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Look & Feel

Look & Feel

Application look

1. Application look
Change the application look using this option. The default value is "Blue style".

Window Caption

Should Display

2. Window Caption
Should Display
Use this option to configure main window caption. There are 4 options are available:
  • Catalog title - WinCatalog will display the catalog title next to the program name.
  • Catalog filename - WinCatalog will display the catalog filename next to the program name.
  • Full path to a catalog - WinCatalog will display full file path to the catalog file next to the program name.
  • Nothing - WinCatalog will display program name only.

Autofit column width

3. Autofit column width
If this option is on, WinCatalog will automatically adjust the width of the columns in the main grid view in order not to show the horizontal scroll bar. This option may be good if you have three or four columns to display, but it is better to turn this option off for more columns.

Highlight alternate rows

4. Highlight alternate rows
If this option is on, alternate rows in the grid view will be displayed with grey background.

Display properties of the parent folder

when no selection in the right view

5. Display properties of the parent folder
when no selection in the right view
If this option is on, WinCatalog will show the properties of the currently selected folder if nothing is selected in the main grid view.

Font size / Zoom

6. Font size / Zoom
The size of the text in the panels, tree view and in the main grid.

Use only system icons

7. Use only system icons
If this option is turned on, WinCatalog will use the same icons for files as you see in File Explorer. If this feature is turend off, WinCatalog may use own icons for archives (purple box), video files (film frame), and photos (a photo of dancing girls for JPG files, a photo of a parrot for RAW files). WinCatalog displays custom icons only if it was able to parse the files and grab additional information, it may be considered as a marker if the particular file has doesn't have additional metadata in the catalog.

Use natural sort order

8. Use natural sort order
This option provides the ability to change sort logic by switching between natural and ordinal (i.e. computer) string comparison.
The default option is the natural string comparison (a1→a2→a3→a10→a11→a20→a30→a100). Turning off the natural comparison feature means the sorting decisions are based on simple byte comparisons (a1→a10→a11→a100→a2→a20→a3→a30).

Show folders and disks before files when sorting

9. Show folders and disks before files when sorting
The default sort logic for entries in WinCatalog is to display drives and folders before files, which is the default Windows File Explorer sorting style. Turning this option off will cause displaying folders and files sorted by names ignoring types (Mac OS Finder style).

User Interface Language

10. User Interface Language
All available traslations are listed here. Please note that you should restart WinCatalog after changing language.

Double-click action

11. Double-click action
Configure here what should WinCatalog do if you perform a double click on the item. There are 3 options are available:
  • Show properties - WinCatalog will open Item Properties Dialog if you double click on an item.
  • Open in associated application - WinCatalog will try to open file in the associated application. This option is available for files only. Double click on folder will navigate inside the folder. Double click on non-file item will open it's properties.
  • Open in Explorer - WinCatalog will try to run Windows Explorer and navigate the physical folder which contain the file. This option is available for files and folders. Double click on non-file item will open it's properties.