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Media Tab - Additional Search Options

If any of the conditions from the Media tab is turned on, only files having Media Info will be displayed in the search results. If the file have no Media Info fields, it will not be shown.
Advanced query
searching by the Title field grabbed from the MediaInfo processing module.
Less than,
Equal to,
Greater than
searching by the Duration field. To edit the Value cell, click the cell, then click the ellipsis button:
Width (px),
Height (px)
Less than,
Equal to,
Greater than
searching by the Width and Height of the video in pixels
Advanced query
searching by the Video Codec field.
Audio streams
Less than,
Equal to,
Greater than
searching by the number of the Audio streams.
Title (Audio streams)
Advanced query
searching by the Title of one of the audio streams. If a media file contains more than one audio stream, at least one of the streams should match the query.
Codec (Audio streams)
Advanced query
searching by the Codec of one of the audio streams. If a media file contains more than one audio stream, at least one of the streams should match the query.
Language (Audio streams)
Advanced query
searching by the Language of one of the audio streams. If a media file contains more than one audio stream, at least one of the streams should match the query. The language is stored as it was grabbed from the media file, in most cases it contains both full and short vaiants, for example: "English (en)". The field is optional for media files and may contain no  information about the language of the stream.
Text streams
Less than,
Equal to,
Greater than
searching by the number of the Text streams.
Title (Text streams)
Advanced query
earching by the Title of one of the text streams. If a media file contains more than one text stream, at least one of the streams should match the query.
Language (Text streams)
Advanced query
searching by the Language of one of the text streams. If a media file contains more than one text stream, at least one of the streams should match the query. The language is stored as it was grabbed from the media file, in most cases it contains both full and short vaiants, for example: "English (en)". The field is optional for media files and may contain no  information about the language of the stream.