions yet, but I'm very satisfied so far."
("Ich hatte einen Ersatz für das Programm DiscLib (letztes Update 2005) gesucht.
Habe bis jetzt noch nicht alle Funktionen des Programmes benutzt, bin aber bisher sehr zufrieden.")
reviewed by
Bodo Jänicke
June 12, 2023
"This is the Best Data Save I've found in all my years of working as a Audio/Video Engineer. I've a library of work that has filled over 1000 BluRay Backup Discs. Wow, it works and helps me find those work files from so long ago.
Thank you so much for building a great Software! I love this APP and you will too!"
reviewed by
Steven Scheffler
June 09, 2023
"I like the new additions for search and thumbnails."
reviewed by
John Robinson
June 09, 2023
"At last I have brought some order to my collection of HDD's and USB Drives!!! I can find files within seconds that would previously have taken literally hours of attaching and checking disks one at a time. An absolute gem of a find!!!"
reviewed by
Andrew R
June 05, 2023
"been using your wincatog for a very long time! always been so useful and well thought out!!"
reviewed by
Kerry Spencer
June 04, 2023
"WinCat is the best cataloguer ever."
reviewed by
David York
May 31, 2023
"The best program! Excellent!"
reviewed by
May 25, 2023
"The perfect file indexing tool. Fast and flexible.
Windows 11 is in Dark mode on my configuration, ditto for most of the apps.
Too bad WinCatalog doesn't offer a dark mode...
Thanks for the follow up...
("L'outil parfait d'indexation de fichiers. Rapide et souple.
Windows 11 est en mode Sombre sur ma configuration, idem pour la majeur partie des applis.
Dômmage que WinCatalog ne propose pas de mode sombre...
Merci pour la suite...
reviewed by
May 22, 2023
"You just have to study the program, but once you do it's OK."
("Bisogna solo studiare il programma, ma una volta fatto è tutto O.K.")
reviewed by
May 22, 2023
"So far so good!
Just on day 1 of the free trial version to test before purchasing.
Currently building the catalog of more than 30 disks !!
Can't wait to see how the duplicate files search can cope.
Will give full feedback in about a week."
reviewed by
Ronan O'Neill
May 14, 2023
"Great, I keep everything organized on my hard drives with this great program. It is also very fast when doing searches and other things.
Simply very good."
("Toppen bra, jag håller ording på allt på mina hårdiskar med detta toppenprogram. Det är också mycket snabbt när man gör sökningar och annat.
Mycket bra helt enkelt.")
reviewed by
May 12, 2023
"Excellent system. Well worth it."
reviewed by
Wallace Faucheux
May 11, 2023
"Great Indexing Software"
reviewed by
Karen Newman
May 07, 2023
"Excellent Tool. Easy to use. Sometimes a bit confusing when identifying drives."
reviewed by
Larry Smith
May 03, 2023
"I previously had the GBelectronics Discatalog software, which is structured in exactly the same way as your software. I have archived all my CDs in this GB software, 1200 pieces. Unfortunately the company no longer exists. It would be nice if these files could be imported into the new WinCatalog software. then I don't have to read in the whole CD's again.
It would be great if this could be done.
The WinCatalog program is a great program, thanks for that.
Kind regards. M. Bucking"
("Ich hatte zuvor die Software GBelectronics Discatalog, die genauso so aufgebaut ist wie Ihre Software. Ich habe in dieser GB-Sofrware meine ganzen CD`s Archiviert, 1200 Stck. Leider ist die Firma nicht mehr vorhanden. Es wäre doch schön, wenn man diese Dateien in die neue Software WinCatalog importieren könnte. dann muss ich nicht die ganzen CD`s aufs neue einlesen.
Es wäre ganz toll, wenn dies machbar wäre.
Das Programm WinCatalog ist ein super Programm, Danke dafür.
Mfg. M. Bücking")
reviewed by
Manfred Bücking
April 25, 2023
"Effective, practical and intuitive."
("Efficace, pratico e intuitivo.")
reviewed by
Cherchi Roberto
April 23, 2023
"Wincatalog provide a fantastic product that does all it says and more. When assistance is required, a detailed reply is provided. Execellent service delivery and a quality product. Highly recommended. RayWSM."
reviewed by
Ray Clark
April 22, 2023
"Elaborate program."
("Ausgetüfteltes Programm.")
reviewed by
April 18, 2023
"WinCatalog is an excellent piece of software that replaced Edge Rover from Western Digital. It's feature rich, easy to use and and it keeps an comprehensive index of my disk's contents with speed and accuracy.
The only thing that I feel it's missing is a program that starts up with the computer that automatically updates the database in real time. That was a feature of Edge Rover that I really, really liked: It utilitized a 'rover' program that constantly scanned the disks looking for new files and updating ones that had been changed. With that technology, the index was kept up to date without manual intervention. And while I've been using the WinCatalog command line in combination with Windows Task Scehduler to update the disks automatically, that only happens once per day; so, at any given time, any one of my disks could be at least 23 hours and 59 minutes out of date. Not a huge problem, but definitely a problem for someone like me who has a terrible memory and works with multiple hundred of files spanning multiple disks during long runs at the PC. I find myself relying on the index more often than not and being able to keep it up to date in real time instead of having to wait the 24 hours until the next run (or run an update manually) would be ideal.
With or without the rover, however, WinCatalog is a five star application; a bit pricey, but worth every cent."
reviewed by
Donnye Bouey
April 18, 2023
"Can't find that file, image or video? This is the program you need! It is excellent!"
reviewed by
Dale Wiley
April 06, 2023
"I like how fast the drive is scanned"
reviewed by
April 06, 2023
"I just processed upgrade. I don't use WinCatalog that often, but when I do, its a great tool.
I upgraded pretty much only because I appreciate a good product at a good price. When I had a support question a few years back, you were prompt with a detailed response. Those are the main reasons I'm upgrading, I want to help ensure the product stays around."
reviewed by
Thomas Dudek
March 20, 2023
"I just love it! Makes sorting out my files so easy and everthing is so organised."
reviewed by
Kevin Coutinho
March 17, 2023
"The new update is a SUCCESS!!!
Thank you for the support and looking at this for me. I had searched and tried countless other catalog software but was drawn to WinCatalog as appeared to have the functions I was used to.
Your support has been remarkable, and I will tell everyone about this."
reviewed by
Mike Tanner
March 08, 2023
"Not a question, just a thank you.
I now have 4.5TB videos, files, & documents cataloged.
Searching is almost instantaneous, and adding files is quick.
Fantastic program."
reviewed by
March 04, 2023
"Very helpful in managing a large number of external hard drives."
("Sehr hilfreich bei der Verwaltung einer Vielzahl von externen Festplatten.")
reviewed by
Karl Neusinger
March 02, 2023
"Very very good.
To improve, they could have the help and the manual of the program in Spanish"
("Muy, muy bueno.
Para mejorar, podrían tener la ayuda y el manual del programa en español")
reviewed by
February 15, 2023
"Great app. Very powerful. Must have if you have alot of files ."
reviewed by
William Estrada
February 15, 2023
"Fantastic software to have archived all your discs. Bravo."
("Fantástico software para tener archivados todos tus discos. Bravo.")
reviewed by
February 15, 2023
"Just what I needed. I had simular software that stopped working with Windows 11. This works fine with Windows 11. The layout and optins are freat."
reviewed by
Charles Dunne
February 11, 2023
"As an old user of WhereIsIt, this makes a mightly fine replacement. I have now cataloged not only loose external sata and usb drives, but also CDs, and even network shares. The update feature and duplicate finder are timesavers, as I am trying to consolidate allot of information across multiple locations."
reviewed by
February 03, 2023
"Finally a decent way to search for files, without looking at a slowly ascending bar for minutes (windows search)....!"
("Eindelijk een fatsoenlijke manier om te zoeken naar bestanden, zonder minuten lang naar een langzaam oplopende balk te kijken (windows zoeken) ....!")
reviewed by
Antoon Jansen
February 02, 2023
"I am always so glad that I bought this software a few years back--whenever I need to get together a list of certain files that are super important to me...and to copy that list to text, then export it to my other computer and compare with what I have stored there. (I like it for several other uses also, but that's the use I really REALLY needed today.) I suppose I should read the HOW TO's...but so far, it has been SUPER intuitive to use and that fits my rushing way of doing things just fine!! LOVE IT!"
reviewed by
brenda adams
February 01, 2023
"A practical overview of the files on the discs and/or CDs/DVDs is generated. After which searching by name or duplicate types is very easy."
("Er wordt een praktisch overzicht van de files op de schijven en/of CDs/DVDs gegenereerd. Waarna het zoeken op naam of dubbele types erg gemakkelijk is.")
reviewed by
G Snoek
January 30, 2023
"I've only just started my adventure, but I already like it."
("Dopiero zacząłem przygodę , ale już mi się podoba.")
reviewed by
January 24, 2023
"WinCatalog is the best indexing program I have ever used and I've tried several others. It's accurate and fast in locating whatever I search for. I used Copernic for several years and it's awkward and very slow compared with WinCatalog."
reviewed by
Larry Davis
January 23, 2023
"Fantastic product, it is what I have been needing for years.
Do not know how I survived without it :-)"
reviewed by
John Atkinson
January 23, 2023
"The best tool that makes forgetting to forget. No more searching where something was saved. Top!!!"
("Das Beste Tool, das das Vergessen vergessen lässt. Nie mehr suchen, wo etwas gespeichert wurde. Top!!!")
reviewed by
January 22, 2023
"Worstfile indexing and search prgram ever.
It doe not index.
It doe notsearch
It does not show resuts
You are better of ueing Windows explorer, it is faster and 300% more effective.
this conclusion is after attmepting for two full dys attmepting to grt it to work."
reviewed by
January 21, 2023
"Quickly find files"
("permet de retrouver rapidement des fichiers")
reviewed by
January 18, 2023
reviewed by
Alan Prudhoe
January 15, 2023
"One of the best. It works for me."
reviewed by
Michael Nutbrown
January 14, 2023
"This works as well as advertised!"
reviewed by
Gary Lisi
January 13, 2023
"Superb! Fast, comprehensive, easy to use. I don't know how I managed before I found it."
reviewed by
Robert Venning
January 13, 2023
reviewed by
January 13, 2023
"A very good and useful program."
reviewed by
Lucian Zarnescu
January 11, 2023
"Very easy program to learn and use."
reviewed by
Zoud Danko
January 08, 2023
"I've been using "WhereIsIt" for ever. Almost 20 years I'd guess. I wish I'd switched YEARS ago, WinCatalog is better (and faster!) in every way."
reviewed by
Steven Spink
January 02, 2023
"Please! Interface needs a Dark Mode! I have to wear sunglasses to use this. A Linux version would be nice."
("A reply from WinCatalog team: the dark mode will be added in the 2025.1 version, it is planned to be released by the end of the year 2023 or in the first months of 2024.")
reviewed by
Walter Karpynka
December 28, 2022
"One of the best programs for Windows. Must have."
("Eins der besten Programme für Windows. Must have.")
reviewed by
Mario Kindermann
December 25, 2022
reviewed by
pascal mantion
December 25, 2022
"I've been using WinCatalog for years to keep track of our audio/video studio's archived projects... perfect for our needs!"
reviewed by
Bruce Barker
December 23, 2022
"The Best Ever!!! I just don't know how you can improve the best cataloging software ever!"
reviewed by
Jay Cohen
December 22, 2022
"Wincatalog works GREAT for cataloging all of my old archived CD's. Fast scanning and viewing of any disk, search function makes it easy to find what I'm looking for. If you need a system to catalog disks of whatever type, this is the application for you. You can try before you buy, but after trying - I purchased due to the functionality!"
reviewed by
Donald Vally
December 19, 2022
"Best program there is, couldnt live without it it make looking for files much more easier"
reviewed by
Serge Bernard
December 16, 2022
"This is THE ONLY catalog to be using. What I don't understand is how it can keep getting better and better!"
reviewed by
Jay Cohen
December 15, 2022
"use occassionally - but very important when i do."
reviewed by
December 13, 2022
"Very good program ,to provide my data for editing at any time without time consuming search.
The program is indispensable for me...Many thanks"
("Sehr gutes Program ,um meine Daten jederzeit ohne zeitaufwendige Suche zum Bearbeiten bereitzustellen.
Das Programm ist für mich unverzichtbar...Vielen Dank")
reviewed by
December 03, 2022
"Lifetime upgrades because the program is super useful. Changed my life actually."
reviewed by
Michael D Greenberg
December 03, 2022
"Great App. Have used it for years."
reviewed by
George Durman
December 01, 2022
"Simply the best."
reviewed by
Manfred Hehlert
November 29, 2022
"flexibility... fast indexing and searching...
Impressive amount of data indexed by catalogs without compromising the flexibility of use"
("souplesse... rapidité d'indexation et de recherche...
Impressionnante quantité de données indexées par catalogues sans que celà ne nuise à la souplesse d'utilisation")
reviewed by
November 26, 2022
"Your program is invaluable for keeping track of all the backups I have kept on HDDs over the years. I wouldn't be without it and I've recommended it to all my friends."
reviewed by
John Kay
November 25, 2022
"Database is a bit heavy (Large), but I guess it is to do with the metadata and thumbnailing. It seems to be exactly what I have been looking for. I have over 400TB of drives that I am scanning now, so will see how it goes. I am optimistic!"
reviewed by
ALPHA Operations Inc
November 21, 2022
"WinCatalog is best catalog program that I have tried.
I have 3gb of classical music, 3gb of comics plus a large rock music collection. WinCatalog handles them all with ease. I can search using various criteria and then play the music from the program.
The price is quite reasonable and the program is updated often.
I like and recommend WinCatalog."
reviewed by
Steven Link
November 20, 2022
"This sotware is unbelievable lightening fast,
has a fully detailed results display.
its everything I wanted and some more infnformative useful features I did not think possile.
Saves me time and effort, as well.
reviewed by
Arye Tishbee
November 10, 2022
"Very happy with the product, no complains !
Few things that would add value:
1) Have a feature to scan a catalog item (such as disk) and show files which are consuming more space on disk (the allocated space) compared to the size of the file, this way one may review these files, if the file is not very important and consuming lot more space, one might like to delete such file.
2) Another feature to find duplicates in a catalog item (such as disk), duplicate finder would help user save on space, usually once a disk is catalog, it's kept separately. These duplicate would be consuming lot of space on that archive disk, esp, duplicate video files as videos are large in size. Sometime, people have duplicate videos in lower resolution etc."
reviewed by
Avinesh Kumar
November 03, 2022
"best software to track the contents of all my drivees, quick and easy to use"
reviewed by
John O Sullivan
October 30, 2022
"Love it!"
reviewed by
Bob Unruh
October 29, 2022
"It's amazingly fast at finding whatever I search for. By far the best indexing program I've ever used and I haven't explored many of its features yet."
reviewed by
Larry Davis
October 27, 2022
"The best I have known for many years!
It lacks a 'dark skin'."
("Do melhor que conheço há já muitos anos!
Falta-lhe um 'dark skin'.")
reviewed by
Rui Moritz
October 25, 2022
"I am grateful, not only for you producing an outstanding and useful product, but for being so responsive - getting back to me quickly, and improving your program even more, with a genuine interest in meeting your customers desires. I have many great programs and apps that have terrible customer support, and I believe support is often actually more important than the actual app. Thanks. "
reviewed by
Mark Gredler
October 02, 2022
"Love the app."
reviewed by
George Durman
September 28, 2022
"Excellente application"
reviewed by
Abdellaoui Mohamed Ali
September 21, 2022
"Greate app"
reviewed by
September 16, 2022
"The best solution to be informed about the inventory and content of storage media."
("Die beste Lösung, um über den Bestand und den Inhalt von Speichermedien informiert zu sein.")
reviewed by
September 14, 2022
"Easy to use, and can find a CD title that has been previously indexed very quickly. I have 2000 CDs in my collection, and I rely on WinCatalog to find what I need. I can also play the CD back from the user interface Execute command without having to search again from my multmedia app (VLC)."
reviewed by
Christopher Cantwell
September 11, 2022
"The best catalog- just WOW"
reviewed by
vladislavas petrulis
September 07, 2022
"I've been using WinCat for 6 years and it has helped me many many time tofind songs in my 4 TB drive of Music. Outstanding program"
reviewed by
James Arslanian
September 01, 2022
reviewed by
August 31, 2022
"I truly value WinCatalog. It is the most effective, functional and reliable file cataloging software I've used."
reviewed by
Kevin Lawrence
August 26, 2022
"I have over 50Tb of data. Movies, books programs, code, ETC.
Some is on PC Hard drives and most on NAS servers. Most important data is backed up to hundreds of DVDs.
This excelent program tells me where everything is and with great speed.
Special thanks to you guys as I would be lost without it. I would have to write one myself."
reviewed by
Neville Howard
August 21, 2022
"Great!!! I use the software to manage my files and folders. It would be great if the software could really manager all the functions of windows, rename, move, delete etc..."
reviewed by
Marcus Verga
August 12, 2022
"WinCatalog is helping me to look for drives that are not necessarily online.
It will be great if it is possible to log a sequence of file moves/renames/copy/delete in the catalog across the offline drives and have the file moved/renamed/copied/deleted when the offline drive is online again."
reviewed by
August 12, 2022
"It is an excellent application, essential when you have a lot of information stored on many disks.
WinCatalog makes it easy to find files, applications or whatever you are looking for and tells you what drive and directory it is on.
For me it is essential to have it."
("Es una excelente aplicación, indispensable cuando se cuenta con mucha información almacenada en muchos discos.
WinCatalog hace fácil encontrar archivos, aplicaciones o lo que sea que uno este buscando y le informa en que unidad y directorio se encuentra la misma.
Para mi es indispensable contar con ella.")
reviewed by
Horacio Balestrini
August 11, 2022
"I have discovered software for a couple of years now and I must say that I can't do without it anymore. I have a (very dynamic) archive of about thirty Hard Disks with over 25TB of files of all kinds, but mainly images (I am a photographer) and the fact that I also show previews of PSDs (which Windows does not do) is for me of a comfort that those who know what it means can imagine. And finally, it catalogs everything quickly and with a quantity of data available that makes the search precise and very fast. All this also translates into the advantage of accessing hard drives "without fail" as few times as possible, reducing the risk of damage or breakage. I must say that it is certainly one of the best purchases made lately.
Thanks again"
("Sono ormai un paio di anni che ho scoperto il software e devo dire che non saprei più farne a meno. Ho un archivio (molto dinamico) di una trentina di Hard Disk con oltre 25TB di file di ogni genere, ma principalmente immagini (faccio il fotografo) e il fatto che mostri le anteprime anche dei PSD (cosa che Windows non fa) per me è di una comodità che chi sa cosa significhi può immaginare. E per finire, cataloga tutto velocemente e con una quantità di dati disponibili che rende la ricerca precisa e velocissima. Tutto ciò si tramuta anche nel vantaggio di accedere "a colpo sicuro" agli hard disk il minor numero di volte possibile, riducendo il rischio di danni o rotture. Devo dire che è sicuramente uno dei migliori acquisti fatti ultimamente.
Grazie ancora")
reviewed by
Luca Mosconi
August 11, 2022
"Fantastic program to catalog my PC and other external drives. Great way to keep track of exactly what is stored on them and have also found some old "hidden" gems particularly old photos. Very easy to use and haven't seen any other program that can do the job better. Keep up the great work and I look forward to the new 2022 version."
reviewed by
August 02, 2022
"Easy program to use, very functional and one of the best feature is seeing thumbnails of the files."
reviewed by
Rande Pouppirt
July 28, 2022
"So far very complete, it's what I've been looking for for a long time. I have so much to catalog that I will go well little by little, but with the peace of mind of finally knowing where my things are"
("Hasta ahora completísimo, es lo que estuve buscando por mucho mucho tiempo. Tengo tanto para catalogar que iré bien de a poquito, pero con la tranquilidad de saber al fin dónde están mis cosas")
reviewed by
July 27, 2022
"I love this program! It has saved me HOURS of searching. I've been in business online for 25 years and have a LOT of backup drives. Searching through a dozen drives takes a minute and I can easily pinpoint exactly what I want. I can't recommend this highly enough!"
reviewed by
Jeanette Cates
July 20, 2022
"Fantastic to keep track of DVD's Music and data"
reviewed by
Daniel Boivin
July 19, 2022
"At the moment, in almost a week of testing, everything is ok."
("Por el momento en casi una semana de prueba todo ok ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡")
reviewed by
July 13, 2022
reviewed by
Adamo Vitale
July 10, 2022
"We receive around 20TB video data for forensic analysis each year, principally on DVD. To ensure continuity of evidence we have to log each disk, currently manually and then checked.
Based on a trial, we find WinCatalog reduces manual logging time by over 95%.
Well done guys.
PS You could improve it by allowing indexing export to PDF, as well as CSV!"
reviewed by
AA Forensics Limited
July 05, 2022
"Works better and easier than others I tried. The options and details go beyond what I expected."
reviewed by
July 02, 2022
"Allows me to search for data on media not connected to my machine"
("Me permet de rechercher des données sur des support non connecter à ma machine")
reviewed by
July 01, 2022
"Really great. I had always used WhereisIt before, but unfortunately it hasn't been developed further since 2014, too bad. But now I have this one and it's going really well. If you have problems or questions about settings, just write to us and we will help you very quickly. At this point I say: Thank you Michael, you did a good job."
("Ganz toll. ich hatte bisher immer WherisIt benutzt, aber leider ist das seit 2014 nicht weiterentwickelt wurden, schade. Aber jetzt habe ich dieses hier und das läuft ganz prima. Bei Problemen oder Fragen zu Einstellungen einfach anschreiben, es wirde ganz schnell geholfen. An dieser Stelle sage ich : Danke Michael, das habt Ihr gut gemacht.")
reviewed by
Klaus Drobnak
June 24, 2022
"I use WinCatalog to create a library of Western Digital (WD) external drives because there are a lot of them, and it became difficult to navigate what is where. I would like to see a dark theme for the interface in the new version."
reviewed by
June 23, 2022
"Wincatalog allows me to manage copies of various files on multiple media ranging from active files to backup storages. Thanks to the cataloging of the files on these supports I can manage a good security of my documents"
("Wincatalog me permet de gérer des copies de divers fichiers sur des supports multiples allant de fichiers actifs à des stockages de sauvegarde. Grace au catalogage des fichiers sur ces supports je peux gérer une bonne sécurité de mes documents")
reviewed by
June 23, 2022
"Excellent, easy to use and competent program. I love it. Thanks so much."
reviewed by
Jeremy Barrentine
June 22, 2022
"Great software, exactly what I was looking for to catalog my data disks."
reviewed by
Timothy McDowell
June 20, 2022
"WinCatalog is awesome now that it's so fast!
(Improvements would now come from new features. Right now, I want to be able to detect corrupted files but am not finding a good program for that. Detecting duplicate files and folders.)"
reviewed by
June 18, 2022
reviewed by
June 13, 2022
"Really a great product, thank you."
reviewed by
Dale Jackaman
June 13, 2022
reviewed by
June 07, 2022
"Nice app. Exactly does what I want. It would be also good to have the file duplicate search."
reviewed by
June 03, 2022
"I like it so far...Still learning...find some things easy and somethings hard.
Happy to learn all about it soon.
reviewed by
May 22, 2022
"WinCatalog is a sensational aid to me. My 20 years of video material and more are on the shelf in about 70 hard disks of 1-3 TB each.
Hard disks are named on the day they are commissioned, and the job folder always contains the date they were recorded and the name of the location or event involved.
This material is sensationally handled by your program. True 12 GB, but even gives thumbnails.
Congratulations on your work and special thanks for your quick help.
The icing on the cake is that he did it all in Hungarian."
("A WinCatalog nekem egy szenzációs segítség. 20 évnyi videó anyagom és egyebek úgy 70 db 1-3 T wincsiben vannak a polcon.
A merevlemezek elnevezése az üzembehelyezés napja, a munkák foldere mindig tartalmazza a felvétel napját továbbá hely vagy résztvevő személy esemény nevét.
Ezt az anyagot az ön programja szenzációsan kezeli. Igaz 12 Giga, de még miniatűr képeket is ad.
Gratuláloka munkájához, és külön köszönöm a gyors segítséget.
Az még hab a tortán, hogy mindezt magyarul tette.")
reviewed by
László Pálos
May 20, 2022
"Excellent app and support. I use the app for all my movies and music, and it can be used for other collectable databases. This is by far the best catalog on the market."
reviewed by
Bill GIlbert
May 11, 2022
"Just a nice program! Thx :)"
reviewed by
Ivan "Log0" Keyeer
May 06, 2022
"Fantastic cataloging program which allows user to view catalogs across mulitple storage devices (SSD, SD, Flash drive, disk, ..) by name, size date and checksum. User can determine if two files with the same name are the same or different, differnet names but the same size and checksum are the same,...."
reviewed by
Robert Demkowicz
April 20, 2022
"One of the best programs on the market. The price is very low for what the program is worth. It manages more than 50 large hard drives (from 2TB to 20TB). I recommend it to anyone who has a large external archive. Very useful for state institutions, universities and libraries"
("Uno dei migliori programmi esistenti sul mercato. Il prezzo è molto contenuto per quanto vale il programma. Gestisce più di 50 hard disk di grosse dimensioni (da 2 TB a 20 TB). Lo consiglio a tutti coloro che posseggono un grosso archivio esterno. Utilissimo per istituzioni statali, Università e Biblioteche")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
April 16, 2022
"Just simply a great cataloger. A small learning curve. Fully recommend."
reviewed by
Kevin Pride
April 15, 2022
"Best and perfect Tool"
reviewed by
Karsten Beck Andersen
April 12, 2022
"What amazes me is how you have managed to make the best cataloging program even better! Well done!!!"
reviewed by
Jay Cohen via Facebook
April 08, 2022
"WinCatalog is a great systen to create a catalog and manage with more than name, date and size. Calculating MD5/SHA/CRC32 provide the ability to search for the same file with different names, as well as find files with the same name and size that have ben changed (ie config).
I have been using WinCatalog an excellent and comprehensive application since 2017 for my computer, USB Disk and Flash drivess.
PS - I ensure each device has a unique identifier such as Model-Serial Number, flash drive size-date"
reviewed by
Robert Demkowicz
April 07, 2022
"Ok ! :)"
reviewed by
April 07, 2022
"Thanks, it is really helping me catalog my HDDs!"
reviewed by
April 05, 2022
"No other software for acurate CD rips"
reviewed by
Alexander Agor
March 31, 2022
"I have been looking for this product for a long time. It is essential to any editor, photographer, post house, etc!"
reviewed by
Jeff Arias
March 29, 2022
"kinda like the app"
reviewed by
tim werking
March 29, 2022
"great app.
it does its job exactly, saving me hours of work entering data into a database."
("ottima app.
fa esattamente il suo lavoro, risparmiandomi ore di lavoro per inserire dati in un database.")
reviewed by
Igor Francesco Bellini
March 28, 2022
"Life just got easier. More time to spend doing other things now that I have WinCatalog to find any file that is on my PC or any of my external drives without having to connect them."
reviewed by
Carl Dominic
March 28, 2022
"The best disc catalog ever!!"
reviewed by
March 26, 2022
"A true time saver, easy to use and with over 25 years as a photographer I greatly appreciate WinCatalog! Thanks for a great program!"
reviewed by
Theresa Fairchild
March 26, 2022
"Please add dark theme.."
reviewed by
Gayan Thennakoon
March 15, 2022
"Great program, just as I had hoped."
("Super Programm, wie ich es mir erhofft hatte.")
reviewed by
Frank Montag
March 15, 2022
reviewed by
March 15, 2022
"Great program, thanks!"
reviewed by
March 13, 2022
"very best App!!! Tenks for you!"
reviewed by
March 12, 2022
"Fantastic. Easy to Used."
reviewed by
Fraser Lock-Macardy
March 06, 2022
"Very good program could not live without it"
("Tres bon programe ne pourrais plus m en passé")
reviewed by
Serge Bernard
March 05, 2022
"Use the program as a resource explorer"
("Utilizzare il programma come esplora risorse")
reviewed by
Pietro Palumbo
February 26, 2022
"Great Prog, haldle also B I G Archives"
reviewed by
Marcel Egli
February 25, 2022
"Very best APP PROGRAM!"
reviewed by
February 24, 2022
reviewed by
STIGAL Marcin Stępień
February 24, 2022
"it's good"
reviewed by
Peter Douglas
February 24, 2022
"This is probably the BEST program for managing USB hard drives, STICKS, etc. It's amazing how quickly you can find your data on the various storage media and thus have a clear order. Once sent in or updated and searching for the data is so easy!"
("Das ist wohl das BESTE Programm zum Verwalten der USB Festplatten, STICKS usw. Grandios wie schnell man da seine Daten auf den diversen Speichermedien wieder finden kann und somit eine klare Ordnung hat. Einmal eingesannt bwz. aktualisiert und die Suche nach den Daten ist so easy!")
reviewed by
February 23, 2022
"A little intimidating at first but after getting to know it a bit I think it is a good value. Do need more information. especially about user defined fields."
reviewed by
Roland Kuhn
February 20, 2022
"Great program"
("Grossartiges Programm")
reviewed by
February 18, 2022
"Great program. A dark mode/theme would make it even better"
reviewed by
Marc Vaessen
February 16, 2022
"I love it! Thank you so much for creating such a powerful tool!"
reviewed by
February 09, 2022
"Great way to find your files ."
reviewed by
David York
February 07, 2022
"Great Software."
reviewed by
Ian Gerrard
February 06, 2022
"This is the best catalog program for windows bar none."
reviewed by
Randy Nash
February 04, 2022
"The program is good, and I am new at it, so I am sure it will only get better once I learn more about it."
reviewed by
February 02, 2022
"Excellent and comprehensive catalogueing app with superb product support"
reviewed by
Ian Lewis
February 01, 2022
"Great program."
reviewed by
Ross Peisel
January 29, 2022
"always appreciate finding my stuff using this software, thank you so much, :)"
reviewed by
Marcelino Velez
January 27, 2022
"Very satisfied with the program"
("Zeer tevreden van het programma")
reviewed by
January 22, 2022
"Just started using it today. Working great and is very useful. The only improvement I can think of is to show "Free Space" on the main catalog view and possible change the title "Size" to "Used", Occupied" o "In Use". I use it to manage disk space as well as file location but having "Size" makes me think a bit and calculate how much space I have left."
reviewed by
January 22, 2022
"I use it to keep track of my backups CD/DVD/BR (and other locations like HDD or Network) : Games, Pictures, Videos, Softwares, etc."
reviewed by
Jordan M
January 19, 2022
"Great, I finally have all the data together."
("Super, koneènì mám všechna data pohromadì.")
reviewed by
Martin R.
January 15, 2022
"The Top of the Top..."
("Le Top du Top...")
reviewed by
Gérald Dumont
January 15, 2022
"By far the best cataloging application I have seen to date."
reviewed by
Cris R.
January 15, 2022
"OK !"
("Jest ok !")
reviewed by
January 15, 2022
"The catalog program is indispenable if you have a bunch of large spinning storage disks not connected to a computer. If you have a lot of files on a hard drive over 8 TB, it can take hours to create the catalogue for that disk. If you have a lot of these very large disks in the catalogue file (for example: over 50 hard drives, each greater than 8 terabytes), then searches can take a long time within the catalogue. I used to have an i7 Intel NUC reading a 68 disk catalogue from a SSD and it still took over an hour to find files. But I am not aware of any other program that does this AT ALL, let alone better. After getting a new 12th Gen Intel i7-12700K, searches that took 50 minutes now take 7-8 minutes or less. The only request I have is to make the searches or catalogueing happen even faster."
reviewed by
Frederick Pinkerton
January 13, 2022
"This app does a nice job of cataloging every drive I have. Makes it easy to find a file when I can't remember where I left it.
Good for cataloging external drives and then finding which drive has what I need. Same thng for DVDs and CDs."
reviewed by
Kevin Flateau
January 12, 2022
"This is essential for cataloging the video files on my disk. I could not maintain my video library without it."
reviewed by
Joe Stephens
January 08, 2022
"Best user friendly file cataloger."
reviewed by
Rommel Anape
December 21, 2021
"I've been using it for a long time. It was worth buying!
It recognizes many types and makes searching the database easy and fast.
Manages the rental.
On the 20th you borrow, what else do you need?"
("Régóta használom. Érdemes volt megvásárolni!
Rengeteg típust felismer, keresés könnyû és gyors az adatbázisban.
Kezeli a kölcsönzést.
20-án kölcsönad, mi kell még?")
reviewed by
Nyerges Pál
December 16, 2021
"I've only been using your program for a couple of days. I am very satisfied. LP Rado"
("Vaš program uporabljam šele par dni. Sem zelo zadovoljen. LP Rado")
reviewed by
rado Likon
December 12, 2021
"i do find room for more advanced use cases but aside from that it works PEEFECTLY!"
reviewed by
December 05, 2021
"There are one or the other small feature that is missing in order to increase the usability / experience. Overall, however, the program is a very welcome helper & works well."
("Es gibt das eine oder andere kleine Feature, dass fehlt, um die Usability/Experience zu steigern. nsgesamt ist das Programm aber ein sehr willkommener Helfer & arbeited gut.")
reviewed by
Jens Schwartz
December 04, 2021
"A very helpful program, convenient and speeding up work on files. Since I met it, I can't imagine working without it. Braaawo."
("Bardzo pomocny program, wygodny i przyspieszający pracę na plikach. Odkąd go poznałem nie wyobrazam sobie pracy bez niego. Braaawo.")
reviewed by
December 02, 2021
"I rate the program 5, very helpful.
The thumbnail preview should be easier to configure, e.g. the size of the displayed photos"
("Program oceniam na 5, bardzo pomocny.
Podgląd miniaturek powinien być łatwiej konfigurowalny np. wielkość wyświetlanych fotografii")
reviewed by
November 30, 2021
"Just works and i havnt scratched the surface yet..."
reviewed by
Clive Watson
November 25, 2021
"Easy to use.
many functions and capabilities.
It seems right for me"
reviewed by
November 22, 2021
"fantastic, the best of all, I am very satisfied"
("fantastico,el mejor de todos ,estoy muy satisfecho")
reviewed by
November 19, 2021
"I've been using WinCatalog for 5-6 years now and it has been an indispensable tool for organizing my files, cataloging/searching online or offline and not a day goes by that I do not rely on WinCatalog for my file operations."
reviewed by
Gabriel Mananghaya
November 18, 2021
"A good and user-friendly program. Not duu."
("Een goed en gebruikers vriendelijk programma. Niet duu.")
reviewed by
Koos van Duinen
November 16, 2021
"The best record cataloging program. It manages to catalog more than 30 18TB drives with satisfactory speed. Excellent file search. Program that I recommend to those who have many large external hard drives"
("Il miglio programma di catalogazione dei dischi. Riesce a catalogare più di 30 dischi da 18 TB con una velocità soddisfacente. Ottima la ricerca dei file. Programma che consiglio a chi possiede tanti hard disk esterni di grosse dimensioni")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
November 14, 2021
"Well first I think this is a great product. I also recall having some contact with the developer. Rarely to I leave with such a positive impression.
I feel like I could suggest something and a real effort or consideration would be given to the suggestion."
reviewed by
Karl Bettencourt
November 12, 2021
reviewed by
November 12, 2021
"I am very happy with WinCatalog. Very extensive options, reliable and easy to use."
("Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit WinCatalog. Sehr umfangreiche Optionen, zuverlässig und einfach zu bedienen.")
reviewed by
Kerstin Fischer
November 11, 2021
"i love this app so easy to use and very usefull"
reviewed by
November 04, 2021
"WinCatalog has been a life saver! This year I have had my computer crash, expierenced the a pain of a virus and been tasked with loads of files for research. To say the least things have been scattered for one reason or another. This program has allowed me to find back in a mass of data some most need files and very quickly. I haven't had a chance to learn all the features so I can't yet say what I would like to add. Thanks for sharing your work- I cant express how much it has saved me."
reviewed by
November 04, 2021
"Used for managing external sata disks.
Former user since the first versions of Whereisit, I miss the possibility of opening the catalogs in a tab rather than a new window.
By keeping the possibility of opening different tabs for searches specific to each Catalogs tabs :-)
The speed of indexing is surprising.
Thank you to you for the quality of your work, changing the software really brings me more."
("Utilisé pour la gestion de disques sata externes.
Ancien utilisateur depuis les premières versions de Whereisit, il me manque la possibilité d'ouvrir les catalogues dans un onglet plutôt qu'une nouvelle fenêtre.
En gardant la possibilité d'ouvrir des onglets différents pour les recherches propres à chaques onglets Catalogues :-)
La rapidité d'indexation est surprenante.
Merci à vous pour la qualité de votre travail, changé de logiciel m'apporte vraiment un plus.")
reviewed by
October 25, 2021
"It's prety fine to me. Has everything I need, do it quickly and precisely. Excelent."
reviewed by
Moritz Köèn
October 24, 2021
"excellent , only thing is it took some time to learn the shortcuts, nevertheless i really appreciate your product. keep up the good work. "
reviewed by
October 21, 2021
"Pretty dang cool!
It would be nice to run two or more instances at once."
reviewed by
Charles Uibel
October 20, 2021
"large font easy to use"
reviewed by
October 13, 2021
"I took the opposite path as someone in his comment on Facebook* and joined the EdgeRover Beta months ago, now dumped it a couple of days ago, just because update takes too long consuming too much resources and the results didn't really hold, what they promised (to me at least).
After uninstalling EdgeRover, I searched for another solution and found WinCatalog 2020, which seems to provide what I was looking for: mainly to keep track of my old external disks, which I keep as backup "just in case". Of course, my catalog also includes the storage permanently connected internally or externally to the three laptops, we use at home. After I realized, the personal license allows to run WinCatalog on multiple computers, I decided to purchase it.
Since I want to catalog all storage devices in a single catalog updating needs to be planned carefully and the database copied before and after updating (would be nice if WinCatalog did implement a server based database, such as PostreSQL ind the future ?? ...).
I would wish to see a command line parameter, allowing to update "all connected devices", so an unattended update could be scheduled periodically (daily, weekly, ...). Also I would liek to see an indication in the catalaog describing the difference between HDD, SDD or USB connected fixed disk. The catalog talks about 'disks', but in reality it is a single partition. So what appears as multiple disks can be multiple partitions of one or more disks.
What is the meaning of 'serial number'? It neither matches the number in the Windows poperties nor the on printed on the disks."
reviewed by
Wilfried Blankertz
October 13, 2021
"I keep records of my audio productions on archived hard drives."
("Je tiens le registre de mes productions audio sur des disques durs archivés.")
reviewed by
David Brodeur
October 11, 2021
"it's OK !!!"
("jest ok !!!")
reviewed by
October 09, 2021
"Great job! Thank you!!"
reviewed by
September 30, 2021
"Brilliant program. Would it be possible to make the function of the "Execute" button configurable as a double-click on a file?
Thank you very much"
("Geniales Programm. Wäre es vielleicht möglich, die Funktion des Buttons "Ausführen" auch als Doppelklick auf eine Datei konfigurierbar zu machen?
Besten Dank")
reviewed by
Rene L.
September 30, 2021
"Wincatalog 2019 is maybe the most advanced data organizer ever. It has saved me big time in my daily work.
Its intelligent GUI and super complete list of options and features are a total facilitator for backing up, searching and organizing every last detail while allowing for a simple and straightforward process.
Truly a tremendous tool for both the network and large scale data professional as well as the student, home user, hobbyist and cataloguer. Keep up the good work and updates! Greetings from Venezuela.
Carlos E. Arellano."
reviewed by
Carlos Eduardo Arellano
September 30, 2021
"In reading some of the testimonials I have noticed that many individuals are saying it's good or it's excellent. My review is even simpler. Wincatalog is the gold standard. There is no other disk cataloging program that is even worth looking at. Stable, fast, the best cataloging program I have ever used. I was one of those refugees from Advanced Disk Catalog many years ago. At the time you were providing a conversion program to allow importation of the ADC database file into Wincatalog. I tried the conversion and it didn't work. I emailed you, told you about the problem, and you asked me to send you the database file. Within a matter of hours you found the problem, corrected it, and emailed the corrected database back to me. It imported perfectly. 10 minutes later I logged on and purchased the program. To all those reading this review I cannot laud this software and the support its author provides enough. THERE IS NO OTHER DISK CATALOG WORTH TRYING!!!!!
Thanks again."
reviewed by
Jay Cohen
September 28, 2021
"This is the greatest tool I have in my library of backups of keeping everything I've ever done in my recording studio! THANK YOU WINCAT! You've saved me hundreds of hours in looking for files I've created, a library that consist of some 900 BluRay Discs that cover some 25 years of business.
You ROCK!!"
reviewed by
Steve Scheffler
September 21, 2021
"valid and complete program. a good buy"
("programma valido e completo. un buon acquisto")
reviewed by
baldo loris
September 20, 2021
"Thanks a lot. Excellent work !"
("Merci bcp. Excellent travail !")
reviewed by
September 20, 2021
"I must mention that your application is quite a godsend for me. Would you believe that I had been attempting to make my own database for 25 flash drives by inputting Excel tables generated by a file cataloging program and a separate EXIF extractor into Microsoft Access and then relating them.(!) After toiling with that for a while, I was certainly relieved to come across WinCatalog 2020. Thank you for a very good product."
reviewed by
Frank Di Bugnara
September 15, 2021
"Quick and so easy to use!"
reviewed by
Paul Gardner
September 13, 2021
reviewed by
Dinis Medeiros
September 10, 2021
"Great App. Fast, Comprehensive. Good management features."
reviewed by
September 08, 2021
"super good job"
("super bon travail")
reviewed by
September 07, 2021
"I am impressed with a good job.
The program really got a kick as you promised earlier"
("Jestem pod wrażeniem dobra robota.
Program żeczywiście dostał kopa,jak obiecaliście wcześniej.Pozdrawiam")
reviewed by
September 03, 2021
"I was using Advanced Disk Catalog, but it kept crashing. Happy that I found WinCatalog. It has been a pleasure to use. I didn't read any instructions, because it was intuitive enough to get started. Excellent program!"
reviewed by
Angie H
August 21, 2021
"Works as advertised"
reviewed by
David Almerigi
August 18, 2021
"Great software, very pleased."
reviewed by
Anthony Beale
August 10, 2021
"I only wish I had used this App sooner as it would have saved me a lot of time looking for a file or image."
reviewed by
Glenn D Smith
August 04, 2021
"Does all that it says on the tin."
reviewed by
mikey inkster
August 02, 2021
"You are a wonderful company to deal with and this is an excellent program. It always produces.Thank you"
reviewed by
Marie Pearson
July 24, 2021
"The very best disk cataloging program. Very fast search. I would recommend WinCatalog to anyone who needs to catalog any kind of disk. I tested 10 other programs and WinCatalog is the best."
reviewed by
July 24, 2021
"I've been using WinCataslog sonce v12 and absolutely love it. I've been told by others that there arefaster database applications which I've tried, but I always come back to WinCatalog; partly becasue I'm so familiar with the program, plus, for me it's got everyting I need so it's the one I'll be sticking to. Besides, I've spent inummerable hours scanning over a thousands DVD/BluRay's and several external hard drives to add to my WinCatalog Data base, so it would be stupid to change to a different one.
Also, you have been very generous over the years. I bought my first copy over a decade ago (can't rember exactly when now), got a newer one for free via a giveaway site, then purchased a newer version (I think it was the 2016 version), and since then you've given me a license to upgrade to the 2019 version (though I'm still using the 2018 version) as I'm unsure about upgrading just in case I lose somnething.
I'd buy the latrst one, but am now unemplyed due to a serious road traffic accident and cannot justify spending to upgrade, but I would if I could.
I hope your product goes from strength to strength. I'm always recommending WinCatalog to friends and via the site I post game reviews too (Gamegiveawayoftheday).
Stay safe"
reviewed by
Stephen Brown
July 22, 2021
"It's a great tool"
("Es una Herramienta estupenda")
reviewed by
July 17, 2021
"The tool is very easy to work with, I am a basic user so it serves me 100%"
("la herramienta es muy facil de trabajar, soy un usuario basico asi que como esta me sirve 100%")
reviewed by
July 17, 2021
"It's great for organizing files."
("파일정리에 최고입니다.")
reviewed by
July 07, 2021
"I love this program! I absolutely love it!"
reviewed by
Ken Rajah
July 06, 2021
"This is very easy to work with and get around in the software."
reviewed by
Charles Henson
July 02, 2021
"Very good, solved the big problem"
reviewed by
losalo hu
July 02, 2021
"Brilliant way to quickly archive/search thousands of files. I have nearly all of my DVD's, Music CD's and archived TV recordings in individual 'Catalogues'. This programme is an absolute lifesafer. Over 35,000 individual records, that take seconds to locate/update.
Fantastic programme, Thank you"
reviewed by
Leon Tarnowski
June 30, 2021
"This version is great ... keep increasing the functionalities"
("ESta version es buenisima... sigan aumentando las funcionalidades")
reviewed by
June 23, 2021
"WinCatalog is awesome now that it has a fast search index! It's continuaously being improved."
reviewed by
Brian West
June 23, 2021
"Thank you so much
I am ready to get on to it right now!!
The info you gave given me will, in sure, solve my queries
The level of your customer support does you and your company much credit "
reviewed by
Terry Woodward
June 23, 2021
"I am so glad I purchased your WinCatalog product. I have been searching for years for something that can catalog my disks. Thank you for making such a wonderful product."
reviewed by
Randy Nash, Wake Forest, NC
June 22, 2021
"Excellent program for hdd cataloging"
("Výborný program na katalogizaci hdd")
reviewed by
June 18, 2021
"Best Disk Catalog Application !
By Far !"
reviewed by
Jean-Francois Beaudry
June 18, 2021
"Excellent product. It gets faster and faster with every version."
reviewed by
Albert Jester
June 18, 2021
"looking for many years for your programs, it is so cool. backing up, archive and finding something rather than writing on the top of the disks, trying to read the top of n800 all the time.
you should be advertising this program to small biz to catabg their files .... cool ... joseph"
reviewed by
Joseph Clayton
June 17, 2021
"So far, so great"
("Zaenkrat vse super")
reviewed by
June 15, 2021
reviewed by
June 02, 2021
"It does the job I am looking for - a central file catelogue to find all my files from"
reviewed by
Ronald Simpson
June 02, 2021
"best ever, thanks guys"
reviewed by
Marcelino Velez
May 30, 2021
"Fantastic catalog program that exceeds my expectations"
reviewed by
Melvin Sillmon
May 27, 2021
"Works wel with high capacity drives"
reviewed by
Robert Bachrach
May 27, 2021
"Love it. So glad I bought the full Personal Version. Should have done it sooner !"
reviewed by
Juniper Chew
May 25, 2021
"Perfect for quickly finding filenames on external storage devices! Love the updated subfolder function."
reviewed by
John Clark
May 15, 2021
"Very usefull, works very well."
reviewed by
Mario Carmona
May 03, 2021
"Very useful. Now, I know all my HDD and USB sticks have without having to connect them to the PC."
reviewed by
Joaquim Pinho
May 01, 2021
"Glad to see that there are products out that that work exactly as advertised! This program is a keeper - and your trial version really shows what a quality product you make. I AM buying and will be telling others too. WinCatalog 2020 is awesome!"
reviewed by
Fred T
April 23, 2021
reviewed by
Marek Keder
April 22, 2021
"Life saving stuff right here - well at least major time saving! Auto back-up is a plus."
reviewed by
Kelley Kuhlman
April 19, 2021
reviewed by
Bauer Lindemann
April 15, 2021
"The 5 stars deserves them all, truly fantastic application"
("Le 5 stelle le merita tutte, veramente fantastica applicazione")
reviewed by
April 15, 2021
"Very good, it creates a database a bit heavy but it is very customizable"
("Molto valida, crea un database un pò pesante ma è molto personalizzabile")
reviewed by
April 14, 2021
"I have tons of data on several computers, a lot of my programming code is spread around the house in these computers - I spend 4 days looking for 1 code file.
So winCatalog is here now to prevent that from happening again. 🙃 🤪 🤒 😬 😎"
reviewed by
Robert Bachmann
April 09, 2021
"So far, so great!!!
WinCatalog was perfect for capturing snapshots of my entire NAS movie library and personal data.
Would definitely recommend this software to all those interested in an ever exploding data inventory."
reviewed by
Jeffery Anibal
April 04, 2021
"No notes. This is hands down the best cataloging software I have ever used. On behalf of all of us digital hoarders, thanks!"
reviewed by
Jer Youngquist
March 31, 2021
"Best Utility for finding files I have ever used."
reviewed by
Western Property Management, Inc.
March 27, 2021
"I have used WinCatalog for several years, and it has helped me retrieve archive files on many occasions. My co-workers wonder how I can find the data they thought was long lost!"
reviewed by
Joseph Allison
March 26, 2021
"I really love this program. I use it for a list of program and music and also movies. But i can't print the all the list of each. I would like to able to print. Thank you This program rate to me more than five I would give it a ten"
reviewed by
March 26, 2021
"Spectacular tool"
("Espectacular herramienta")
reviewed by
March 25, 2021
"This catalog utility is very good, very fast too (works great despite having thousands and thousands of files). I tried many tools before and WC was just a relief for me, so congrats to the team, and thanks again for the support, appreciated."
reviewed by
March 18, 2021
"WinCatalog is the BEST Catalog program on the market and has the BEST Customer Support."
reviewed by
Charles Holz
March 17, 2021
"Been looking for a great catalog program for quite some time. This excellent program does everything I need, have lots of useful features and is really fast."
reviewed by
Bernt Larsson
March 05, 2021
"A great program, and a huge improvement on Advanced File Organizer, that I have used for decades. One big suggestion - add a pause button, instead of just a stop button."
reviewed by
Mark Gredler
February 27, 2021
"Exellent software, flawless"
reviewed by
Malcolm Blake
February 26, 2021
"I was overwhelmed with all the options available in this program. Had to ask for help from WinCatalog support about getting this program to look like my previous program,Where Is It.
I was amazed the answer came back quickly. It had a full explanation (with detailed pictures) to answer my question. It was so detailed and easy to follow. Great support!"
reviewed by
Robert L
February 24, 2021
"A pleasure to work with...
Incredible fast searching and finding
Great programm....."
reviewed by
Wim Peeters
February 21, 2021
"super. Keep it up :-)"
("super. Oby tak dalej :-)")
reviewed by
Leszek Bogusławski
February 20, 2021
"Excellent! Search is now super fast thanks to the indexing and can have multiple directory and search tags, so this is now awesome!"
reviewed by
Brian West
February 18, 2021
"It meets my needs"
("Vše co potøebuji splòuje")
reviewed by
February 16, 2021
"absolutely brilliant little piece of software - 100% indispensable for those of us doing our own archival and therefore have amassed 30 or 40 multi TB drives...thank you!"
reviewed by
David Kaplowitz
February 10, 2021
"The best application to automatically catalog the contents of the media. An indispensable tool for quickly finding information when you have a lot (often too much!) "
("La miglior applicazione per catalogare automaticamente il contenuto dei supporti. Uno strumento indispensabile per reperire rapidamente le informazioni quando si dispone di tanto (spesso troppo!) materiale")
reviewed by
Rino Frascaroli
February 10, 2021
"Super Programm! Super Service!"
reviewed by
Sven Witte
February 10, 2021
"Personally, I liked the program. I was looking for a program for archiving media with different content. Best regards."
("Osobiście program przypadł mi do gustu. Poszukiwałem własnie progamu do archiwizacji nośników z różną zawartością. Pozdrawiam.")
reviewed by
February 09, 2021
"Just purchased, really functional. Much better than Where is It which I've tried previously, but decided it was too much work."
reviewed by
James Lytle
February 05, 2021
"Very efficient cataloging software. Makes files, photos and documents much easier to locate. Top product"
reviewed by
Dennis Gilgen
January 30, 2021
"I am delighted with the program, it improves a lot to the where is it that I used previously"
("Estoy encantado con el programa, mejora bastante al where is it que usaba anteriormente")
reviewed by
Aladino García González
January 27, 2021
"good luck"
reviewed by
Ahmed Saadzeed
January 22, 2021
"Great the new Update of your Program
The Option on Searches very complete
Now we can perform searches and register them
without specifying more things
You are the best
Greetings from Enrique Martinez"
("Genial la nueva Actualización de vuestro Programa
La Opción sobre Búsquedas completísima
Ahora podemos realizar Búsquedas y Regresar a las mismas
sin precisar mas cosas
Sois los mejores
Saludos de Enrique Martinez")
reviewed by
Enrique Martinez
January 21, 2021
"It's hard to find anything wrong with this app... For me, it fills the gap left by WhereIsIt and... adds to what the old app did.
I love it and... if I was to suggest smth., ... maybe the UI... to match WX's.
Whoever put it together did a wonderful job. Congrats!"
reviewed by
Michael Neagu
January 21, 2021
"Loving this application. Have not found anything better and more effecient at cataloging multiple types of file system level catalogs to quickly be able to search over. VERY LARGE sets. This is the where many other apps fall apart. It took me several years of searching to find one to purchase. And the cost is very reasonable."
reviewed by
Brian Duncan
January 19, 2021
"Super product !!!!"
reviewed by
Jadran Rudec
January 18, 2021
"This WinCatalog is invaluable to me. I have 40 scan discs with movies on them and I can just search for the one I want to watch and no more looking througn all 40 discs. I love it."
reviewed by
Kelley Kuhlman
January 18, 2021
"An awesome tool to have, it's a database with good searching capabilities and organising tools. Pretty good and easy to use :P"
reviewed by
Andrei Alexandru Cudelca
January 18, 2021
"Super management program for external hard drives / DVDs. Works perfectly and is self-explanatory"
("Super-Verwaltungs-Programm für externe Festplatten / DVDs. Funktioniert einwandfrei und ist Selbsterklärend")
reviewed by
January 18, 2021
reviewed by
January 16, 2021
"Our Main System has 12 drives. WinCatalog is our 'go to" software to index and catalog the 55TB of data we currrently hold, excluding individual workstations. It is wonderful when software functions "out of the box" and has consistent performance."
reviewed by
January 15, 2021
"it is pretty dam good now"
reviewed by
Norman Worley
January 15, 2021
"I really like this program. I use multiple hard drives for backup and general storage. This program makes finding and organizing so much easier."
reviewed by
James Padgett
January 15, 2021
"very useful application"
reviewed by
January 09, 2021
reviewed by
January 07, 2021
"Very useful software"
reviewed by
Alex Agor
January 06, 2021
"Amazing Product, worth every penny. This application is up there for me, with other 3-4 applications that I always want on my PC. Great support team too! I had some difficulties and wasn't aware of some features around checking duplicates, etc, and they responded right away with a detailed how to. These applications is what still makes PC's the best, and a leap over what you can achieve on a 'smart' device.
Thanks WinCatalog Team!"
reviewed by
Kunal Gilani
January 04, 2021
"I'm somewhat satisfied overall with the spped of cataloging, updating catalogs and searches; however, I am extremenly disappointed to find that the program cannot catalog and search via text search in email messages, specifically within an MS Outlook.pst file.
Adding email search support would be of great benefit."
reviewed by
Peter J. Wood
January 01, 2021
"Very, very good and useful. I just wanted a German manual.
Happy New Year to 2021
("Sehr sehr gut und nützlich. Wünschte mir nur ein deutsches Handbuch.
Guten Rutsch nach 2021
reviewed by
Heide-Marie Härtel
December 30, 2020
"So Fast Love it"
reviewed by
Kenneth Onushko
December 29, 2020
"more databases for cd I would welcome, eg include discogs"
("viac databaz pre cd by som privital, napr. zaradit discogs")
reviewed by
December 27, 2020
The program is simply great and I can recommend it to everyone with a clear conscience. Is worth the money!"
Einfach klasse das Programm, kann ich jedem mit bestem Gewissen empfehlen. Ist sein Geld wert!")
reviewed by
Mario Kindermann
December 27, 2020
"Very satisfied so far."
("Bis jetzt sehr zufrieden.")
reviewed by
Juergen Zielinski
December 23, 2020
"great program, easy to use"
reviewed by
December 18, 2020
"WinCatalog is intuitively designed software that functions admirably as intended. Fast, accurate, robust. It was built with first-rate attention to detail and with the flexibility to meet the needs of virtually any user. The virtual folders are extremely useful for organizing data on multiple separate discs. Users could not ask for better tech support; Michael is actively involved with user questions and troubleshooting issues promptly. WinCatalog and Michael deserve 6 stars, not 5.
For completion, I have no connection or relationship to WinCatalog or its developer whatsoever."
reviewed by
Normand Decelles
December 16, 2020
reviewed by
December 14, 2020
"A life saver for me. Easy, agile and very good."
("Me resolviò la vida. Fàcil, agil y muy bueno.")
reviewed by
Xosè Xoan Romero Barciela
December 11, 2020
"Excellent application."
reviewed by
Bill Gilbert
December 08, 2020
"Hey there!!! Guys ... I gotta tell you. This program is ROCKIN'!!!! I'm doing massive asset searches and it's just FLYING!!!!! I just LOVE the immediate returns in searching. Thanks soooo much. Telling all my friends don't even think about any other program to create their databases.
Kudos and keep up the great work. Be well, stay safe and have a joyous and blessed holiday!!"
reviewed by
Lamont "Terry" Battle
December 07, 2020
"I am a small 2 person biz, but have 30 years of media (photo, video, old web content, etc). 100TB?
So far it ROCKS, love the functionality and all the custiomization.
Pretty good learning curve and docs, but well worth the read.
reviewed by
Digital Dubuque
December 07, 2020
"You improve the Program with each new Update that you launch
It's great.
Thanks and regards"
("Mejoráis el Programa con cada nueva Actualización del mismo que lanzáis
Es genial.
Gracias y Saludos")
reviewed by
Enrique Martinez
December 05, 2020
"I have found this software to really solve my problem with storing hundreds of audio and video files on Blu-Ray Discs. My library of files now contains over 900 Blu-Ray Discs with files that I have produced for my customers over the years.
Thank You WinCatalog for a great software that has never once failed me in the years I've been using it.
Great job! Keep up the good work!
Steve Scheffler"
reviewed by
Steve Scheffler
November 30, 2020
"Great program. It can handle several large external drives (18TB). The possibility of managing RAM where this is abundant may be improved (I have 128 GB of RAM). Kudos to those who work on this beautiful program"
("Ottimo programma. Riesce a gestire numerosi dischi esterni di grandi dimensioni (18 TB). Andrebbe migliorata la possibilità di gestire la RAM dove questa sia abbondante (ho 128 GB di RAM). Complimenti a coloro che lavorano su questo bel programma")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
November 30, 2020
"This is a very nice program to work with.
I catalog all my USB sticks so I can instantly see what's on them without putting them in. This also applies to my external hard drives and DVDs. The manual is helpful and the customer service is great."
reviewed by
Peter van Haandel
November 29, 2020
"Great Program Maybe The Best !!!!"
reviewed by
VDL Steelwleld
November 26, 2020
"cant make it any better, its the best i ever seen, cant get yet but i will, when i can. who-ever thought this program out, really had it together. will get soon as i can...thank you for the trial."
reviewed by
scott deroch
November 25, 2020
"Excellent software to search what is located all my hard drives. Using it now for a long time. and highly recommend it."
("Excelente software para buscar lo que sea a la hora que sea en todos mis discos duros. Me ahora mucho tiempo. Lo recomiendo ampliamente.")
reviewed by
November 22, 2020
"Personally I hate this ribbon menu from MS Office. But anyway - your software is great! Please make some kind of import script to read Advanced File Organizer (discontinued probably) catalog files. Please, please, please. <3"
reviewed by
November 20, 2020
"I'm enjoying the progress it helps me to organized files before I load everything to my NAS.
There are FEW cosmetic changes needed to make the UI experience more intuitive and fluid.
But overall, its great and looking forward to the much-anticipated release of [WinCatalog 2020]
Thanks to all the team that made it possible for me to not have headaches over managing my storage issues."
reviewed by
November 19, 2020
"Excellent application capable of managing dozens of large capacity external hard drives (18 TB)"
("Ottima applicazione capace di gestire decine di hard disk esterni di notevoli capacità (18 TB)")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
November 12, 2020
reviewed by
Bauer Lindemann
November 07, 2020
"perfect catalog software!"
reviewed by
November 01, 2020
"So far I'm very sattisifed with the software. It's obvious it can handle a lot of data (and I have A LOT of adata). I like how cataloging of data can be configured and easily accessed later. Also it gives me ways to orgnize my collection of hardcopy books and a lot of printed documentation, which makes a great deal for me. I'm very close to making my decision final and buying a license."
reviewed by
Radovan Janjuševiæ
October 23, 2020
"Nice, ease and fast."
reviewed by
Todesc Madalin
October 17, 2020
"WinCatalog continues to improve and become better for your cataloging needs. I don't know what I would do without this program. I can find what ever I need very quickly! Buy this program and buy a lifetime license! You will not regret it."
reviewed by
Craig Confer
October 13, 2020
reviewed by
October 09, 2020
"The application is very flexible and suitable for its purpose"
("Uygulama Gayet Esnek ve Amacýna uygun bir uygulama")
reviewed by
October 06, 2020
"I have a large colection of MP3 files(3.13 TB) in many folders. I use WinC many times to search and than open in Explorer to plan or copy, email etc. Without WinC it would be impossible, or very time consuming.
Looking forward to new 2020 release"
reviewed by
Jim Arslanian
October 04, 2020
"Great Programm"
("Klasse Programm")
reviewed by
Heiko Fertsch
October 04, 2020
"FIRST OF ALL, GOOD QUALITY CLIENT here. I never knew I could find quite the software. You know what I noticed that I can't do with this software: have two files open at the same time so I can compare my collections. I would like that. I know it's a work in progress so I am hoping I see in the next version. Thank you and I love this client. an app version would be nice as a portable app. Thanks for the quality though."
reviewed by
October 01, 2020
"The best Cataloger I have yet used."
reviewed by
Elisabeth Dafelmair
September 24, 2020
"this base is enough for me
Greetings :)"
("ta baza mi wystarczy jest ok
Pozdrawiam :)")
reviewed by
September 17, 2020
"Great I would recommend to anyone that has many files wishing to locate their files very quickly"
reviewed by
Keith Buttrey
September 15, 2020
"I have tried others, but this is the best cataloging software for people who do not work in librazries, and I work at a library so this has got to be the best at what it does. thanks"
reviewed by
September 05, 2020
"Love being able to sort the index to identify hard drives with space issues and where those files actually are."
reviewed by
Steven Lubetkin
August 31, 2020
"Works efficiently, very useful"
reviewed by
Stephen Weinrich
August 24, 2020
reviewed by
Don Evelyn
August 20, 2020
"So far it looks like this program will be a godsend! Very happy camper!!!"
reviewed by
Robert Blair
August 13, 2020
"No other program like it! The best cataloger out there! Powerful and fast. Customer support is excellent too!"
reviewed by
Craig Confer
August 12, 2020
"This did exactly like I wanted. Cataloged old Windows backup zip files so I could search their contents."
reviewed by
August 05, 2020
"Running the WinCatalog to pull the Basic file/folder info is super fast. This should be the default. The additional plug-ins to get thumbnails of photos and additional file info slows the indexing extremely, but is a nice feature to have if you have time to do this. I've been using WinCatalog a few days now so I'm still learning the features and options."
reviewed by
Michael Lee
August 04, 2020
"WinCatalog took care of a great concern I had and let me explain. I am a retired audio/video production engineer. I also write and produce songs for many clients around the world as well as a huge volume of written materials of my own. Over the years I had collected a rather huge amount of data that was being stored on several backup Terabyte Drives that served well, UNTIL I began to loose them for one reason or another. I realized in a short span of time I needed something better to back up all this material. I found WinCatalog in a search one day and decided I would take a careful look at what this software could do for my business. I had explored others like it, but nothing seemed better for me than what WinCatalog was offering. I had decided that backup of all the work Data I had done through the years was going to be safer if I had permanent disks of large capacity. I bought into Blu-rays 25 gigs per, and began the process of backing up some 20 years of work. WinCatalog was exactly what I needed to compose a library I could always return to and find materials that I needed to work on, or for customers who called and asked me if I still had copies of the materials I did for them. And wow... WinCatalog has really been a success for me.
That cataloged system now consists of 865 Blu-rays that contain up to 25 gigs of data each. Everything is labeled with a customer name, and their data names too. Easy to find and easy to re-establish connection to through the use of WinCatalog. What a life saver this software has been for me. I retired four years ago, thinking I wouldn't be working anymore, and move up into the hills of Tennessee, far from the populace of the big cities I lived in. But lo and behold, my business followed me into retirement and I still get people writing me and asking me if I still have access to their materials I produced for them. Thank you WinCatalog. I will take you to my grave. That's not a bad thing, just meaning I suspect my longtime customers will be able to find me until my last breath and still be able to get their videos, songs, lyrics and music that I was able to produce over my lifetime.
Thank you so much! May God bless your company with many more years of success.
Yours truly,
Steven Scheffler"
reviewed by
Steven Scheffler
August 02, 2020
"Thank you again, very nice application, and very practical."
("Encore merci, très belle application, et très pratique.")
reviewed by
August 02, 2020
"Excellent program. It manages more than 40 external disks of almost 8 TB on average. Easy to use and very reliable"
("Ottimo programma. Riesce a gestire più di 40 dischi esterni di quasi 8 TB di media. Facile nell'uso e molto affidabile")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
July 27, 2020
"This has been one of my best purchases of software, going back lots of years (?guesstimate, 7-10 years?). Thanks!"
reviewed by
Bob Nance
July 16, 2020
"Great for quick scans of DVD's and Archives"
reviewed by
Leigh Dodd
July 10, 2020
"Super tools for managing huuuuge amount of files.
thank You.
reviewed by
Roman Kazicka
July 06, 2020
"Excellent, so far! Highly recommended"
reviewed by
July 03, 2020
"Absolutely recommended for the proof of data medi contents."
("Absolute Spitze zum Nachweis von Datenträgerinhalten.")
reviewed by
July 01, 2020
"World class software.
Blazing speed of cataloging
Search inside zip files is a great boon"
reviewed by
Thirumalai Ramaswamy
June 30, 2020
"Quick, comfortable and essential to keep your hard drives and files tidy and easy to locate."
("Rápido, cómodo y fundamental para mantener tus discos duros y archivos ordenados y fácil de localizar.")
reviewed by
Jaime B
June 30, 2020
"perfect software"
reviewed by
Issam Karaki
June 27, 2020
"Excellent, very good, complete."
("Excelente muy buena Completa")
reviewed by
June 25, 2020
"Great the way it is. Serves my purposefinding what I have on all my drives."
reviewed by
June 24, 2020
"Tried several cataloging apps before finding and settling on WinCatalog. This program does everything I need and more."
reviewed by
Gary Coville
June 24, 2020
"I would like to have a quick, compact list of all file types available in alphabetical form at all times. That would be a great thing, especially when searching for duplicates. Otherwise a program which I have been looking for a long time. Thank you so much!"
("Ich hätte den Wunsch eine schnelle kompakte Gesamtliste nach Dateitypen wählbar in alphabetischer Form jederzeit verfügbar zu haben. Das wäre eine tolle Sache, gerade zur Dublettensuche. Ansonsten ein Programm welches ich lange gesucht habe. Vielen Dank!")
reviewed by
Michael Möller
June 02, 2020
"Excellent experience. Highly recommended. Easy to use. Functional and convenient archive cataloguing tool."
reviewed by
Ronald Fabian
May 28, 2020
"This program meets all my needs! :) thank you."
reviewed by
Láng Gergely
May 23, 2020
"My 32 USB drives and 7 external drives have all been cataloged. I don't know how I managed without WinCatalog."
reviewed by
David Fuller
May 22, 2020
"Excellent. Trouble free experience."
reviewed by
Alan Prudhoe
May 22, 2020
"Finally a catalog program that can also process my large picture collection!"
("Endlich ein Katalogprogram welches auch meine grosse Bilder-Samlung verarbeiten kann !")
reviewed by
Marcel Egli
May 13, 2020
"I'm very happy with WinCatalog. It makes finding material on my 20 external HDDs a breeze.
And Michael is very quick to reply to enquiries. First class!"
reviewed by
Peter Heap
May 12, 2020
"WinCatalog improves with each New Version that you contribute
Thanks for your new Updates"
("WinCatalog mejora con cada Nueva Versión que aportais
Gracias por vuestras nuevas Actualizaciones")
reviewed by
May 09, 2020
"Great product!"
reviewed by
Doru Pirvu
May 06, 2020
"I have multiple external had drives and this program allows me to upload all of them so I can see their contents."
reviewed by
Robert Wright
May 05, 2020
"Lists all catalogs on different hard drives
Carries out several operations successively (eg Update of discs in a catalog or several catalogs)
Well done, continue ..."
("Lister tous les catalogues sur différents disques durs
Réaliser plusieurs opérations successivement (ex X MàJ de disques d'un catalogue ou de plusieurs catalogues)
Bravo, continuez...")
reviewed by
May 02, 2020
reviewed by
May 01, 2020
"Great speed!"
reviewed by
Tihomir Grebenar
April 22, 2020
"Very good application"
("Aplicación muy acertada")
reviewed by
April 17, 2020
"It is a very complete program. I have been using it for years to organize my collections and it is the simplest and at the same time the most complete and personalized. 100% recommended"
("Es un programa muy completo. Lo llevo utilizando desde hace años para organizar mis colecciones y es el más sencillo y a la vez el más completo y personalizado.
Recomendable al 100%")
reviewed by
Daniel Martin
April 05, 2020
"At the moment WinCatalog perfectly meets my expectations"
("De momento WinCatalog cubre perfectamente mis espectativas")
reviewed by
March 30, 2020
"The best cataloging program that you can imagine."
("Il miglior programma per la catalogazione che si possa immaginare.")
reviewed by
Francesco Cocca
March 29, 2020
"I love WinCatalog! Does exactly the job I want it to do."
reviewed by
Peter Heap
March 29, 2020
"I have used it for years. It is a great way to keep track of where files are located. I have quit a collection of CD's and DVD's and it is very easy to find that obscure file that I have'nt used in years.
Thanks for the perfect catalog system."
reviewed by
Leslie Carroll
March 28, 2020
"Incredibly useful. Able to store/archive large Tv/DVD collection using multiple USB drives, insted of 25GB Blue Ray Disc . It took 50 B-Ray discs for 1 x1 TerraByte Drive. Now slowly reading in all those discs to USB drives. And our DVD collection onto similar drives before DVD drives vanish forever.
What else do you do stuck in 'lockdown' ?
Thanks for a great programme. It would be worth paying for a Major upgrade: V20 coming along ?
xls imports from other older cataloguing progs @"
reviewed by
Leon Tarnowski
March 25, 2020
"I use this to catalog large drives - just names, not pictures, etc. It is fantastically fast even on 5 TB drives and makes finding files easy."
reviewed by
George Ford
March 22, 2020
"Wonderful catalogging program!
I just wish for a more direct way to execute and delete programs and files, without having to click past many steps.
Maybe there's an option to customize this, but I can't seem to find it."
reviewed by
March 22, 2020
"It does a great job, although I think, I didn't grasp the possibilities in it's entirety."
reviewed by
Marco De Luca
March 21, 2020
"A great tool if you have lots of files spread over lots oif external drives etc. Fast reliable and easy to use. Go give it a try!"
reviewed by
March 20, 2020
reviewed by
Norbert Doering
March 16, 2020
"That's really good !!!"
reviewed by
Andrzej Wodecki
March 13, 2020
"I have hundreds of thousands of assets across 30 disks.. duplication, versions etc. A management nightmare for someone who is not organized.
WinCatalog 2019 has changed my life. I no longer have any anxiety about what version or copy of my many files I am working on.
Fantastic, inexpensive and responsibly developed and supported. I recommend it to everyone I know!"
reviewed by
Michael D Greenberg
March 11, 2020
"I've been a VERY satisfied user for several years now. I like that 1 license will work on all your computers (desktop, laptop, and HTPC), and you are not forced to buy a new version, though given the enhancements in each major release, I've always upgraded.
Recently, I decided to really get organized, and besides cataloging my drives, I wanted to specify their physical location. Very pleased that this capability was already in the program, a simple matter to use the "Properties" tab to define which container, and within each container, which storage slot. To me, this shows how well engineered the program is. And the author is very responsive to questions about the program.
With 49 drives cataloged, and continuing to grow, Wincatalog allows me to quickly and easily find the files I'm looking for. Adding a new drive, updating existing drives, it's all done effortlessly. Salutes to an excellent program."
reviewed by
Lawrence Lewis
February 28, 2020
"Great product. Very useful."
reviewed by
Anthony Logan
February 25, 2020
"The search feature is amazing.Great program.Keep up the good work."
reviewed by
Ross Peisel
February 24, 2020
"Show the devs at MS what a file manager should look like, and how it should run! WinCatalog is efficient and efffective. Very nice file management tool."
reviewed by
February 24, 2020
"Excellent Application."
reviewed by
Tim Tammany
February 19, 2020
"Extremely multifaceted archive and catalog management: adapts to any situation. Very satisfied, thanks"
("Gestione archivi e cataloghi estremamente poliedrico: si adatta a qualsiasi situazione. Soddisfattissimo, grazie")
reviewed by
Michele Lo Prete
February 13, 2020
"exactly what I needed to catalog my portable hard drives"
reviewed by
Stewart Lipham
February 12, 2020
"Already a long time user and fan of WinCatalog.
Rudi (BE)"
reviewed by
Rudi Olivier
February 11, 2020
"This program is extra class, I don't know anything better! Keep it up...!"
("Dieses Programm ist einsame Klasse, ich kenne nichts Besseres! Weiter so...!")
reviewed by
February 09, 2020
"Great product and the support team were quick to help with any questions and feature requests I have had. Over 50TB of data across 20 disks and hasn't missed a beat. Highly recommended."
reviewed by
February 03, 2020
"I've barely scratched the surface of how I can use this program, and I already love it! I have a catalog of archive DVD with past jobs that I need to access and this makes that possible. I also like that the program is actively improved and updated!"
reviewed by
Julia Tavis
February 01, 2020
"I want to tell you how awesome I think your app is. I run a recording studio and video post house and have over (250) 2-6 tb drives. It would be impossible to find anything around here if it were not for WinCatalog. It's quick and very functional and one of the best investments I ever made. Keep up the great work."
reviewed by
Chris Andersen,
Senior Producer/Chief Engineer
Nevessa Production
January 27, 2020
"I'm just a beginner, but I like what I have used so far."
reviewed by
George LeBaron
January 26, 2020
("Grossartig !")
reviewed by
Christoph Hohler
January 25, 2020
"Exceptional program,
easy to use and very useful"
("Programma eccezionale,
facile da usare e utilissimo")
reviewed by
January 22, 2020
"Solve my job needs."
reviewed by
rong kun chen
January 22, 2020
"Perfect for organise Radio-TV-DVD collection.
Need: more import options from other 'older' programmes. 'cdz' format"
reviewed by
Leon Tarnowski
January 21, 2020
"Very accurate for searching files with tags."
reviewed by
Beni Kartono
January 21, 2020
"Super program, thank you!"
("Super Progremm, Danke!")
reviewed by
Frank Hoferson
January 20, 2020
"This is the one true all-purpose cataloguing tool I always turn to. Works beautifully, efficiently, and is continually being updated and is well supported. Highly recommended!"
reviewed by
Christopher Dean
January 09, 2020
"Very satisfied I love this program it works very well."
("Très satisfais j adore ce programe il fonctionne très bien.")
reviewed by
Serge Bernard
December 29, 2019
"Wow! Wincatalog 2019 is very very excellent. Thank you soo much."
reviewed by
shin yeon hi
December 28, 2019
"Great! I found a New Cataloger to replace my beloved Where is It?!! I could tell from your interface and your converter programs that this will be what I need for the future so I bought a lifetime license! Thanks!"
reviewed by
Craig Confer
December 21, 2019
"super finder..."
reviewed by
December 10, 2019
"Quickly and conveniently catalog any drive you have on your system... even networked ones!"
reviewed by
Harry L
December 07, 2019
"The WinCatalog people are great with tech responses and quick with enhancements and/or suggestions.
Many thanks!"
reviewed by
raul Rego
December 06, 2019
"It is good, complete and easy [to use]."
("Esta bueno , completo y facil.")
reviewed by
December 06, 2019
"I can find my files. thanks"
reviewed by
Patrick R Grier
November 30, 2019
"great almost perfect program"
("grande programma quasi perfetto")
reviewed by
November 28, 2019
"It seems a good product:it's robust and reliable even when dealing with lot of drives & devices.
Tried other software, for the same job, and at theyr best they did freeze unrecoverably at 15/20% of the load WinCatalog is currently managing with no stress."
reviewed by
November 26, 2019
"Beautiful and very useful. Excellent free 2019 update, Thank you."
("Bellissimo e molto utile.Ottimo aggiornamento 2019 gratuito., Vi ringrazio.")
reviewed by
Vera Antonia Angela de Ruvo
November 24, 2019
"Lovely piece of software which is constantly updated and having new features added."
reviewed by
Mark Harper
November 21, 2019
"I was looking for an equivalent to WhereIsIt, since it is no longer developed and I had to redo all my catalog, erased by mistake. Thank you very much for this program! There is more than to scan these 500 or 600 CDs and DVDs -_-"
("Je cherchais un équivalent à WhereIsIt, puisque celui n'est plus développé et que je devais de toute façon refaire tout mon catalogue, effacé par erreur. Merci beaucoup pour ce programme ! Y a plus qu'à scanner ces 500 ou 600 CD et DVD -_-")
reviewed by
November 17, 2019
"Great program to catalog my many audio files"
reviewed by
November 15, 2019
"I really like the app, the best one on the market :)"
reviewed by
Davor Jurkovic
November 14, 2019
reviewed by
November 12, 2019
"I love this Program. Keep up the great work."
reviewed by
Ron L. Tufigno
November 11, 2019
"The best application to catalog all our discs!!!"
("La mejor aplicacion para catalogar todos nuestros discos!!!")
reviewed by
November 07, 2019
"Does what it should, and well"
("Tut, was es soll, und das gut")
reviewed by
November 06, 2019
"Best Database Disc Catalog Software I have Ever Used"
reviewed by
Don Evelyn
November 04, 2019
"This program was perfect for me when I first heard of it ad it is just as perfect for me now several years later! I love it!!"
reviewed by
James McDowell
November 02, 2019
"One of the best video cataloging programs. It can handle large hard disks (14 T.B.) and does not create problems when it has to start even though it has a catalog of 400,000 GB"
("Uno dei migliori programmi per la catalogazione dei video. Riesce a gestire Hard Disk di grosse dimensioni (14 T.B.) e non crea problemi quando si deve avviare pur avendo un catalogo di 400.000 GB")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
October 31, 2019
"Still the best database"
("Immer noch die beste Datenbank")
reviewed by
Reinhard Gervelmeyer
October 31, 2019
"very cool this version, already knew this program, I would always have it
("muito legal essa versão, já comnhecia esse programa,gostaria de te-lo sempre
reviewed by
claudio graça
October 29, 2019
"I love it !"
reviewed by
Eric Poirier
October 28, 2019
"Your software best of world. Number One."
reviewed by
Mustafa BAŞ
October 25, 2019
reviewed by
Grupa EFEKT Przemysław Kowalewski
October 24, 2019
"Excellent program!!!
Have been using this program for years and love it. It fulfills all of my needs for tracking my files."
reviewed by
Frank Fitzpatrick
October 23, 2019
"Been using WinCatalog for years now! Best file sorting program ever!"
reviewed by
Patrick Zimmerle
October 23, 2019
"Great program.
i would really like to see the ability to add several disks at once so as one disk completes indexing the next disk automaticlly begins indexing.
Wonderful program."
reviewed by
Craig Ballew
October 21, 2019
"very good"
reviewed by
Siddh Eswari
October 20, 2019
"So far it's GREAT!"
reviewed by
Thomas Cichowicz
October 19, 2019
"What could you possibly have done to improve this magnificent piece of software. I have been using Wincatalog for a long time and I can honestly say, this is as good as software gets. I am a refugee from Advanced Disk Catalog so I know. You are a top notch programmer and Wincatalog is the most valuable pieced of software I own."
reviewed by
Jay Coihen
October 18, 2019
"I have done this beautifully for all the disks in my setup. It is invaluable for looking up the whereabouts of any of my saved files, wherever they are on my system."
reviewed by
John Kay
October 16, 2019
"great software, really helpful when you have to keep track of files on multiple hard drives..."
reviewed by
Ed Lynch
October 14, 2019
"This is the best program I have seen for cataloging CDs. Excellent. Each time I use it I learn more about the many features of this program. Wish I had gotten this app years ago."
reviewed by
Lee Wimbs
October 12, 2019
"thank you very much for your great program – it works even with 4 GB data and over 2,5 milion files!"
reviewed by
Weißenberger Christian
October 10, 2019
"Having said that, I LIKE WinCatalog so much, I just bought a 2019 upgrade license (50% discount, thank you). Your software meets my needs, I use it weekly, and I want to support your efforts because it is GREAT software. I appreciate that you keep making improvements and that new versions are released (e.g., it's not dead). I don't complement software often, but yours, I LIKE."
reviewed by
Larry Lewis
October 06, 2019
"I love your program and would be lost without it. I do woodworking to keep busy in my retirement and I have hundreds of plans on pdf files and your program helps me find what I'm looking for. I was using another program before I found yours and it's wasn't nearly as good. Again THANKS"
reviewed by
Jerry Schneider
October 01, 2019
"Congratulations on a truly great and unique piece of software!"
reviewed by
September 30, 2019
"Very Good"
("Muy Buena")
reviewed by
September 28, 2019
"The best!"
("Lo mejor!")
reviewed by
September 24, 2019
"For me it is the best used."
("Para mi es el mejor que e usado.")
reviewed by
Ramon T.
September 19, 2019
"This is good."
("Ez jó.")
reviewed by
September 16, 2019
"very nice!"
("çok güzel!")
reviewed by
September 08, 2019
"Anyone with films, music, books, photos, docs, etc stored on DVDs, CDs, USB sticks, SD cards, hard disks, etc will find WinCatalog indispensible - and then wonder how they ever managed without it."
reviewed by
Roy Clarke
September 04, 2019
"Easy to use. Quick searches even on large disks."
reviewed by
George Ford
August 31, 2019
"keep it up ok for me"
("tak trzymać dla mnie jest ok")
reviewed by
August 25, 2019
"Please keep on using SQLite (or MySQL if you want to), being able to query the database with my own custom SQL queries is fantastic!"
reviewed by
FDV Informatique
August 24, 2019
"fabuous program for cataloging multiple hard disks making ti easier to find files."
reviewed by
kevin mullen
August 11, 2019
"Great program"
("Remek program")
reviewed by
Tóth Imre
August 08, 2019
"A good cataloger is the basis for successful systematization of media resources!"
reviewed by
Felix Kasparinsky
August 08, 2019
reviewed by
July 31, 2019
"Scans and saves information about the contents of disks and other storage media quickly and easily. Thanks to this, you can check what's on them at any time without reconnecting."
("Szybko i bezproblemowo skanuje i zapisuje informacje o zawartość dysków i innych nośników pamięci. Dzięki temu można w każdej chwili sprawdzić co się na nich znajduje, bez ponownego podłączania.")
reviewed by
July 31, 2019
reviewed by
Vl. Dimin
July 29, 2019
"Excellent program. It is continuously updated and supports the management of more than 100 TB of external hard drives"
("Ottimo programma. Viene aggiornato continuamente e supporta la gestione di più di 100 TB di Hard Disk esterni")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
July 28, 2019
"Since my first use my mind was blown away with this software.Have a really great modern look.If you could add option for automatic adding discs,when I insert them in CS/DVD Rom that woud be great,also option for manually saving catalogue when you want to close program.Keep up with great work this software is amazing!"
reviewed by
July 27, 2019
"So far so good. It works great."
reviewed by
Dan Brust
July 24, 2019
"sorry i did not know about this untility earlier! it is a great program
i would like to select all drives and have it compare ALL FILES to tell me how many duplicates I have across all drives so I can find single files and coppy them so that I am fully backed up..."
reviewed by
ted baldwin
July 22, 2019
"Finally I can get my CDs and DVDs in order. This program is easy to use with heaps of possiblities."
reviewed by
Raymond Camilleri
July 20, 2019
"great product!"
reviewed by
William Buick
July 19, 2019
"Excellent program manages many large external hard disks (14 TB 12 TB, 10, TB)"
("Ottimo programma riesce a gestire molti hard disk esterni di grosse dimensioni (14 TB 12 TB, 10, TB)")
reviewed by
Vito Maggi
July 16, 2019
"Where Is It? went belly up and I needed to find something that would at least read my extensive database from that old program. WinCatalog did that. Not perfectly but it is a great replacement."
reviewed by
Paul M Ruzicka
July 15, 2019
"great program quickly easy"
("prima programma snel makkelijk")
reviewed by
j rietmeijer
July 13, 2019
"I love this app! Never lose a file again!"
reviewed by
Henri Philip
July 11, 2019
"It Works"
reviewed by
Peter Roberts
July 05, 2019
"A great software that leaves nothing to be desired. So far I have used DisCatalog v3. But no comparison. WinCatalog is more stable and much faster. I am very satisfied."
("Eine tolle Software die keine Wünsche offen läßt. Bisher habe ich DisCatalog v3 benutzt. Aber kein Vergleich. WinCatalog ist stabiler und wesentlich schneller. Bin super zufrieden.")
reviewed by
Michael Christoph
July 04, 2019
"A very useful application for the CD and DVD archive, it is also possible to print a customized list of contents. Impossible to do without it despite being free."
("Applicazione utilissima per l'archivio di CD e DVD, è possibile stampare anche un elenco personalizzato del contenuto. Impossibile farne a meno pur essendo gratuita.")
reviewed by
July 01, 2019
"Great app. A few small UI tweaks and it would be perfect."
reviewed by
David Kaplowitz
July 01, 2019
reviewed by
Rogan Montgomery-Smith
July 01, 2019
"super barriers source helpful"
("super barrrrrdzi pomocny")
reviewed by
FoxxApp PortableAppZ
June 30, 2019
"very satisfied and well organized"
reviewed by
Issam Karaki
June 27, 2019
"Works Great, but thumbnails need to be larger"
reviewed by
June 24, 2019
"Fantastic! The best database tool yet."
reviewed by
Joao Riveres
June 22, 2019
"Bet Catalog program around and great support."
reviewed by
Charles Holz
June 21, 2019
"Everything is allright"
reviewed by
June 14, 2019
"Great program just what we were looking for ...
Still in trial mode but will purchase soon..."
reviewed by
Andrew Mc
June 06, 2019
"Hello :)
I humbly admit that I pirated this applet for some time but I have the rule that "I don't buy a pig in a poke" and that I found out that there is a good piece of works, you have to pay for such work. Respect for creators! keep it up !!!"
("Witam :)
Przyznam z pokorą że jakiś czas piraciłem ten programik ale mam zasadę że : "kota w worku nie kupuję" a że się przekonałem iż jest tu kawał dobrej
roboty ,to za taką pracę trzeba zapłacić .
Szacun dla twórców ! i tak trzymać !!!")
reviewed by
June 06, 2019
"I have been looking for such a program for a long time. Fine! Well done guys."
reviewed by
Vitaly Biryoukov
June 06, 2019
"WinCatalog is an exceptionally good program, and the support people are truly outstanding! I am very happy with what this app can do, and look forward to using it for a long time to keep track of all my discs."
reviewed by
Lawrence Gill
June 05, 2019
"Perfect catalog application, I love it :)"
reviewed by
Gabor Nemeth
May 23, 2019
"great software
now I know where each file is located on my multi-hard discs"
reviewed by
Issam Karaki
May 22, 2019
"It's very practical, I don't have much experience yet, I'll let you know later."
("E' molto pratico, non ho amcora molta esperienza, vi farò sapere in seguito.")
reviewed by
May 16, 2019
"Exactly the program for which I was looking. In cataloging the photo, video and document file content for about two hundred blu-ray disks of material I've found WinCatalog handled it very well.
Particularaly useful for me have been both the automatic attachment of thumbnails for photos (and videos) and the program's serach functionality in general. These have proven very effective in catlog searches.
The ability to tag or add comments to files, directories, and partial or whole disks greatly improves later retrieval/location of content. I also appreciate that I can select multiple files/disks/folders and apply a comment to them in one stroke (a real time saver). A well-designed underlying database design with excellent functionality, an effective and intuitive interface, and a helpful manual. Well done!"
reviewed by
Robert Crosby
May 13, 2019
"One of the best I've tried, easy to use and it's quick to get all names files/progrmas on any device at any location."
reviewed by
Charles Midiri
May 12, 2019
"The best catalog programs around. Very user friendly."
reviewed by
James Shipton
May 10, 2019
"Extremely helpful."
("Äußerst hilfreich.")
reviewed by
Michael Morth
May 03, 2019
"This is truly an excellent program to log, document, and the ability to inventory. Currently I have over 250 CDs stored in the database. Many, many of these CDs have picture albums. With thousands of photos your program makes it so easy to search for that special picture."
reviewed by
Lee Wimbs
April 30, 2019
"It is a great and very reliable program - even if it challenged by a huge number of files! It helps me to administrate thousands of music samples but also for office documents it is of great value!"
reviewed by
Christian Weissenberger, M.D.
April 24, 2019
"Have been using WinCatalog since 2013 and love it. Very well-programmed and structured!"
reviewed by
Frank Fitzpatrick
April 23, 2019
"Very good"
reviewed by
Philippe Gadbois
April 19, 2019
"Once I'd catalogued all my drives it saves me from hours of searching through my external drives. Type in the file name and within seconds it's found."
reviewed by
David York
April 17, 2019
"Excelent app!!!!"
reviewed by
Przemyslaw Fik
April 11, 2019
"I think I used your software about 15+ years ago to catalog my DVDs. I enjoyed being part of your development too. I am still spending my time videoing wildlife etc and things have changed being able to use the more complex cameras and needing to find a catalogue my old information and hopefully continue catalogue in different forms, tapes, discs, dvd, I don't have to list them all."
reviewed by
Donald Walton
April 08, 2019
reviewed by
April 04, 2019
"Wonderful to be able to view contents of external HDDs offline. Search function is fast & accurate. Great to be able to search across HDDs at the same time. Very useful software."
reviewed by
April 03, 2019
"I recommand it for day to day work with big or small data packages, HDDs or SSD. Very wase and intuitive menus makes an must for every person wanting an easy application and well constructed. Thumbs up."
reviewed by
Todesc Madalin
April 01, 2019
"The program is really loaded with all kinds of ways of crriers that are available :) I RECOMMEND and best regards !!"
("Program naprawde opszernie naładowany wszelakim
sposbami nośników jakie sa dostępne :) POLECAM i pozdrawiam !!")
reviewed by
March 29, 2019
"very useful to consult data stored on CD or DVD, it is also possible to create a report on files to print and attach to the support"
("utilissima per consultare dati archiviati su CD o DVD, è possibile creare anche un report su file da stampare e allegare al supporto")
reviewed by
March 25, 2019
"Good App. Cudos."
reviewed by
March 17, 2019
("Jest OK")
reviewed by
PC Format (PL)
March 13, 2019
"Excellent Program. I recommend it!"
("Excelente Programa. Se los recomiendo!")
reviewed by
March 01, 2019
"A very practical program. Option to choose the details of the data. And the biggest plus - the program reads all data, does not block anything. I RECOMMEND."
("Bardzo praktyczny program. Możliwość wyboru szczegółowości danych. I największy plus - program czyta wszystkie dane, na niczym się nie blokuje. POLECAM.")
reviewed by
Andrzej Wodecki
February 26, 2019
"until now only collected, that is well and nicely clear."
("bis jetzt nur gesammelt, das geht gut und schön übersichtlich.")
reviewed by
joerg Luecke
February 24, 2019
reviewed by
February 23, 2019
"It's the best of the bunch :)"
reviewed by
February 21, 2019
"Does what I need and great features"
reviewed by
Jeff Murphy
February 15, 2019
"love the speed"
reviewed by
mikey inkster
February 15, 2019
"Great Program, to retreive my files."
reviewed by
Brian Fisher
February 05, 2019
"after several years with wherelst that is good too, but I think this is much, much better so I decided to buy it, since it is very important to have the collection well organized"
("despues de varios años con wherelst que es bueno tambien , pero creo que este es mucho, bastante mejor por eso decidi comprarlo,ya que es muy importante tener bien ordenada la coleccion")
reviewed by
jose antonio simon rodriguez
February 01, 2019
"Great program, I really liked the fact that I could easily import archives made with other software, specifically advanced disc catalog. I am finding it very good."
("Ottimo programma, mi è molto piaciuto il fatto che facilmente ho potuto importare archivi fatti con altro software, nello specifico advanced disc catalog. Mi sto trovando molto bene.")
reviewed by
Federico Perazzini
January 28, 2019
"fantastic tool for archive indexing!"
reviewed by
Jim Lammers
January 28, 2019
"Great way to keep track of everything!"
reviewed by
Richard Hahn
January 27, 2019
"I am very pleased with the program. Bravo. You made a program that finally helped me to archive all collections, i.e. photographs, documents, maps, and many others. Finally, I don't have to laboriously search for the file I need - now it takes seconds instead of hours. COOL !!!!!!"
("Bardzo jestem zadowolony z programu. Brawo. Zrobiliście program który nareszcie pomógł mi zarchiwizować wszystkie zbiory tj. fotografie, dokumenty, mapy, i wiele innych. NARESZCIE nie muszę mozolnie szukać potrzebnego pliku - teraz trwa to sekundy zamiast godzin. SUPER !!!!!!")
reviewed by
January 24, 2019
"I was unable to scan and enter external USB drives."
reviewed by
Walter Latham
January 21, 2019
"gave it an 18 TB data set - very quick on my home server"
reviewed by
mikey inkster
January 19, 2019
"Excellent software to quickly find all that file lost in a universe of hard drives. 100% recommendable!"
("Excelente software para encontrar rápidamente todo aquél archivo perdido en un universo de discos duros. 100% Recomendable!")
reviewed by
Miguel Angel Rosete Guerrero
January 11, 2019
"Exactly what I was looking for, nice UI and fast and esasy leatrning curve. Great."
("Exactement ce que je recherchais, belle interface et prise en main rapide et facile. Bravo.")
reviewed by
January 11, 2019
"Once I'd figured out how to ignore .svn and .meta files worked a treat is fast with intuitive UI"
reviewed by
John Valle
January 11, 2019
"in this time all ok!"
reviewed by
wo g.
January 10, 2019
"Managing thousands of files scattered in so many hard disks is practically impossible but since I discovered WINCATALOG, suddenly, everything has become simpler and immediate. What you are looking for you can find it in a fraction of a second! Congratulations to the software developers! David"
("Getsire migliaia di file sparsi in tanti hard disk è praticamente impossibile ma da quando ho scoperto WINCATALOG, di colpo, tutto è diventato più semplice ed immediato. Ciò che cerchi puoi trovarlo in una frazione di secondo!
Complimenti agli sviluppatori del software!
reviewed by
Cirillo Davide
January 07, 2019
"I always use the best program"
("el mejor programa siempre lo uso")
reviewed by
George Castle
January 04, 2019
"Very intuitive app. Recommand it!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Todesc Madalin
December 08, 2018
"Very good and useful" ("Nagyon jó a kezdeményezés és hasznos")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Zalán A
December 02, 2018
"The program often helps to search for one or another document. Thank you very much, I wish you the best"
WinCatalog reviewed by
November 28, 2018
"I have many programs backed up on DVD. It would be very difficult to remember what programs I have without WinCatalog."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Michael Leinwander
November 23, 2018
"What could you possibly have done to improve this magnificent piece of software. I have been using Wincatalog for a long time and I can honestly say, this is as good as software gets. I am a refugee from Advanced Disk Catalog so I know. You are a top notch programmer and Wincatalog is the most valuable pieced of software I own."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jay Cohen
November 23, 2018
"It reminds me of long forgotten app WhereIsIt and I think this app is worthy successor of that cataloguing software. No matter the circumstances and quantity of HDDs or storage available one can have in their PC, the cataloguing software is a must have for a quick insight in the data one has."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Tomislav Kencek
November 17, 2018
"Very useful program. I tried many programs before it. I worked as a photojournalist, a huge archive - and searching for the right photo was always a problem. WinCatalog solved these problems."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Vladimir Yanchenko
November 16, 2018
"Great program. Keep it up" ("Œwietny program. Tak trzymaæ dalej")
WinCatalog reviewed by
November 01, 2018
"Just simply a great cataloging program"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Kevin Pride
October 31, 2018
"Your software is already fantastic!!" ("Il Vs. software e già Fantastico!!")
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 30, 2018
"Fantastic app! I had used (without much success) several different methods to catalog my portable drives....updating the catalogs always proved to be a pain. WinCatalog makes the whole process simple and fast."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Don Gregory
October 22, 2018
"Really helps me keep track of multiple drives of Audio files."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Larry Elliott
October 20, 2018
"Best Database program and outstanding support"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Charles Holz
October 20, 2018
"Super tool! Linux version would be great!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 18, 2018
"The software is very good." ("软件很好。")
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 17, 2018
"Excellent software to have total control of all files in Windows. I no longer waste time searching." ("Excelente software para tener un control total de todos los archivos en Windows. Ya no pierdo tiempo buscando.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Miguel Angel Rosete Guerrero
October 14, 2018
"This program has been extremely useful for cataloguing a huge data collection"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Alan Gilks
October 12, 2018
"Worth recommending. greetings" ("Godna polecenia. pozdrawiam ")
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 10, 2018
"excellent tool for file management over multiple volumes/HDs"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Keith Edward Lynch
October 10, 2018
"It's Fabulous helps me a lot to find files on different external disks without having to change in continauction" ("E' Favoloso mi aiuta molto a trovare file nei diversi dischi esterni senza dover cambiare in continauzione")
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 06, 2018
"Finally, I do not have to connect external drives to check where the file is. Cool!" ("Wreszczie nie muszę podłšczać zewnętrznych dysków w celu sprawdzenia gdzie jest dany plik. Super!")
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 06, 2018
"Works exactly as described - worth the money thanks"
WinCatalog reviewed by
David Demczuk
October 01, 2018
"Excellent program for indexing all the files across the PC and external and backup drives. Makes keeping track of everything and finding where things have been stored just so much easier. Found photos and files I didn't realise I still had. Also great for finding unneccessary duplicates and freeing up disk space."
WinCatalog reviewed by
September 30, 2018
"Excellent program to monitor the contents of external hard drives" ("programma ottimo per tenere sotto controllo il contenuto di hard disk esterni")
WinCatalog reviewed by
September 29, 2018
"Great Software easy to use"
WinCatalog reviewed by
les roper
September 23, 2018
"Great program, fast response to problems." ("Tolles Programm, schnelle reagtion bei Problemmen.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Thomas Voß
September 21, 2018
"One of the best catalog programs I have tested. And it is fun that one can convert ADC catalog files to use WinCatalog."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paul Wilkin
September 21, 2018
"This program makes finding archived data and programs a breeze. Trying to manually fing a paticular file in a storage unit of over 20TB in size would be very time consuming. This program keeps it simple and quick for me. I recommend it 100%"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Mark Coombs
September 10, 2018
"Fast and reliable. Now I can find everything. Superior support. "
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jay Cohen
September 10, 2018
"Does the job"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paul Wilkin
September 01, 2018
"With a number of drives removed for archive, this allows me to know where files are. Tried a lot of cataloging programs, and found this one to be the most intuitive to use."
WinCatalog reviewed by
August 26, 2018
"Does more than I was looking for! The icons on the HTML report is a nice touch!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Michael Zimmerman
August 22, 2018
"Excellent service and backup - even sorted my old datebase for me so I could read all again!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Duncan Elson
July 31, 2018
"This programme works very well and has been extremely user friendly to operate."
WinCatalog reviewed by
July 17, 2018
"Searching is comprehensive and acceptably fast. Book covers are also covered in the indexing process."
WinCatalog reviewed by
July 15, 2018
"Superior software with 1st class support"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jay Cohen
July 15, 2018
"Use only - "Update" and "Search". Like everything!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
July 14, 2018
"Your program is very helpful. Thank you. I working in video editing and I use your product to keep track of all my many thousands of archived files."
WinCatalog reviewed by
David Millett
July 11, 2018
"Easy to find files...easy to back-up files."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Progressive Business Solutions
July 11, 2018
"Just plein perfect. Beautiful. Works."
WinCatalog reviewed by
July 06, 2018
"Very useful Thank you" ("Molto utile Grazie")
WinCatalog reviewed by
June 27, 2018
"The best, and perhaps the only ones!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Victor Varfolomeev
June 22, 2018
"The TOP for Cataloging Hard Drives!!! In addition, after-sales service is at the Top !!!!" ("Le TOP pour Cataloguer ses Disques Durs !!! De plus, SAV au Top !!!!")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Olivier SMEJA
June 19, 2018
"WinCatalog has helped me find files that I thought were long gone. Thanks!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Joseph Allison
June 19, 2018
"Great job guys, thanks a bunch. Your support and follow through are truly fantastic. Without WinCatalog, the last week of reorganizing and sorting through 24 TB of files would have been a nightmare. Thank you again!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Matthew F.
June 19, 2018
"Best and most complete in the category. I have been using it for many years. This version seems faster than 2016" ("Melhor e mais completo da categoria. Uso há muitos anos. Esta versão parece mais rápida que a 2016")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Sergio Carisio
June 16, 2018
"Great now."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Robert Steinbach
June 13, 2018
"I have used WinCatalog for many years. I see it is improved greatly in each version up grade. This version, 2018 is by far the best. I use WinCatalog as if it were my own filing cabinets with option of rapid search. It's customer service is very personal and excellent in answering even a trivial question. It is worth my money for this software."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paul Satoh
June 12, 2018
"I depend on this app for all my media data and enjoy it's powerful functunality and usefulness. The ability to generate various reports, track my data and manage all the data in this one package make this my most useful tool in organizing and tracking all my media data. Thanks for such a useful program. And it looks great too!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Perry DeJesus
June 02, 2018
"I am a longtime WhereIsIt user but after a couple of years of no updates I decided to give you guys a try, and I'm glad I did."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Allen Alberti
May 26, 2018
"I love it! does everything it say in description and thensome. far exceeded my expectations!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Emerald Rose
May 16, 2018
"Great software that helps one manage lots of files spread over various storage media. Also, WinCatalog is affordably priced and well supported."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Tony Eccleston
May 11, 2018
"Great cataloging app. Fast and accurate."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Robert Friedman
May 08, 2018
"definitely useful and functional to catalog and search for files, images and videos spread across multiple disks!"("decisamente utile e funzionale per catalogare e ricercare file, immagini e video sparsi su più dischi")
WinCatalog reviewed by
May 07, 2018
"Indispensible tool!! Dont' know how I got along without it!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Dan Driscoll
May 07, 2018
"great product!!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
May 05, 2018
"Excellent application, it does a very detailed scan and it stores thumbnails which is very useful. All my backup discs are catalogued with WinCatalog 2017!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Karim Salswach
May 04, 2018
"Great way to catalog any project you might need to track. Simple, straightforward instructions help to get started. Screens are intuitive and flexible for adding comments and text. I have used WinCatalog for everything from cataloging hard drives, USBs, external hard drives, picture files, and project pdf files. The search bar makes it easy to find a single document out of hundreds with a simple search criterion. And I very much appreciate that my license covers two computers in my home. Thanks for a great product."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Charles Labarge
May 02, 2018
"Great Application for searching for content and files"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Daniel Lord
May 01, 2018
"Love it. Going to purchase since I have really used it."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Brad Petterson
May 01, 2018
"Its essentail to keep track on what is on my (150) 2-3tb media drives. Quick and easy to find anything!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Nevessa Production
April 27, 2018
"I like the fast scanning of external HD and that it recognizes file properties for videos."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Sami Puukko
April 26, 2018
"Very pleased with WinCatalog 2017. It's been the answer to properly indexing and accessing years worth of jobsite photos and videos we've amassed. As 've told the company owner, if you can't locate it, you don't have it. The bottom line: given the vast storage capacity available to consumers today, indexing must go hand-in-hand with storage."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Thermal Solutions, Inc.
April 24, 2018
"Its essentail to keep track on what is on my (150) 2-3tb media drives. Quick and easy to find anything!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Nevessa Production
April 27, 2018
"I like the fast scanning of external HD and that it recognizes file properties for videos."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Sami Puukko
April 26, 2018
"Very pleased with WinCatalog 2017. It's been the answer to properly indexing and accessing years worth of jobsite photos and videos we've amassed. As 've told the company owner, if you can't locate it, you don't have it. The bottom line: given the vast storage capacity available to consumers today, indexing must go hand-in-hand with storage."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Thermal Solutions, Inc.
April 24, 2018
"Finally... an app that can handle some fairly large (6TB or so) volumes!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Tom Hill
April 20, 2018
"This is the best catalogue program I have ever owned, in my 40 years of computing."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Mark Coombs
April 18, 2018
"best cataloging program i've ever used"
WinCatalog reviewed by
April 17, 2018
"No way to make it better that I can think of. This is the best file catalog product I have found - thank you!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
James Tuttle
April 16, 2018
"The Best!!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Michael Robinson
April 15, 2018
"Great programme. Use it every day."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Raymond Parris
April 14, 2018
"I explore further the possibilities of this fantastic tool but already (after an hour) it is very clear: this software saves you time and annoyance now that everything is perfectly cataloged and updated. Was searching for the most obvious functions: but it works logically and perfectly I found some nice pictures that I thought I'd lost. Wincatalog finds everything, catalogs, keeps track of and reports everything. Super!" ("Ik verken nog verder de mogelijkheden van deze fantastische tool maar nu al (na een uurtje) is het zeer duidelijk: deze software bespaart je tijd en ergernis nu alles perfect gecatalogeerd is en geupdated wordt. Was even zoeken naar de meeste voor de hand liggende functies: maar werkt logisch en perfect Ik vond enkele mooie foto's terug die ik dacht kwijt te zijn. Wincatalog vindt alles, catalogeert, houdt bij en rapporteert alles. Super! ")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Frans De Cock
April 08, 2018
"it's been a great tool for organizing my computer"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Donald Duffy
April 04, 2018
"Excellent operation and a great help to find and re-order files" ("Excelente funcionamiento y una gran ayuda para encontrar y re-ordenar archivos")
WinCatalog reviewed by
raul castro diaz
April 04, 2018
"Excellent piece of software! Highly recommended!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
April 03, 2018
"I've been using this program for several years. Although I have still not learned all of it's capabilities I still love this program just as much now as when I first found out about it!. It has saved me uncountable hours searching for my videos!! Well done..., and thank you!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
James McDowell
April 02, 2018
"This should be part of any computer with big hard drives, or those that access NAS. Cuts my file searches by 99%. This is not an exaggeration."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jun Bernardo
March 22, 2018
"the program has working flawless,since i started with it."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Sven Holmqvist
March 18, 2018
"Faster, no more bugs. Scans up to 6.0TB. Faster and dId I mention faster"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Dominic M
March 17, 2018
"Great program. Best of all that I've tried."
WinCatalog reviewed by
March 17, 2018
"A really great program. I am only just getting to know the program as I bought it a couple or so days ago and love it. "
WinCatalog reviewed by
Raymond Parris
March 13, 2018
"I have been using it from time immemorial and I am very satisfied! Clean 5 stars!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
March 06, 2018
"I use this program many times per day - robust, stable and fast. It has saved me tons of work."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paul Leffler
March 04, 2018
"It's great software as it is now. The features it provides is why I purchased a lifetime major upgrades license."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Shawn Antosz
March 03, 2018
"Very good application and very intuitive. Recommand it to everybody who needs a lite and powerfull at the same time app."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Todesc Madalin
February 21, 2018
"The best!! The more I use it the better I like it. TERRIFIC!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jay Cohen
February 21, 2018
"Very good software"
WinCatalog reviewed by
February 19, 2018
"One of the best programs I bought" ("En av de bästa programmen jag köpte")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Christer Wickman
February 11, 2018
"I've been using WinCatalog for years now, and this last version is a major upgrade in every sense. It loads extremely fast not only the program itself, but the collections too. My main collection is a 400MB file, and now it loads almost instantly! The search function is so fast that now amazes me! My previous version took many minutes to get the first search results. Now everything shows almost instantly! And some new improvements are very good indeed. I'am still using the old 2009 version when I need to have 2 colections open at the same time, and the difference between both is huge! Is then when one can feel the difference. I always loved this soft, but now I love it! Conrgatulations on this advance!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Vicente Povse
February 09, 2018
"I explored various functions of WinCatalog and I am really surprised its speed and thoroughness of search. I also added large files in one NAS drive and updated it. The speed of updating was amazing. I dug out an very old program EndNote-8 (2005) and managed to use it to collect and store scientific literatures. Now the database files with "*.enl" are indexed by WinCatalog and I can locate where the original articles are stored. I linked EndNote and WinCatalog so that I can open an article in the file location."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paul Satoh, PhD., MBA
February 02, 2018
"The program is excellent. I tried to use it for cataloging the contents of external disks, there are no complaints, never crashed on Win7, it works reliably."
WinCatalog reviewed by
January 26, 2018
"Works perfectly."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Dariusz Bochenek
January 06, 2018
"It's incredible how fast you can fill up removable hard drives. WinCatalog makes it a snap to find anything instantly. Searching is quick and accurate. This is an indespensible program for anyone with important digital assets to preserve."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Barney Leonard
December 21, 2017
"Great program for sd card or picture cataloging."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Keith Bobbitt
December 14, 2017
"Nice one. Meets my requirement. Love it."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Vipul Patel
December 10, 2017
"A really good program. Search is quick and reliable." ("Todella hyvä ohjelma. Löytää haut nopeasti ja luotettavasti.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Hannu Miettinen
December 05, 2017
"Very good program. I find my stuff much better now. Update function is improved now and the program works even better."
WinCatalog reviewed by
December 02, 2017
"The program is robust. It just works!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Glenn Mitchell
December 02, 2017
"Nice program to find something among many files." ("Mooi programma om ergens in de vele bestanden iets te vinden.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
HJ van Dijk
November 27, 2017
"Best thing that has happened for LTFS LTO5 - 7 tape offline indexing! Highly recommended! Combined with automation software and tape library and windows 7 - PERFECT! Best of all - I can make copies of the catalog file and install the software on other computers to browse a copy of the catalog whenever I need it! Thank you very much for that!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
BBrental / Latvia
November 21, 2017
"Love this program. Used it for many years."
WinCatalog reviewed by
George W Durman
November 17, 2017
"To be honest, so far it's flawless for me. It finds changed files with minimum effort when I update a catalogued drive, the search function is reasonably fast. That's all I expect from a cataloging program: speed and a reliable search function."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Attila Roman
November 13, 2017
"It is excellent" ("Es muy bueno excelente.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
November 12, 2017
WinCatalog reviewed by
Todesc Madalin
November 06, 2017
"Good program. I like it, easly in use."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Koos van Duinen
November 04, 2017
"Works great to index all my drives and optical disk collection."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Dwayne Goforth
November 03, 2017
"Originally used WhereIsIt to backup my discs, but switched to WinCatalog because it's much faster at indexing BD-R discs."
WinCatalog reviewed by
David W Orr
November 01, 2017
"Have used for years and love it!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Frank Fitzpatrick
October 31, 2017
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 29, 2017
"We were using advanced disc catalogue which although good was badly dated and limited. This program moved all our catalogue and allowed us to continue without starting again"
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 28, 2017
"An excellent program to manage external hard disks, multimedia files like movies etc.! I'm glad I have found this program. Currently I manage 5 disks with it and use the free version. If there are more, I would be happy to choose the paid version. The program is worth the money! Stable, easy to use and clear."("Ein hervorragendes Programm, um externe Festplatten, multimediale Dateien wie Filme usw. zu verwalten! Ich bin froh dieses Programm gefunden zu haben. Derzeit verwalte ich damit 5 Festplatten und benutze die kostenlose Version. Wenn es mehr werden, wäre ich gerne bereit auch die bezahlte Version zu wählen. Das programm ist sein Geld wert! Stabil, leicht zu bedienen und übersichtlich.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 24, 2017
"Using free version for year now - it works as advertised."
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 13, 2017
"Excellent program that can digest even 10 TB disks" ("Ottimo programma che riesce a digerire anche dischi da 10 TB")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Vito Maggi
October 05, 2017
"For a number of years I've been meaning to reorganise the contents of my disks in order to find files more easily. I've never had the time. Now I don't need to. I can just search for the files and find them within seconds. Absolutely brilliant."
WinCatalog reviewed by
John Rae
October 03, 2017
"Great product for a great price."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Carl Babcock
September 19, 2017
"So far it seems to be an excellent program, very well designed and a great utility for those who have a lot of files on CDs, DVDs and External Hard Drives" ("Hasta ahora me ha parecido un excelente programa, muy bien diseñado y de una gran utilidad para quienes tenemos archivos grandes en CD, DVD y Discos Duros externos")
WinCatalog reviewed by
September 18, 2017
"Very useful!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
September 12, 2017
"This software makes order in the chaos. By using WinCatalog I can easily find any movies in my collection. Thanx for it."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Csaba Kocsis
September 11, 2017
"Love it, a computer secretary that does not ask for an increase or go home at 5.00pm."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jim Maspero
September 06, 2017
"Works very well. Does what I need it to do."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Howard Simpson
September 02, 2017
"all is good"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Alex Meston
September 02, 2017
"Rock solid catalog application, several years of usage with excellent results on both music and other archives"
WinCatalog reviewed by
James Bielick
August 31, 2017
"Useful for those who have several external hard drives and want to quickly search for files." ("Utile applicazione per coloro che posseggono parecchi hard disk esterni e vogliono effettuare una veloce ricerca dei file")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Vito Maggi
August 28, 2017
"The program fulfills all functional expectations according to the purpose for which it was created and designed, ie cataloging and indexing data." ("Program spe³nia wszelkie oczekiwania w zakresie funkcjonalnoœci zgodnie z celem do którego zosta³ stworzony i zaprojektowany czyli skatalogowania i zindeksowania posiadanych danych.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Szymon Wolender
August 23, 2017
"LOVE THIS PROGRAM! So easy to find my audiobooks, music dvds, etc. Wonderful search and catalog system. Don't know how it could be improved."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Kathryn Bertrand
August 17, 2017
"i find it great thanks 4 a great program aade"
WinCatalog reviewed by
adrian nykerk
August 16, 2017
"I have used other cataloging programs from time to time and always stayed with WinCatalog. It simply works well and fast without the hassles/limits/caveats that the other prorgrams had (or have)."
WinCatalog reviewed by
A happy user
August 14, 2017
"WinCatalog is the best search engine I found by a long shot, and the most advance but simple to use. I found and used others but nowhere near the feathers."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Neil Hunter
August 12, 2017
"best of the many Ive tried"
WinCatalog reviewed by
mikey inkster
August 06, 2017
"One of the best Catalog programs that I've tried."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Charles Holz
August 02, 2017
"There is nothing laking in this software. Everything you need to catalog your media is here."
WinCatalog reviewed by
July 31, 2017
"Fabulous Program! Heard about it on The Tech Guy and now is helping me organize multiple Hard Drives."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Mariano Saynez
July 31, 2017
"I discovered WinCatalog 2017 online and I am currently trying out the free version. I am really impressed with the ease of setup and the speed for retrieval of information. thanks"
WinCatalog reviewed by
paul lobsinger
July 25, 2017
"Best program to keep track of and update files. Quick, efficient and easy!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Erik Bäck
July 24, 2017
"Very Good Application. I recommand it to everybody who need an catalog for everything. Cheers."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Todesc Madalin
July 23, 2017
"WinCatalog is blazingly fast, especially when thumbnails and such are turned off. An 8TB disk with 110,000 files took me less than a minute to catalogue. It is also easier to use than the others I have looked at. It also handles thumbnails well, if you need them. This rating went from a previous 4 to a 5 when I found the "duplicates" search function."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Daniel Demaret
July 15, 2017
"Love this software! Makes cataloging my +20TB of files easy! New 2017 version is very fast at searches!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Patrick Zimmerle
July 12, 2017
"So far it is the best catalog programs for my movies, tv shows, music, Old Time Radio and e-books."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Charles Holz
July 06, 2017
"Just what I needed to catalog all my old hard drives and match up duplicate files."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Boris Volbeda
June 30, 2017
"I am pleasantly surprised about the flawless import from Advanced Disk Catalog. If only the media update is available with the thumbnail preview. Since I have only installed the program for one day, I can not report anything negative so far." ("Bin angenehm überrascht über die fehlerlose Importierung aus Advanced Disk Catalog. Bleibt nur die Aktualisierung der Medien damit auch die Miniaturvorschau vorhanden ist. Da ich das Programm erst seit einem Tag installiert habe kann ich bis jetzt nichts negatives berichten.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Yvette Rehlinger
June 30, 2017
"A smart program when you want to keep track of your collection." ("Ett smart program när man vill ha koll på sin samling.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Robert Snygg
June 27, 2017
"WinCatalog is AWESOME!! Super fast search- I have nothing to suggest. Thank you!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
James Tuttle
June 06, 2017
"Everything is fine! Nothing to change! Thank you!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
May 29, 2017
"Reminds me of my old WinCat. Made all my data on floppy disks easy to find. This does the same with all my external hard disk drives. No more connecting/disconnecting my external drives to search what's on them. WinCatalog makes the task easy as it does it all automatically. Once used it's easy to do a search and quickly comes up with what HDD had what I was looking for. Just connect the appropriate drive and Bob's your Uncle. Recommended."
WinCatalog reviewed by
May 28, 2017
"A totally impressive software for keeping tracks of files etc. Easy and fast to create and totally easy to search with. Excellent!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Erik Bäck
May 25, 2017
"Very useful program to keep track of CDs, DVDs, hard drives etc. Considering the cost really value for money." ("Zeer bruikbaar programma om overzicht te houden over CDs, DVDs, harde schijven enz. Gelet op kosten echt waar voor je geld.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
G.J. Snoek
May 21, 2017
"Program is perfectly intuitive, fast" ("Programma perfetto intuitivo, veloce.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
May 10, 2017
"I think this is the best catalog program I have encountered so far. Highly worth it, I do not intend to try another program." ("Ik vind dit tot op heden het beste catalogusprogramma dat ik tegengekomen ben. Zeer de moeite waard, ben niet van plan om een ander programma uit te proberen."
WinCatalog reviewed by
May 06, 2017
"Great app. Fast and efficient."
WinCatalog reviewed by
May 06, 2017
"Works as advertised...does a good job"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Lorne Swayze
May 02, 2017
"I've been looking for this program for a long time - it was in my imagination, but I knew that this program should exist. Thank you very much for this program!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
April 23, 2017
"The app works great and the developer has been very helpful in working out a few small kinks that I had."
WinCatalog reviewed by
James Lewis
April 21, 2017
"Great application in all respects. Thank you." ("Ottima applicazione sotto tutti gli aspetti. Grazie.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
April 17, 2017
"just what I was looking for to annotate files in disparate folders"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Joe Stephens
March 30, 2017
"I'm happy with the program, easy to use." ("S programem jsem spokojen, snadné ovládání.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
March 25, 2017
"All is super!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
March 15, 2017
"Is Great Application"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jonathan Schwartz
March 15, 2017
"This software is amazing. It took me about a week to scan just under 4TB of information. Now I can run searches and easily navigate that mess of information in seconds."
WinCatalog reviewed by
March 13, 2017
"A Very Good Application!! Recommand for everybody who have a lot of data and need a solution to manage quick and easy."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Todesc Madalin
March 11, 2017
"I'm about to order a license cause I find WinCatalog almost as good as Whereisit. Whereisit isn't developped anymore so it's time to switch."
WinCatalog reviewed by
David Saber
February 28, 2017
"Everything is fine"
WinCatalog reviewed by
issam karaki
February 28, 2017
"Works great, a worthy replacement for Where Is It!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Patrick Rozijn
February 25, 2017
"Absolutely amazing program! Will be buying a license as soon as I can. Thank you!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Wade Manns
February 25, 2017
"Great app. Now can see aoo that is on my cd'ees"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Melvin Gooding
February 22, 2017
"This works great for knowing my music, movies, and eBooks on a variety of external drives. I can check what I have as long as I have my laptop with WinCatalog on it."
WinCatalog reviewed by
David H
February 21, 2017
"Better as it is now? I don't know how. For me it is perfect."
WinCatalog reviewed by
L de Mos
February 17, 2017
"Saves me a lot of time, and looking for the one missing cd-rom is over..."
WinCatalog reviewed by
February 14, 2017
"An excellent product that has not ony the features I needed but at an excellent price. Support is responsive too!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Michael Smith
February 02, 2017
"No problems with this software at all. It does just what it says."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paul H. Smith
February 02, 2017
"Works great, saves time looking for graphics. One of my favorite apps."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jacl Dahlstrom
January 31, 2017
"An order in the collection." ("Ordning och reda i samlingen.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Robert Snygg
January 28, 2017
"It perfectly fits my needs! Fantastic program!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
James McDowell
January 21, 2017
"Tried at least 5 other catalog softwares. By far WinCatalog is the best"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Michael Leinwander
January 12, 2017
"Excellent. Easily distributes Windows files and folders" ("Excelente. Facilita muito a distribuição de arquivos e pastas do Windows")
WinCatalog reviewed by
January 12, 2017
"I used ComicCollector and GameCollector for my purposes. This replaced them both, so fantastic. Lightweight, powerful and useful" ("Usavo ComicCollector e GameCollector per i miei scopi. Questo li ha sostituiti entrambi in modo fantastico. Leggero, versatile e utilissimo")
WinCatalog reviewed by
January 11, 2017
"The most complete application in this category." ("O mais completo aplicativo desta categoria.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Sergio Carisio
January 10, 2017
"Extremely USEFUL for indexing very large portable drives [1,2,4 Tbytes]. Much better than CD-Catalogue. Have not tried the import files options, but hopefully this works. Overall: just what I need."
WinCatalog reviewed by
January 09, 2017
"5* product and support - without a doubt the leading data cataloguer in 2017 - thank you!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paul Apple
January 06, 2017
"Works Great Nice Features"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jonathan Schwartz
December 31, 2016
"This cataloging program is terrific. I previously had used Advanced Disk Catalog. This is a major upgrade."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jay Cohen
December 29, 2016
"Just getting into this software having abandoned Advanced Disk Catalog. This looks good and the tech support is SO much better than ADC!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Duncan Elson
December 29, 2016
"Great" ("Skvelý")
WinCatalog reviewed by
December 27, 2016
"Excellent application." ("Excelente aplicativo.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Alexandre Camilo Costa
December 23, 2016
"Works very well."
WinCatalog reviewed by
December 19, 2016
"Terrific program."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jay Cohen
December 12, 2016
"Always i need a software to archive & catalog My huge files. I tried many softwares in past but wincatalog is different. Wincatalog is very accurate & has many options to customize by users. Wincatalog has very responsible support . All of my suggestions are accepted and making changes is very fast. Thanks to wincatalog & specailly to Michael."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Behrooz Kayvan
December 05, 2016
"A short tutorial to get users up to speed would be nice. The software itself is very powerful."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Marco De Luca
December 05, 2016
"For my use it is right on, it can do what i want and i like the improvements you have made, i recommend this software to all my friends and colleagues thanks for a great work, it has helped me a lot"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Gerner Larsen
December 04, 2016
"Realy great App, much needed"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Alex Meston
November 30, 2016
"Very, very useful software!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Bror Johansson
November 29, 2016
"Simple and does what promises. I like it" ("Sencillo y hace lo que promete. Me gusta")
WinCatalog reviewed by
November 18, 2016
"So far WinCatalog has been a great program. I would highly recommend it to anyone especially if importing from Advanced Disk Catalog as I did."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Ray Ferguson
November 18, 2016
"For the moment it works great. Love the fast LTFS indexing. Keep up the good work!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Multi Media Est SRL Company
November 15, 2016
"The best catalog of videos! Congratulations!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Pablo Arriero
November 11, 2016
"Exactly a program I was looking for. It is very useful when you have many drives." ("Taki program szukaem. Jest bardzo potrzebny przy wiekszej ilo?ci napedow")
WinCatalog reviewed by
November 06, 2016
"Good well-structured and easy to use program" ("Buon programma ben articolato e di facile uso...")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Giovanni Ferrario
November 03, 2016
"Great Program."
WinCatalog reviewed by
James Shipton
October 31, 2016
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 30, 2016
"Very fast" ("Sehr schnell")
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 22, 2016
"Useful and does what you need." ("Przydatne i robi co trzeba.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 22, 2016
"It has exactly what I was looking for" ("Posiada dokadnie to czego poszukiwalem")
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 21, 2016
"Nice app. Recomand!! Keep up the good work..."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Todesc Madalin
October 17, 2016
"Awesome way to archive and quickly find what you are looking for. A+++"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jean Denis Menard
October 13, 2016
"Great programm, useful to save USB contents"
WinCatalog reviewed by
October 11, 2016
"For years, I looked for a perfect cataloguer, and i have found it. Thanks a lot." ("-j'ai cherche pendant de longues annees le PARFAIT CATALOGEUR sur PC et je l'ai trouve. mille merci")
WinCatalog reviewed by
vincez H
October 10, 2016
"First Impression: right to the point just right for my needs. Importing and cataloging function is simple, fast and captures the most necessary data (and does not unnecessarily fill the index) First attempts with the search function were surprisingly fast and good." ("Erster Eindruck: Direkt auf den Punkt genau richtig fur meinen Bedarf. Einlese- und Katalogisierungsfunktion ist einfach, schnell und erfasst die notwendigsten Daten (und mullt so den Index nicht unnotig zu) Erste Gehversuche mit der Suchfunktion waren uberraschend schnell und gut.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Mike Pantel
October 05, 2016
"Excellent program for those who have multiple hard drives. I have not tested enough to give you tips to improve it. But you can count on it. If problems emerge from my experience, I'll know it. For now I have to tell you that perfectly cataloged a 10 TB hard drive" ("Programma ottimo per chi possiede molti hard disk. Non l'ho ancora testato a sufficienza per darvi consigli per migliorarlo. Ma potete contarci. Se dalla mia esperienza emergeranno dei problemi ve lo faro sapere. Per ora devo dirvi che ha catalogato perfettamente un hard disk da 10 TB")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Vito Maggi
September 22, 2016
"I was in need of help and it was willingly and promptly given to me - and was EXCELLENT I can recommend this program to anyone who wants the VERY best cataloging program"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Kenneth Leigh
September 10, 2016
"Exactly what I needed to catalogue all my disks and drives."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Karl Roadknight
September 06, 2016
Blessing! With minimal capturing effort I've finally got control over all "wild" data collections. The database is handled in a network, and different disks (CDs / DVDs / Blueray discs) (individually! Not simultaneously) can be added and renewed again and again. It is an ingenious relief because there is no need to copy any data to the server, but only to WinCatalog database. The required data can be quickly and purposefully found. Great!"("Ein Segen! Mit minimalem Erfassungsaufwand bekomme ich alle "wilden" Datensammlungen endlich in den Griff. Die Datenbank ist im Netzwerk und von verschiednen Stationen (einzeln! nicht gleichzeitig) konnen immer wieder CDs/DVDs/Blueray Disks erfasst werden. So eine geniale Erleichterung, weil keine Daten auf den Server kopiert werden mussen, sondern nur die WinCatalog Datenbank. Im Falle eines Falles sind dann die benotigten Daten schnell und gezielt wieder gefunden und konnen zuruck kopiert werden. Super!")
WinCatalog reviewed by
September 06, 2016
WinCatalog reviewed by
Todesc Madalin
September 04, 2016
"Wonderful soft and very easy to work with."
WinCatalog reviewed by
August 31, 2016
"Excellent, nothing is wrong"("Excellent rien a reprocher")
WinCatalog reviewed by
August 29, 2016
"So far, it has done everything I thought I needed to do with my collections, but having it to play with, has opened up other possibilities. Like the very quick duplicate finder, I needed to come up with lists of files of indentical size that may or may not be dupes, names have got various prefixs added which made simple sorting useless."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Robert Ash
August 18, 2016
"Very comprehensive and extremely user friendly"
WinCatalog reviewed by
August 18, 2016
"All is good"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Alex Meston
August 15, 2016
"Catalogue of 8 HDD Western Digital My Book / Elements 2 to 4 TB each" ("catalogue de 8 HDD WesternDigital MyBook/Elements" de 2 a 4 To chaque")
WinCatalog reviewed by
August 01, 2016
"After all years I used WinCatalog, i cannot do without WinCatalog!!!" ("nach all den jahren die ich wincatalog nutze, mochte ich wincatalog nicht mehr missen!!!")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Burkhard Korber
July 30, 2016
"A good Professional program"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Christine Gerber
July 15, 2016
"Nice interface, easy to use and meets what promises. Simply amazing! The WinCatalog has facilitated my tasks. Thank's Team!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paulo Neto
Jule 10, 2016
"Really productive, Effective and Powerful. Serves the purpose completely. Thank you for the 10 disk trial edition."
WinCatalog reviewed by
July 08, 2016
"I am fully satisfied! The product becomes better with each version. I recommend it without doubts not only because it is the best on the market. Due to my personal experience, I can guarantee that the developer aims to ensure that the user is satisfied with the product. Congratulations to the team! ("Estou plenamente satisfeito ! O produto esta melhor a cada versao. Recomendo sem ressalvas nao apenas por ser o melhor do mercado. Por experiencia propria, posso garantir que o desenvolvedor tem como objetivo, garantir que o usuario esteja satisfeito com o produto. Parabens a equipe !")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Carlos Cerqueira, (IT Professional, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil.)
July 07, 2016
"just as it is, it is proper. very good product !!!" ("so wie es ist ist es in ordnung. seeehr gutes produkt!!!")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Burkhard Korber
June 29, 2016
WinCatalog reviewed by
June 29, 2016
"I've been using wincatalog for a year or so now and find it most useful and also quick enough considering the many GB of music files I have. A great replacement for the music search program I had before (whereisit). Thanks again for a great program."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Rod Reed
June 27, 2016
" I used a program during a short period but it seems that it has everything I need to have an overview of files on a disk." ("Program mam zatial kratko ale zda sa, ze ma vsetko co potrebujem aby som mal prehlad o suboroch na diskoch.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Rene Ponya
June 22, 2016
"Fantastic to retrieve files from the entire library of hard drives, CDs and other storage"("Fantastiskt pa att aerfinna filer fran hela biblioteket harddiskar, CD och andra minnen")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Sten Trolle
June 19, 2016
"This program is just what I needed to catalog my audio and video files. Now I can find my audio and video titles with just a press of a key. Many thanks for a great program."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Gordon Gentry
June 17, 2016
"Thanks to creator"
WinCatalog reviewed by
June 09, 2016
"Good program that does its duty. Make sure to point the registered users out to a new version"("Buon programma che fa il suo dovere. Farei in modo di segnalare agli utenti registrati quando esce una nuiva versione.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Giovanni Ferrario
June 06, 2016
"Nothing to say. Simple to use and nice to look at" ("Niente da dire. Semplice da usare e bello da vedere")
WinCatalog reviewed by
June 02, 2016
"Great! Very fast although the DB is about 30GB. Perfect, thanks a lot!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Daniel Hofer
May 30, 2016
"Purchased WinCatalog more than 2 years ago. Great program and has more functions than I use. I rely on WinCatalog to find my backups on the many CD's, DVD's and BDR's. Seems to me that there are always advancements made and appreciated. I wouldn't hesitate puchasing again. Thanks for developing this software. It makes my computing easier."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Michael Mink
May 29, 2016
"Works flawlessly as promised."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Ricardo Rodriguez
May 26, 2016
"Long time satisfied user, keeps getting better and better!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
May 25, 2016
"Just testing this out. So far it is stable and looks like it will meet my needs"
WinCatalog reviewed by
May 21, 2016
"I use your software to keep track of my extensive archives of programs and files. It has proven to be indispensible in cataloging my 20 tb of storage. It is a great progam that works perfectly."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Mark Coombs
May 04, 2016
"I have only been using this program for a couple of days now, and i can honestly say this program is awesome. 5 Stars from me."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Peter Roberts
May 04, 2016
"Best catalog program."
WinCatalog reviewed by
David Dunn
April 29, 2016
"I love WinCatalog! I'ts really rock solid and fast scanning my lots of disks! That's what it should do."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jan Goldreich
April 26, 2016
"Perfect program, dreamed about it for a long time...I am a press photograph, and have gathered a huge photo archive...it was always a problem to find a certain file... and you solved this problem for appropriate money. Thanks. "
WinCatalog reviewed by
Vladimir Yanchenko
April 16, 2016
"Love it! Been needing something like this for years."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Bob Unruh
April 12, 2016
"The answer to a prayer - at last I can have a full inventory of all my media assets."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Richard Wright
April 06, 2016
"Very useful App."
WinCatalog reviewed by
April 02, 2016
"Very cool program to check the contents of disks." ("Bardzo fajny program do sprawdzania zawarto?ci dyskow. Takiego szuka?em.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
April 01, 2016
WinCatalog reviewed by
Donald Walton
March 28, 2016
"I am happy that I actually brought this application. It is worth the spend."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Corey Dufeal
March 08, 2016
"Great program, perfect for offline browsing of disks, no need to connect disks"
WinCatalog reviewed by
February 22, 2016
"Easy to use and does the job well!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
William Whatley
February 17, 2016
"I truly love WinCatalog 2015."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Mark Hayes
February 17, 2016
"Great application, Highly recommended"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paolo Marcelli
February 03, 2016
"I love this program. Of all the databases i've used over the last 30 years, this has been the easiest to use of the lot."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Stephen Brown
February 03, 2016
"This is the best program I ever used 2 catalog my files! Please go on with the good work! I REALY LOVE IT!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
January 30, 2016
"I haven't tried everything yet but the app looks like a very solid cataloguing program!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
January 23, 2016
"It seems as you come out with each new upgrade it gets better. Keep up the good work."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Gordon Gentry
January 17, 2016
"Very Very Useful & User friendly software. I tried many software but wincatalog is different, thank you"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Behrooz Kayvan
January 12, 2016
"You may be wondering how I am getting along with WinCatalog 2015- I explored various functions of WinCatalog for this one week and I am really surprised its speed and thoroughness of search. I also added large files in one NAS drive and updated it. The speed of updating was amazing. I dug out an very old program EndNote-8 (2005) and managed to use it to collect and store scientific literatures. Now the database files with “*.enl” are indexed by WinCatalog 2015 and I can locate where the original articles are stored. I linked EndNote and WinCatalog so that I can open an article in the file location. Thank you for your help and patience. I hope the new version will sell well – I can be your witness for someone who has not decided if he/she should use WinCatalog 2015. The next experiment is to install WinCatalog 2015 in another computer in my basement and use the data set to find files in the large drives in my house using the computer in the basement."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paul Satoh, PhD., MBA
January 08, 2016
"It is above all praise"
WinCatalog reviewed by
January 08, 2016
"Great cataloging program. Powerful and fast. I am impressed with WinCatalog 2015. Technical support of the company is very patient and guide me through the problems. The speed of searching 4 drives with 2.5 million files was surprizingly fast (5 seconds)."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paul Satoh
December 28, 2015
"I purchased WinCatalog on March 2015 and haven't used it much (so far only cataloged about 9 cds) but I can definitely see how professional the software is. I will provide more feedback as I add more of my tons of cds...!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Karim Salswach
December 27, 2015
"WinCatalog almost saving my day. Last week my 3TB Seagate HDD died with lots of videos and photos and other stuffs. I took the HDD to a professional so I can try to recover some of the data. At least with WinCatalog was able to see exactly what files I had in the device so I will be able to compare the recovered data with the original data."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Felipe Scherer
December 23, 2015
"Was using WherIsIt, but Wincatalog is head and shoulders above it."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Charles Rice
December 18, 2015
"I have been using another disk cat for quite a number of years. However, recently I aquired a NAS drive for extra backup security. My current disk cat could not catalogue my NAS drive, which meant I had no idea what was on it. That is until I discovered WinCatalog. WinCatalog does everything my other disk cat did and more including a full catalogue of my NAS drive. I am very pleased. I have had no problems and I am very impressed. Well done WinCatalogue."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Karl Roadknight
December 14, 2015
"Wonderful program. WinCatalog makes it very easy to quickly search through archives."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Steve B.
December 03, 2015
"I am glad I found this program as it does more than I thought it would and it makes it so I don't have to try and get a database in Access to do what this program does easily."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Gene Brown
November 14, 2015
"I recently bought WinCatalog. It is GREAT! Once I got used to it, is has been extremely useful. I have a CD catalog of over 600 CDs and DVDs. And over 50 1Tb external, USB, disks. WinCatalog handled cataloging and indexing them easily. AND it is very simple to find anything. This is one of the best purchases of software I have ever made. Thanks for a great product !"
WinCatalog reviewed by
John A. Unglert
November 08, 2015
"It is useful in the management of large amounts of video files"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Takeharu Nagasawa
November 08, 2015
"Catalogs all my files across fifty odd hard disks."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Frederick Pinkerton III
November 05, 2015
"WinCatalog has saved me many hours of searching the dozens of external drives that I have for information that i needed to retreive. I highly recommend this utility for anyone who wishes to organize and optimize their data."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Barney Leonard
November 03, 2015
"Still figuring out the best ways to use but this app seems to be exactly what I needed. Feature suggestion: batch catalog of optical media - catalog CD/DVD/BD-R on disk insert and eject automatically."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Vasyl Tsvirkunov
October 27, 2015
"Excellent.. I have a NAS Drive with hundreds of files plus other files on other drives without WinCatalogue it would be impossible to efficiently store and quickly find my files when needed. The layout is simple and easy to follow. So keep the good work up it is appriciated...."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Luke Cunningham
September 21, 2015
"There's nothing to say, but it's great!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
September 16, 2015
"Very good ! I'm starting to use it more often. It would be interesting to improve part of archival research. For catalogs with various external HD large-capacity it is still a little slow. The results display could also be more efficient. But meets very well what it claims to do." ("Muito bom ! Estou comecando a usa-lo com mais frequencia. Seria interessante melhorar a parte de pesquisa de arquivos. Para catalogos com varios HD externos de grande capacidade, ainda e um pouco lento. A exibicao de resultados tambem poderia ser mais eficiente. Mas cumpre muito bem o que se propoe a fazer.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Carlos Cerqueira
September 14, 2015
"I have owned and used this for at least 3 or 4 years, if not more. It is all I could ask for in a program of this type. Love it and use it constantly. I highly recommend it to users!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Frank Fitzpatrick
September 09, 2015
"Very fast indexing. The best I have used."
WinCatalog reviewed by
September 09, 2015
"Best catalog program I have used. The developer has been very responsive to issues. The application handles very large disk databases with very reasonable search times."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Gerald Nelms
September 07, 2015
"I have been using WinCatalog to keep track of all of my video footage. Helps me immensely! Great customer service too!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Alfred Caudullo
September 01, 2015
"Have used winCAT for several years. Best media Database program for cataloging on the market."
WinCatalog reviewed by
John Hevesi
August 11, 2015
"WinCatalog is a great file/media catalog application that works extremely well, simple to use, very configurable, is frequently updated, and support requests are responded to quickly. I would have been lost without WinCatalog to sort over a million files spread over multiple storage media devices. It's easy to find unwanted duplicates if one wants to rationalise a collection of files/folders scattered across various storage media."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Tony Eccleston
August 02, 2015
"Catalogs all my video quickly and correctly, great product!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Allen Lazzara
August 01, 2015
"Excellent disc storer and database."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Phil Kennedy
July 27, 2015
"The program is fantastic! For a long time I have been looking for something like that, and the miracle happened! It would be nice if the search could work immediately in the current directory, opened in the main window - without pre-selection in the corresponding search box."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Dudko Vladimir Aleksandrovich
July 22, 2015
"Five stars. Actually saves me huge time and organizes me. Thank you... "
WinCatalog reviewed by
Dan Motley
July 20, 2015
"Good program, well used!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Alex Meston
July 19, 2015
"Great Job... congrats from Sao Paulo Brazil."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paulo F N Correia
July 17, 2015
"It is undoubtedly the best in the category!" ("Sem duvida, e o melhor na categoria!")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Carlos Cerqueira
July 12, 2015
"Great app for keeping track of data when you've got dozens of external drives stacked on a shelf."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Frank Denman
July 05, 2015
"I use this program for several years and have not found a better program similar"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Alexey Shabalkin
June 27, 2015
"All on !! German !! and super easy to use !!" ("Alles auf !! Deutsch !! und super einfach zu bedienen !!")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Reinhard Gervelmeyer
June 20, 2015
"Files were getting out of hand. Got a Blu-Ray burner and needed to keep track of what is on various disk. WinCat has all the features to make file tracking easy-ish."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Peter Antanaitis
June 18, 2015
"Reading DVD's could be faster. Advanced Disk Catalog scans it within a few seconds, but doesn't work fine with Windows 8.1 I like your programm very much."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Dick Slagter
June 09, 2015
"A wonderful program that works perfectly."
WinCatalog reviewed by
James Padgett
June 07, 2015
"This software does what no other can! Delivers right out of the box. With regular updates and improvements functionality is always high performance. Thanks for a great user experience."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Perry DeJesus
May 23, 2015
"All is going well, no problems."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Alex Meston
May 08, 2015
"I love this program. Very easy to run and takes the worry out of finding what I want. Also gives me a list of all my files at my fingertips. Fast and easy...What's not to love? Thanks WinCatalog!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Kathryn Bertrand
May 03, 2015
"catalogs my 5t in rapid time and search results are almost instantaneous"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Dag Bullock
May 01, 2015
"The best catalog!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paulo Arrieiro
May 01, 2015
"WinCatalog is the best program I have ever bought. It is even better the Advanced Disk Catalog which I use before to catalog my CD/DVD that I made myself. I have recommend it to my friends too. Countinue with the best catalog program there is."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Christer Wickman
April 19, 2015
"Of course, a great program...."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Eugene Dreyer
April 17, 2015
"Great Program, Makes my life with all my backup Blu Ray's"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Brian Espenschied
April 07, 2015
"Great app!! Finally I've got my disks properly organized."
WinCatalog reviewed by
April 06, 2015
"Very fast scan"
WinCatalog reviewed by
JF Dreyfuss
April 04, 2015
"Fantastic movie Cataloguer, music and other collections. Became indispensable for me."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paulo Arrieiro
March 31, 2015
"I liked the product" ("gostei muito do produto")
WinCatalog reviewed by
March 30, 2015
"Ideal for tracking my CD collection."
WinCatalog reviewed by
William Mead
March 24, 2015
"Much easier than trawlling through hard drives looking for data!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Wales, UK
March 15, 2015
"Still don't know a quarter of what it can do, but love it"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Phil Kennedy
March 09, 2015
"Incredable program - I am finding and filing like crazy not that I can see where I saved things (sometimes in the wrong folders)."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Robert Baker
March 01, 2015
"Absolutely love the product!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Michael Hughes
March 01, 2015
"Excellent !!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Paolo Marcelli
February 27, 2015
"The first app of this kind which I've tested, that works easily and is simple and easy to use" ("Die erste App dieser Art von denen, die ich getestet habe, die problemlos funktioniert und einfach und ubersichtlich zu bedienen ist.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
Manfred Bode
February 23, 2015
"I love this program Wincatalog wich I looked for years to solve my problems. As a photographer I store more hundred thousands full size digital images. I needed a strong and reliable application to make this huge image base manageable. My pics stored on several small and full size Hdds, CDs and DVDs off-line and on-line, too. I wanted to find my individual image fast, easy and reliable. The working method, the good way is not only to search for a file but to see also the thumbnail picture too for easy identification. It works and I am happy to find WinCatalog for this job as the right solution and program. Recently I got more than 2 TByte data scanned by WinCatalog 2015. It helps me day by day to find my pics :) I am glad to find and use this application as my great help whitout I could not use my huge amount picture base. I also use this program to find fast my documents and stored other files as a high capacity file searcher and register. I do offer to photographers and to all those who keep more thousands images or other files on HDD and storages to manage and find their important files. It is great to find my induvidual pics from previous years the right files at the identified place in the right time. Thank you guys for developing this unique program I've been looking for years!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Geza Kovacs
photographer, from Budapest, Hungary
February 22, 2015
"Been using it for years and couldn't find saved files and data if I didn't have WinCatalog. I have over 100 CDs full of files and data and couldn't find anything without WinCatalog."
WinCatalog reviewed by
George Durman
February 21, 2015
"Best thing I know to keep track of where all your files are."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Doug Slay
February 16, 2015
"I've used this software for many years to catalog all of my digital music. It works great and the search feature is very fast."
WinCatalog reviewed by
J Nelson Deaver
February 15, 2015
WinCatalog reviewed by
Luiz Tadeu Correia da Silva
February 12, 2015
"As cataloging software I think this is the best of its kind. It's easy to use and has very adequate features."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Marc Fraser
February 12, 2015
"So far, so good. Just started using it in earnest"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Kevin Lawrence
February 15, 2015
"Great speed, just the right balance of thumbnails and information without it taking hours to scan or producing multigigabit catalog files."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jim Lammers
February 09, 2015
"The most complete and easiest. With advanced features and a very good support." ("Le plus complet et le plus simple. Avec des fonctions evoluees et un tres bon support.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
February 01, 2015
"I've used most cataloging programs since early days of XP. This by far is the best. Have used it for past 5 years.
WinCatalog reviewed by
John Hevesi
February 01, 2015
"Does exactly what I want! Super clean interface!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
January 30, 2015
"This is a great program. I needed something to catalog my picture files that are stored on DVDs which WinCatalog does beautifully."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Leonard Farwell
January 25, 2015
"Finally organized a medal collection that have been collecting for 40 years."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Eugene Meshcheryakov
January 17, 2015
"This is great have been using it for years."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Leslie and Dave Cooper
January 13, 2015
"Fast and simple to work with."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Jan-Ake Ahl
January 07, 2015
"Fantastic database for managing my music collection. Simple to update databases as my collection grows. Excellent search capabilities to find songs in my collection.
WinCatalog reviewed by
James Bielick
January 06, 2015
"Best File Search Program!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Takeharu Nagasawa
January 02, 2015
"Ich habe dieses tolle Programm bei einer Aktion gunstig erwerben konnen und bin sehr zufrieden damit. Ein gro?er Vorteil gegenuber anderen Programmen dieser Art ist die Geschwindigkeit, mit der Festplatten oder andere Medien gelesen werden konnen. Ich finde es auch sehr schon, dass das Programm an den Nutzer und nicht an einen speziellen Pc gebunden ist. So kann ich es gleichzeitig auf meinem Pc und meinem Laptop nutzen. Das ist vorbildlich!! Was wunsche ich mir noch? Mir fehlt die Unterstutzung der Maustasten in den Fenstern. So muss ich fur alle Aktionen immer die oberen Symbole benutzen. In einer langen Liste fehlt mir auch die Moglichkeit, durch drucken eines bestimmten Buchstaben auf der Tastatur an eine bestimmte Stelle zu gelangen. Wenn ich z.B. in einer langen Filmliste zu dem Anfangsbuchstaben des Films kommen mochte, kann ich momentan nicht einfach den Anfangsbuchstaben auf der Tastatur eingeben. Trotz dieser kleinen Mangel ist Winkatalog 2015 ein hervorragendes Programm und es leistet mir fast taglich gute Dienste. es hat mir schon sehr viel Zeit gespart."
"I could purchase this great program with a low action and i am very happy with it. A big advantage over other programs of this type is the speed that the hard disks or other media can be read. I also find it very nice that the program is bound to the user and not to a specific PC. So I can use it at the same time on my computer and my laptop. This is exemplary !! What do I wish for? I lack the support of the mouse buttons in the windows. So I always have to use the top icons for all actions. In a long list I lack the opportunity, by pressing a certain letter on the keyboard to a certain place to go. If I, for example, want to come in a long list of movies to the first letter of the film, I can not currently simply enter the first letter on the keyboard. Despite these minor shortcomings Winkatalog 2015 is an excellent program and it makes me almost every day good service. it has already saved me a lot of time."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Erwin Schroeder
December 30, 2014
"Superb software, very intuitive and stable. Makes indexing and then accessing large numbers of media files exceedingly easy and efficient."
WinCatalog reviewed by
John Sutherland
December 30, 2014
"Excellent program." ("Znakomity program.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
December 29, 2014
"This is so great! It assists me in organizing hundreds of video files with little effort. I use it every day!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Michael Hughes
December 27, 2014
"Fantastic program, It works great and along with some cool options for keeping my files organised It has met all my expections."
WinCatalog reviewed by
William Mooney
December 23, 2014
"I have been very happy with WinCatalog. It has helped me keep my data organized across many disks and DVD's."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Gerald Nelms
December 21, 2014
"Ich bin begeistert. Als portable Version genutzt halt es mich stets aktuell." ("I'm excited. Use as a portable version, it keeps me up to date.")
WinCatalog reviewed by
December 15, 2014
"I love it so far! The duplicate file finder is great! Nice to be able to see what files are where when travelling and will make it easier to sort my 10 TB of files."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Patrick Zimmerle
December 14, 2014
"Excellent!!! Recommand."
WinCatalog reviewed by
December 05, 2014
"I had tons of documents, so I scanned them and converted to PDF. WinCatalog is great. It took 62 dvds to store all my documents, now I can find anything in less than 30 seconds or faster. Thanks for a great product. PS It catalodgs ANYTHING on the disk, even music & photos on disks.!!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Eugene Dreyer
December 02, 2014
"We are a Design and Printing Company based in Auckland New Zealand, and consequently deal with many files which have build up into the thousands over the years. We use WinCatalog for all our archiving and have done so for more than 6 years. The software allows us very quickly to go into archive and find files back without any difficulty (the search capabilities are great!) allowing us to be prompt to our Clients and be very organised in our archiving. I remember at the time we looked a a variety of options and chose WinCatalog at the time as it appeared the most easiest and simple to use … time has proven that it is, we would highly recommend this software to others!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Maarten van de Vorst
Customer Focused Solutions Auckland, New Zealand
August 31, 2014
"I’ve been using WinCatalog for six years with great success. I have 1000+ DVDs/CDs in my collection. WinCatalog is quick and grabs a plethora of data. Searching the catalog is painless. I can add special tags to help find what I want. Having the capability to embed photo thumbnails is an important and excellent addition to the newest version. I will forever be a satisfied customer. What a great piece of software!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Tom Lotzer
December 17, 2013
"Have been using WinCatalog for over 10 years now and have never felt the need to look for any other program of this type. I’m not brilliant on computers but WinCatalog is so easy to use that I’ve never had any problems with what I have to do. 10 years of MP3 CDs and so easy to find anything I require.Could not be any happier."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Alan Johnson
September 14, 2013
"First off I never write a review if it’s negative. Everyone can evaluate a program differently. My goals in a review is to pass on features that will help someone else. Reviews can be very misleading. I have a product that I have used for over 12 years called Opus. I will not start my computer without it. To say it’s a replacement for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is extremely misleading. And that’s what it’s always compared to. It’s a product that does everything, everything I need to do for computer control. There is no way that you can fire this up for 30 days and write a review. You have to live it. Your product WinCatalog fits in to this bucket along with Dragon, Snagit, MacroExpress and WinRAR, that’s the kind of company you keep. You extend the capabilities of Opus, capturing and controlling history, making it fit into the got to have. I’m using your product, teaming with Opus to save, my company. I was a victim of a very savage identity theft that dealt a devastating blow to all of my critical files. I have 18 hard drives, most of them on the shelf, that holds proprietary data critical to my company. The data deal with every home built since 1989 in the Wisconsin. I was able to recover my losses and continue on because I had made the decision to use WinCatalog back in the day. So to me this is why your product is a necessity to me. 1. You were here back in the day, today and I’m confident tomorrow. (Reliability) 2. Extremely easy for me to use with no teaching necessary when others help. 3. Very robust and does what I need when it comes to a history of my data. Thank you very much for having an idea, developing it and successfully marketing your finished product that fits in well with other reliable software. You say it sounds a bit patronized. Give it a try and see what you’re saying."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Bob Snow, WinCatalog
customer since 2004
December 03, 2013
"I simply love this program. It has all things that makes a great program: – easy to setup and use, – nice “explorer” like interface – powerful ways to catalog and search your backup data If you have thousands and thousands of DVD-Rs and have constantly to find a specific file among them, this is the program for you."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Edward C J Wang
May 13, 2013
"Great program – finds “lost” files in a heartbeat. I was able to consolidate several hard drives in short order. Thanks WinCatalog."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Barbara Blackwell
February 28, 2013
"The program is very fast indeed. My catalog is already more then 1 Gb (1.241.161 to be exact) and is responding very direct."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Andre Meester
February 26, 2013
"Good software for cataloging discs of any kinds!! CD’s DVD’s Bluerays hard drives, USB drives, SD’s, just about any and all used it for years here in our recording studios!!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Kerry Spencer
February 20, 2013
"Best software for catalogging external harddrives…"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Cindy Conrads
February 19, 2013
"I could not be happier with any other tracking program. To me WinCatalog does it all… It contains the answers and database tracking I have looked for in other programs, but have never found. Although slightly higher in cost compared to others, it’s money well spent. If your looking for a program to track those many movies, or whatever it might be, this is it!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Peter Huber
February 04, 2013
"It is a good central place to remind DVDs and CDs’ detailed contents, and certainly even more than this."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Eric Lacarriere
January 22, 2013
"excellent program, recommend this for anyone who has a large collection of programs/utilities scattered around on cd/dvd’s, thanks…"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Al Fitz
January 09, 2013
"By the way – fantastic program. I had used WinCatalog Light years ago. Now bought copies of Pro for myself and my wife for work and pleasure. Having cataloged old drives I have been able to easily find things I had long forgotten."
WinCatalog reviewed by
John Blackmore
September 17, 2009
"This is exactly what I was looking for. I can’t describe how perfect you’ve made this. I’ll try anyway: recently I’ve had a concept in my mind for a file archive catalog desktop software program for some time now. I even created a document to help plan out the concept. My intention has been to eventually make the solid so strong, that I could comfortably outsource the programming & development. That won’t be necessary! I think I’ll save thousands of dollars on software development and pay for a license with you guys. Great job, couldn’t have done it better myself!"
WinCatalog reviewed by
Derrick Schwabe
June 07, 2009
"WinCatalog helps me to manage both documents and favorites (the two principal sources of knowledge in my computer) and I can add both tags (that let me organize documents and favorites for arguments so that if I need all the documents related with “constructivism” I can find all the documents in my pc and at the same time all the links to the web) and comments usefull if I need not all the documents related to an argument (that can be too much) but a single document that I annotated in the past and that I cannot remember the name."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Gianni Stival
June 07, 2009
"Excellent software! Thank you for sticking to conventional look & feel as much as possible – it makes the program very intuitive to use. Also, the nested virtual folders alone are worth the money – no one else seems to understand or implement this feature correctly."
WinCatalog reviewed by
James Lohman
June 07, 2009
"I enjoy using WinCatalog for all of my archiving needs – especially for searching discs that are off-line. It works so fast and makes my life a lot easier when it comes to updating virtual files. I have hundreds of RAM discs and DVD-RW‘s. I’ve numbered them all and WinCatalog lets me know which one I need to pop in when it’s time to retrieve important documents stored onto external discs."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Russ Columbia
May 25, 2009
"WinCatalog is more than my favorite program when it comes to cataloging CDs and DVDs, it is my one and only program when it comes to cataloging. Just like in physiques is Einstein and others, for myself it is WinCatalog and others."
WinCatalog reviewed by
Octavian Cristea
Junuary 17, 2009
For Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7; may work on Windows Vista, Windows XP.
Latest version: 2024.9.1 (January 3, 2025)
Free, full-featured 30-day trial version. If you have not purchased a licence key - read-only mode after 30 days.
Available Interface Languages: English (default), Český, Dansk, Deutsch, Español Europeo & Español Latino, Français, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Polski, Português Brasileiro & Portugal, Română, Slovak, Slovenski, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, العربية (Arabic), Bahasa Indonesia, Русский, Ελληνικά, 한국어, 日本人, 中文
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