Configure columns in the Grid (detailed) View
By default, WinCatalog displays just a few columns in the Grid view, but you can easily add or remove column on your own.
The information of this topic may also be applied to the Search Results View.
Please switch to the Grid view.
Make a right mouse click in the header area of any column or click the Gear icon (
) in the Name column:

This will show the Select Columns dialog:

Mark the columns you want to display in the Grid (detailed) view and click OK to apply changes. Newly selected columns will be added to the rightmost position. Please use mouse Drag&Drop to change the columns order.
Explanation of columns
Icon - displays the icon for the catalog entry. This column is always visible.
Name - means the display name. For most entries, the value displayed in the Name columns equals to Filename, but you can change the value to any string you want without loosing a connection with the original file. By default, for music files, WinCatalog changes the Name column value to "Artist - Title" pattern grabbed from ID3 tags. For HTML and MHT files it displays the Title tag grabbed from the files.
Comments - displays the comments. For some types of files, WinCatalog populates the Comments field automatically (from Exif and ID3 tags, or from HTML/MHT files).
Size - for files, the size of the file. For file system folders and for virtual folders - the sum of sizes of all objects inside.
Type - the type of the entry.
Ext - file extension.
Created, Modified - created and modified dates grabbed from the file properties.
Disk, Volume Label, Serial number - the disk where the file system object is located, Volume label, and the logical Serial number of the disk (grabbed from file system).
Disk Total Space, Disk Used Space, Disk Free Space - total, used and free space on the disk where the file object is located.
Disk Number - represents the disk number in your catalog, may be used for better data organization.
Added, Updated - dates when the disk was initially added to the catalog and the most recent date when it was updated (actualized).
Lent to, Lent date - if the disk is marked as lent, the "Lent to" column display the name of the person borrowed the disk. The "Lent date" column displays the date when the disk was marked as lent.
Physical Location - a place where the disk is physically located. Consists of two parts - Location and Sub Location. For example, optical discs may be organized into Wallets. The Location may be the Wallet name whereas Sub Location may represent a page number.
The Disk, Volume Label, Serial number, Total/Used/Free Space, Disk Number, Added/Updated dates, Physical Location, Lent to, Lent date - are the "per disk" values: the values are the same for all objects from the same disk.
Filename - the name of the file or fodler in the file system, it cannot be changed by user in WinCatalog and used by WinCatalog to keep the connection with the real file on the disk.
Catalog Path - path in the catalog.
File Path - file system path.
MD5 / SHA256 / Blake2, CRC32 - these columns display checksums/hashes if they were calculated.
Tags - the list of associated tags with the current catalog entry.
The list of User Defined Fields - in the end of the list User Defined Fields are located.
Dynamic Patterns
The Dynamic patterns button opens the Dynamic Patterns editor for the Name column.
Size Format, Date Format
Here you can configure how WinCatalog displays sizes and dates in the grid view, and in the additional windows like Properties panel. Formats for sizes and dates for Reports should be configured separately in Reports.