July 15, 2008 WinCatalog 2008 (version 2.7) is released. Main changes are:
- Now _WinCatalog _can scan inside disc images (ISO files).
- The ability to customize advanced scanning options (like archives content extraction) is added.
April 7, 2008 WinCatalog 2008 (version 2.61) is released. Main changes are:
- WinCatalog can now extract EXIF tags from digital photographs and jpeg pictures.
- WinCatalog can now scan inside Zip archives larger than 4GB!
- The ability to scan inside 7zip archives is added. Now WinCatalog can scan inside Zip, Rar and 7zip arhives.
- The program’s main menu has been reorganized. It became easier to find key features of the program.
April 5, 2008 WinCatalog Light 2.3 is released.
- The program’s main menu has been reorganized. It became easier to find key features of the program.
- Now WinCatalog Light can catalog files larger than 4GB!
- Today is the time of HUGE volumes. To be up to date WinCatalog Light can now operate with terabytes! You should not rescan your collections. If any file/folder/volume size is larger that 1 000 GB, the size will be displayed in terabytes (TB).
July 11, 2007 WinCatalog Standard 2.4 is released.
- The issue about disk labels (when Autorun feature was disabled) has been fixed.
- We’ve also added one more option to the Reports window. Now it is possible to check tree items in X levels deep.
Today is the time of HUGE volumes. To be up to date WinCatalog can now operate with terabytes! You should not rescan your collections. If any file/folder/volume size is larger that 1 000 GB, the size will be displayed in terabytes (TB).
June 14, 2007 WinCatalog Standard 2.3 is released.
- The ability to cascade check subfolders in the Reports window has been added.
February 28, 2007 WinCatalog Light 2.2 is released.
- Now it is possible to scan inside folders and add files with names beginning from “.” (dot) e.g. “.httaccess” or “.source”.
February 09, 2007 WinCatalog Standard 2.21 is released.
- The feature of scanning network drives (from the previous release) is improved by ability to retrieve additional info about the network drive.
February 07, 2007 WinCatalog Standard 2.2 is released.
- Now it is possible to scan network folders without necessity of mapping network drives.
February 07, 2007 WinCatalog Light 2.1 is released.
- Some interface improvements for better look under new Windows Vista.
January 23, 2007 WinCatalog Standard 2.11 is released.
- Minor changes in the Back to Search Results button’s behaviour.
January 22, 2007 WinCatalog Standard 2.1 is released.
- Now it is possible to return to search results after changing a folder in the Search Window.
- Last Modified date for volumes is correct now.
- Now it is possible to copy several items to the physical volume without waiting for the end of the operation.
January 01, 2007 WinCatalog Standard 2.01 is released.
- WinCatalog is now ready for Windows Vista!
- The volume scanning algorithm has been completely rewritten. Now it is possible to scan DVDs under Windows Vista.
December 26, 2006 WinCatalog Light 2.0 is released.
- WinCatalog Light is now ready for Windows Vista!
- New toolbars and menus.
November 30, 2006 WinCatalog Standard 1.66 is released.
- WinCatalog is now ready for Windows Vista!
- From November 30 till the New Year you can purchase WinCatalog with 20% discount!
- New column added into the Search window. Now it is possible to display Volume Information for files drectly in the Search window.
November 21, 2006 WinCatalog Standard 1.65 is released.
- Now it is possible to suppress system error messages and password prompts while scanning a disk containing shortcuts to remote or unreachable locations.
October 17, 2006 WinCatalog Standard 1.64 is released.
- Activation issue is fixed.
September 26, 2006 WinCatalog Standard 1.62 is released.
- Now WinCatalog can scan inside archives created with ZipBackup® for Windows.
- Activation scheme is changed.
July 24, 2006 - WinCatalog Standard 1.61 is released.
- New menu is added to the Search window.
- Now it is possible to display size for Virtual Folders. This feature is enabled by default. To disable this feature click Tools | Options menu item to open Program options dialog and unmark “Display size for virtual folders” checkbox.
- Now WinCatalog checks volume serial number on updates. If there is no disk in drive or wrong disk is inserted, WinCatalog asks for another volume.
- A bug with scanning inside ZIP archives created with WinZip 9 is fixed. Now WinCatalog can correctly scan inside any ZIP archive with size up to 2GB.
- WinCatalog Light is now a freeware product!
May 7, 2006– WinCatalog Light 1.20 is released.
May 01, 2006 - WinCatalog Standard 1.60 is released.
- Memory allocation algorythm is rewritten. We recommend to upgrade to the new version for everyone who uses big collection files.
- Three system aliases are added. Now you can press Win+R (or click Start -> Run) and type “wcs”, “wincatalog” or “wincatalogs” to quickly run WinCatalog Standard
March 03, 2006 - WinCatalog Standard 1.53 is released.
- Now it is possible to treat volumes with identecal serial numbers as different. Run WinCatalog Standard, click _Tools _-> _Options _menu item and follow to the _Advanced _tab. Unmark the “Treat volumes with…” check box if you want to disable identification.
December 26, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.52 is released.
- The Update Volume algorithm has been updated.
December 4, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.51 is released.
- The ability to Enable and Disable Infotips is added. (Infotip is information about an item which a tooltip control displays when a mouse cursor hovers the item.)
- The Infotips are improved. Now they are always multiline.
November 16, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.50 is released.
- New search function is added. Now it is possible to search using keywords.
- The file scanning plugin for **TXT **files is improved. Now it correctly grabs multiline file descriptions.
November 10, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.40 is released.
- The new section named “Keywords” is added to the floating property window.
- Now it is possible to display the keywords associated with an item in the correspondent section of floating properties window.
November 6, 2005 - Donwload3k.com have found WinCatalog Standard to be 5 stars worthy and there for it was rated according.
October 01, 2005 - The new draw of WinCatalog.com Lottery has been held.
September 06, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.36 is released.
- The ability to retrieve Audio Track numbers for Audio CDs is added.
- The ability to paste text into search fields using keyboard shortcuts is added.
May 07, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.35 is released.
- Locate in catalog function is added to the Contact List window.
- Some interface tips is improved, thanks to our betatesters.
March 22, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.32 is released.
- The bug with search operator [] on single words has been fixed.
March 21, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.31 is released.
- The problem with activations has been solved.
March 14, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.3 is released.
- The Search functionality has been improved. Now it supports Exact Match operator (square brackets).
- Locate in catalog function is added to the Search window.
January 31, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.21 is released.
- The Activation problem has been fixed.
January 26, 2005 - WinCatalog Standard 1.2 is released.
- The Search functionality has been improved. Now it supports AND, NOT and OR operators.
- Disk Location column has been added to the Search window.
December 01, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.11 is released.
- Now it is possible to include Search option into HTML reports.
- Edit Keywords and Edit Contacts menu items are added to the Edit menu.
- The improvement of the Search functionality is on a waiting list.
December 01, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.11 is released.
- Now it is possible to include Search option into HTML reports.
- Edit Keywords and Edit Contacts menu items are added to the Edit menu.
- The improvement of the Search functionality is on a waiting list.
November 1, 2004– WinCatalog Light 1.14 build 11.01 released.
- Now WinCatalog Light correctly operates with double byte file names like Japanese, Korean etc.
April 05, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.094 is released.
- The ability to scan inside up to 30 parts of RAR multipart archives is added.
March 03, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.092 is released.
- More perfect suppport of XP Visual Styles is added.
- Now the search window has own view settings.
February 26, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.091 is released.
- Now WinCatalog Standard can import another collection into virtual folder.
February 13, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.09 is released.
- WinCatalog Standard now is compatible with Windows NT4.
February 2, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.082 is released.
January 26, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.081 is released.
- WinCatalog Standard can now correctly extract description from corrupted mp3 files.
January 12, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.08 is released.
January 11, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard awarded maximum rating - 5 cows at TuCows!
January 10, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.07 is released.
January 7, 2004 - WinCatalog Standard 1.06 is released.
December 30, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.05 is released.
December 25, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.05 RC4 (build 12.25) is released.
- The custom report generation is improved. Now you can generate report based on subfolders, without reporting the parent folders.
December 24, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.05 RC3 (build 12.24) is released.
- The bug of displaying large sizes of folders and volumes (more than 4 GB) is fixed.
December 23, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.05 RC2 (build 12.23) is released.
- WinCatalog Standard can now remember the title of the last report for custom reports and for
- ** reports based on search results**.WinCatalog Standard now correctly generates reports based on several deep folders.
December 20, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.05 RC1 (build 12.20) is released.
- The help system of WinCatalog Standard is improved.
- Online help is added.
December 17, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.04b (build 12.17) is released.
- Now the drag’n’drop operation outside the window does not crash the program.
- The archives content is not beeing lost on update.
December 12, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.04b (build 12.12) is released.
- Ability to Search for Duplicates is added now.
- Colors of the search window are changing according to a current XP theme.
- The ability to scan SFX RAR archive now is a separate option. You are able to disable it without disabling scanning of non-SFX RAR archives.
December 8, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.03b (build 12.8) is released.
- Now WinCatalog Standard allows you to scan only folders structure (not to add files to the catalog).
December 3, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.03b (build 12.3) is released.
- Now WinCatalog Standard can scan inside RAR archives.
- And inside SFX RAR archives as well.
December 2, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.02b (build 12.2) is released.
- Ability to import a collection from another .wcat file is added.
December 1, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.02b (build 12.1) is released.
- Ability to export a part of a collection into another .wcat file is added.
November 18, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.01b (build 11.18) is released.
- The bug of browsing a collection using keyboard is fixed.
November 13, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.01b (build 11.13) is released.
- New report data source is added: now you can generate report using custom set of folders.
- Drag&Drop is improved: now you can quickly drag large quantity of items.
November 7, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.01b (build 11.7) is released.
- Now you can search for large files by size.
November 6, 2003 - WinCatalog Standard 1.01b (build 11.6) is released.
- ‘Generate Report’ button is added to the ‘Search’ window.
- WinCatalog Standard can now remember the last report type.
- And data source as well.
- Search by filename (not only by item name) is added.
- Intaller is improved.
November 5, 2003– WinCatalog Standard 1.01b (build 11.5) is released.
- You can change now the style (appearance) of HTML report.
- 3 styles are available: modern, **classic **and simple.
November 4, 2003– WinCatalog Standard 1.01b (build 11.4) is released.
- WinCatalog Standard can now generate reports!
- Ability to export your data into MS Excel CSV file for further processing.
- Ability to export your data into HTML file for publishing on the Web or for sending to someone.
September 18, 2003– WinCatalog Standard 1.0b (build 09.18) is released.
- WinCatalog Standard can now rerieve Audio CD track names from Internet.
- WinCatalog Standard correctly update an archive contents now.
September 16, 2003– WinCatalog Standard 1.0b (build 09.16) is released.
- WinCatalog Standard can now extract mp3 tags and add the Artist’s name into keywords.
- WinCatalog Standard can now extract titles from html pages and store it as items’ names.
- Now when you scan an archive, the content of the archive will be added to the catalog.
- ‘Disk Location’ column is added. This column shows where the certain disk is stored (CD Case, Cell or whatever you want). To edit the location please proceed to the ‘Volume Info’ page on the ‘Item Properties’ dialog.
September 8, 2003– WinCatalog Standard 1.0b (build 09.08) is released.
- WinCatalog Standard can now search by ‘comments’ field.
September 7, 2003– WinCatalog Standard 1.0b (build 09.07.4) is released.
- Bug fixed: WinCatalog Standard failed to catalog floppy and zip disks.
September 6, 2003– WinCatalog Standard 1.0b (build 09.06) is released.
- Ability to update a certain file as well as volume or folder is added.
- ‘Disable Autorun’ feature is added to ‘Select volume’ dialog.
- ‘Location’ column is added to the search window.
- ‘Autosave before scanning’ feature is added.
- WinCatalog Standard can now play sound when it completes scanning.
- Now when synchronization process is finished, a dialog box with deleted and newly added items is shown.
September 2, 2003– WinCatalog Standard 1.0b (build 09.02) is released.
August 4, 2003– Public preview of WinCatalog Standard 1.0 (build 08.04) is released.
June 16, 2003– WinCatalog Light 1.13 build 06.16 released. Major changes are:
- Windows 95 compatibility bug fixed.
- You can search for strings by leaving a space between them. Just enclose your request in inverted commas. For example the request “Romantic Collection” will return “Romantic Collection vol 1” but not “Rap Collection”.
- Online activation of new users added.
May 14, 2003 - WinCatalog Light with “The Most Popular” award by SoftPile.com!
February 21, 2003 - WinCatalog Light awarded 4 stars at GlobalShareware.com!
November 27, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.12 build 5 released.
- Minor bug fixed: grid lines did not appear at program startup when the ‘Show Grid Lines’ option was selected.
November 16, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.12 build 4 released.
- Columns customization by dragging columns added.
- Bug fixed: files with uppercase extensions (e.g. ‘MP3’ or ‘ZIP’) were not recognized by WinCatalog Light.
- Bug fixed: the file modification date was displayed incorrectly (without timezone offset).
September 06, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.12 build 3 released.
- New look of the main menu under Windows XP.
August 5, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.12 released.
July 31, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.12b build 2 released.
- Black frame on the icons under WinXp removed.
July 28, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.12b released. What’s New:
- (!) Ability to export any folder to .CSV file (comma separated values) for opening catalog in MS Excel or other applications.
- Windows XP themes support.
- Some users’ wishes were considered.
June 10, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.11 released.
June 02, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.1 beta 4 released. What’s New:
- Retrieval of Audio CD track names from CDDB (Internet CD database).
- Ability to change the root path for volume or master-folder.
May 13, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.1 beta 3 released. What’s New:
- Bug with scanning Zip-archives contents on read-only volumes is fixed.
- International packs for v1.1b released.
May 10, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.1 beta 2 now is available for download. More information abut WinCatalog Light. Download WinCatalog Light.
- Automatic extraction of Zip-archive file descriptions when scanning a disk.
- Scanning Zip-archives contents and adding archives to the catalog as folders.
- ‘Edit comments’ menu item was added for quicker comments editing.
April 20, 2002 –WinCatalog Light has received a rating of 5 stars at FileHungry.com!
April 15, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.1 beta now is available for download. More information abut WinCatalog Light. Download WinCatalog Light.
- Automatic extraction of mp3 and html file descriptions when scanning a disk.
- Some interface features changed and added.
April 10, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.0 awarded Editor’s pick at SoftwareSeeker.com! This is the highest recognition. They said: “We are pleased to notify you that our editor’s team have been very impressed by your excellent application WinCatalog Light. Believe me, testing thousands of applications monthly, they have become very selective and hard to impress.In fact, they rave about very few applications.“
February 08, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.0 awarded 5 cows at TuCows!
February 04, 2002 – Password generator 1.21 awarded 5 stars at FileHungry. More info about Password generator…
February 04, 2002 – Password generator 1.21 released. More info…
February 02, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.0 awarded 5 stars at FileTransit.
January 29, 2002 – WinCatalog Light 1.0 release (biuld 14H) completed. Download now! | Buy now! | More info…
January 28, 2002 – the third beta of WinCatalog Light (build 14G) now is available for download.
- Multilingual interface added.
- Ability to export and import parts of collection and the list of contacts.
- Export volumes titles into the text file.
January 14, 2002 – the second beta of WinCatalog Light (build 14E) now is available for download.
- Windows 95 compatibility bug fixed
- Synchronization bug fixed (lost comments and keywords)
- Help system added
January 07, 2002 – the first beta of WinCatalog Light now is available for download. More information about WinCatalog Light. Download WinCatalog Light.
December 16, 2001 – Site design changed.
December 1, 2001 – First site design is developing.
November 30, 2001 – WinCatalog.com is online now.
October 15, 2001 is WinCatalog.com’s birthday, the project temporarily known as CDBase now has the new name!