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Adding a Disc, a Folder or a File

To add a drive, folder or file use the -AddNew (-add) key:
Path to the drive, folder or file to add should be passed in the -FileSystemPath (-fsp) parameter:
-FileSystemPath "full path to drive / folder / file"
-fsp "full path to drive / folder / file"
Path to the parent folder in WinCatalog can be set in -CatalogPath (-cp) parameter:
-CatalogPath "path in collection"
-cp "path in collection"
If the -CatalogPath is not set or incorrect, new element (drive, folder or file) will be added to the root Collection folder.
Use the key -CreatePathIfNotExist (-cne), if you want to create virtual folder from the -CatalogPath parameter:


WinCatalog.exe –Open "d:\my collection.w3cat" –AddNew –FileSystemPath "E:\\"
Start WinCatalog, open the collection file "d:\my collection.w3cat", add drive E:\ to the root collection folder. Please notice: the path ends by two slashes if you use quotes (the backslash at the end is interpreted as the start of an escape sequence, so single slash before the quote character will be interpreted as just a quote). The backslash at the end is not necessary - WinCatalog will add a backslash, so it is enough to pass just `"E:"`.
WinCatalog.exe –o "d:\my collection.w3cat" –AddNew –FileSystemPath "E:\Folder" -CatalogPath "Collection\Folder\Sub Folder" –CreatePathIfNotExist
Start WinCatalog, open the collection file "d:\my collection.w3cat", if not exists, create the "Collection\Folder\Sub Folder" virtual (blue) folders, add the "Folder" from drive "E:\" into "Collection\Folder\Sub Folder".