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Saved Searches

Saved Searches is the ability to save search parameters and restart frequently used searches with just two mouse clicks. The Saved Searches functionality resides under the down arrow of the Search button. The feature comes with a set of pre-defined searches, you can delete the existing searches and save others on your own.
Saved Searches

Down arrow

1. Down arrow
Click the down-arrow of the Search button to expand the Saved Searches menu

Save As...

2. Save As...
Click the Save As menu entry to save the current search configuration as new menu entry, or replace an existing configuration.

List of Saved Searches

3. List of Saved Searches
Select the Saved Search to load the configuration: search query, and additional search options.


4. Manage...
Click Manage menu entry to open Save Searches Manger where you can review, rename, or delete saved searches.

Saved Searches Manager

Click the Manage menu entry to open the Saved Searches manager where you can review, rename, or delete saved searches.
Saved Searches Managers displays all the saved searches you have in the catalog. By default, it displays only active options for each saved search. By clicking the Show inactive options link in the bottom you can switch between displaying only active options and displaying full list of options.
Click the Rename button to rename the selected Saved Search. Name (shown in bold) is how the Saved Search appears in the dropdown menu of the Search button (see above).
Click Delete button to delete the selected Saved Search from the catalog.
Save the search as...
To save the current search configuration, click the Save As... menu entry in the dropdown menu of the Save button. The Save As... prompt will appear.
The search term will be suggested as the search name by default. You can use any name you wish. The name should be unique, if you type the name that already exists, WinCatalog will warn you.
To overwrite the existing saved search, type the name of the search or select if from the list. WinCatalog will warn you that the search already exists and will ask if you want to overwrite it.